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The 2023-2024 NBA Season


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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We have seen teams do it before. Start from the bottom and work towards the top through the draft and trades. The Cavs did the same.

It's not a big deal. I have seen this show before. You act like the Thunder are the first to rebuild a team this way. It's been done before and better.

Cleveland says hello but they have a championship :wink:
I mean take Cleveland for example.

Lebron gets to one Finals he had no business going to. Leaves for a couple years. Comes back.

I believe the Cavs can win multiple championships and I think they would.

Kyrie and Love get injured.
Cavs win one the next year.
Favorites to win the next year - a super team is formed and the rest is history.

I am thankful for the one championship but some bad luck and one of the best players joining the best team away from a dynasty. This is why I will never count my chickens before they hatch. I think the Cavs have a great, young team but they have obvious flaws and I have my doubts.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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But what does this have to do with the Thunder?

Other than you who said it was about the Thunder? This thread isn't about the Thunder, it's about the '23-'24 regular season.

You should open up and read what I responded to.

Oh yeah you have an irrational hatred of Jokic. Jealously might be the better word. Because as of right now it's Jokic >> Embiid. And only a true 76ers homer would disagree.

You choose to ignore any numbers that favor Jokic. That's why the only stat you'll acknowledge is ppg.

You can go by your "eye test". I'll compare them by actual accomplishments during their careers.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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It’s coming . You know it

I believe it is. How about actually letting it happen?

When the KD/Westbrook Thunder were at this stage, everyone was predicting multiple championships too. In fact, after the season they made it to the finals, I said they'd likely win 3-4 at least with that group. Yet, they never even reached another finals.

They're very good and they look like a team that could match, if not exceed what the Warriors have with Steph/Klay/Dray. But...they haven't even made the playoffs yet, let alone won a game in the playoffs.

I get you're excited about them, but if this were any other team, you'd be saying the same thing everyone else is.
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Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
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I believe it is. Now about actually letting it happen.

When the KD/Westbrook Thunder were at this stage, everyone was predicting multiple championships too. In fact, after the season they made it to the finals, I said they'd likely win 3-4 at least with that group. Yet, they never even reached another finals.

They're very good and they look like a team that could match, if not exceed what the Warriors have with Steph/Klay/Dray. But,,,they haven't even made the playoffs yet, let alone won a game in the playoffs.

I get you're excited about them, but if this were any other team, you'd be saying the same thing everyone else is.
Pretty much.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I mean take Cleveland for example.

Lebron gets to one Finals he had no business going to. Leaves for a couple years. Comes back.

I believe the Cavs can win multiple championships and I think they would.

Kyrie and Love get injured.
Cavs win one the next year.
Favorites to win the next year - a super team is formed and the rest is history.

I am thankful for the one championship but some bad luck and one of the best players joining the best team away from a dynasty. This is why I will never count my chickens before they hatch. I think the Cavs have a great, young team but they have obvious flaws and I have my doubts.
Obviously there are no guarantees, as fans we take what we can get. As fans we all get to choose what we want to respect though. In the end yes, it’s scoreboard, but there is something to be said about being competitive over long periods, especially for small markets. It’s the same debate as comparing players that don’t have titles. Go ahead and try to convince knowledgable people that players like Ewing, Barkley and Malone weren’t elite. It can’t be done.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I believe it is. Now about actually letting it happen.

When the KD/Westbrook Thunder were at this stage, everyone was predicting multiple championships too. In fact, after the season they made it to the finals, I said they'd likely win 3-4 at least with that group. Yet, they never even reached another finals.

They're very good and they look like a team that could match, if not exceed what the Warriors have with Steph/Klay/Dray. But,,,they haven't even made the playoffs yet, let alone won a game in the playoffs.

I get you're excited about them, but if this were any other team, you'd be saying the same thing everyone else is.
No I wouldn’t, I would see the MANY articles out there that show the things this team is doing that simply haven’t been done and saying what I’m saying now. Which is yes, history says no they won’t, but history also says no team has done what they are doing at this stage. Just facts. It’s going to be a fun ride regardless.

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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No one bats 1000

He seemed really fun


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Other than you who said it was about the Thunder? This thread isn't about the Thunder, it's about the '23-'24 regular season.

You should open up and read what I responded to.

Oh yeah you have an irrational hatred of Jokic. Jealously might be the better word. Because as of right now it's Jokic >> Embiid. And only a true 76ers homer would disagree.

You choose to ignore any numbers that favor Jokic. That's why the only stat you'll acknowledge is ppg.

You can go by your "eye test". I'll compare them by actual accomplishments during their careers.

You missed the "piling up on the Thunder fan" joke, but that's OK.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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No one bats 1000

He seemed really fun

Some foreign players just don't mesh (or like) with NBA play. He seemed to have the tools.


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
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No one bats 1000

He seemed really fun
Not a lot of good big men available on the buyout market. He might be a solid pickup for a team looking for a backup big.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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lol yikes

I had all 3 of those guys rated higher than JHS

Man I just never got that pick

Cam was exactly what they needed

But on the other hand, very few rookies contribute on good teams anyway

So it’s fine taking the long term view

I just didn’t like the player or the fit

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Not a lot of good big men available on the buyout market. He might be a solid pickup for a team looking for a backup big.

Like the link says, someone like the wizards makes more sense

I’m curious if Utah buys out Porter


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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The point is a single banner will cement the Thunder as the best run organization in the league. I didn’t say best, I said best run. Everyone has to play the hand they are dealt, a small market is a small market, but let me know how much real cash you want to bet that the Thunder don’t win a title in the next 5 years. We will pick someone to hold the money. Don’t come with some piddly amount either.
yah I doubt it but I give them a chance since their are no super teams right now and it doesn't look like one is coming- but that can change quickly.

While the Thunder's years-long tank job did provide them with tons of assets, and I am a huge fan of Presti- I do not think SGA is near a top of the line elite guy that most teams require to win a title.

not impossible to win a title without a Giannis or LeBron or Curry--- but its hard---- and I dont see them even having #2 or #2 that comes close to recent #2s or #3s like Wade, Kyrie, Klay (in his prime obviously), etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Hoopla Cash
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Thats a big word to use without proof but you do you.
No one in this scenario has ever maintained that Giddey didn’t fuck that little girl. The family is not cooperating with authorities.
Not going through it again, it’s totally and completely settled.
Correct. Josh Kiddey fucked a 15 year old girl.
He will be playing elsewhere next year but he will still be supported.
Cause Oklahoma is a weird place.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Hoopla Cash
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Other than you who said it was about the Thunder? This thread isn't about the Thunder, it's about the '23-'24 regular season.

You should open up and read what I responded to.

Oh yeah you have an irrational hatred of Jokic. Jealously might be the better word. Because as of right now it's Jokic >> Embiid. And only a true 76ers homer would disagree.

You choose to ignore any numbers that favor Jokic. That's why the only stat you'll acknowledge is ppg.

You can go by your "eye test". I'll compare them by actual accomplishments during their careers.
Do you think it’s a product of nature or nurture that leaves you craving Serbian cock in your mouth?