Well-Known Member
I don't like to use the word choke because it takes away from what the Giants were able to accomplish.
Failure it is then.
I don't like to use the word choke because it takes away from what the Giants were able to accomplish.
Heat - last friday when "you have nothing, can't defend this team now, they are horrible"
Was that part of the offense coming around or was it after they were 1 pitch away from a perfect game? Or, after they scored 3 runs on Saturday?
Wait - it must be teh 12 they put up on Sunday.
1 Game is a trend but 110 years of MLB numbers are not!
runs scored this year
Yankees 164 runs in 38 games for 14th place
Blue Jays 154 runs in 39 games for a 3 way tie for 20th place
Failure it is then.
did you say a few pages ago lebron james cant play defense?
BWHAHAHA but the Jays standings are more noteworthy to you?
When a team that every "expert" told me is going to win the division is out of the race by Cinco de Mayo, it's noteworthy
And because of the presence of Heatwave and all the offseason humping he did on the boards..... it's also comical
Well that says it, all the Blue Jays need to do is get on base more.
You contradict yourself way too much. This isn't even fun anymore. Just terrible.
LeBron can't cover everybody.
Gasol and Randolph should have a field day offensively..
Hey Rock... FYI... the hypocrite police are on the phone, they want to talk to you.
Question: How Does Marijuana Affect Driving?
Answer: Marijuana has serious harmful effects on the skills required to drive safely: alertness, the ability to concentrate, coordination, and the ability to react quickly. These effects can last up to 24 hours after smoking marijuana. Marijuana use can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road.
Marijuana plays a significant role in car accidents. In one study conducted in Memphis, TN, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine.
Data have also shown that while smoking marijuana, people show the same lack of coordination on standard "drunk driver" tests as do people who have had too much to drink.
Has smoking weed become a problem for you?
Take the Marijuana Screening Quiz
So some dumbass tries to hump OBP as the reason why they aren't playing good?
you said the above
i thought you meant he cant cover anyone
my bad
Hey Rock... FYI... the hypocrite police are on the phone, they want to talk to you.
Question: How Does Marijuana Affect Driving?
Answer: Marijuana has serious harmful effects on the skills required to drive safely: alertness, the ability to concentrate, coordination, and the ability to react quickly. These effects can last up to 24 hours after smoking marijuana. Marijuana use can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road.
Marijuana plays a significant role in car accidents. In one study conducted in Memphis, TN, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine.
Data have also shown that while smoking marijuana, people show the same lack of coordination on standard "drunk driver" tests as do people who have had too much to drink.
Has smoking weed become a problem for you?
Take the Marijuana Screening Quiz