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Terrell Pryor likes cheese with his whine


I'm so confused
Jul 3, 2013
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Does not matter in the new crown rule as the two players are at an angle to one another. Also, that would be the correct way to tackle, head down and to the side, arms around the runner, driving through them. The hit occurs because Pryor is also lowering his body position in what looks like possibly a cut (/shrug), if Pryor's body position is normal, Woodyard's head comes nowhere close to Pryor's and is exactly where it should be for the tackle(disclaimer: no I am not blaming Pryor), off to the side and in the middle of Pryor's chest.

I dont work for the league office so I have no say in suspensions. I just know if the happened to EJ Manuel I would be pissed and if it would have happened to Peyton Manning by a Raider you would be calling for him to be permanently banned.


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According to the NFL a defenseless player is defined as the following:
a) Players in a defenseless posture are:
(1) A player in the act of or just after throwing a pass;
(2) A receiver attempting to catch a pass; or who has completed a catch and has not had time to
protect himself or has not clearly become a runner. If the receiver/runner is capable of avoiding or
warding off the impending contact of an opponent, he is no longer a defenseless player;
(3) A runner already in the grasp of a tackler and whose forward progress has been stopped;
(4) A kickoff or punt returner attempting to field a kick in the air;
(5) A player on the ground at the end of a play;
(6) A kicker/punter during the kick or during the return;
(7) A quarterback at any time after a change of possession, and
(8) A player who receives a “blindside” block when the blocker is moving toward his own endline and
approaches the opponent from behind or from the side.

Pryor's forward progress had not been stopped prior to the hit though and therefore he cannot be defined as defenseless IAW the NFL rules (the above is taken directly from the rules as posted by NFL.com - Official Site of the National Football League. Now, I have no doubt that a fine will be issued to Woodyard as the NFL has generally sided on the cautious or greedy side (where the f does fine money go anyway?) in almost every case. I am just saying that technically the hit was perfectly legal contrary to what Pryor is saying, it is not a dirty hit and should not be fined.

Believe me, I am very against helmet to helmet hits and have argued incessantly against them. I just do not see it with this one based on the rules. As far as I am concerned, players today are taught to often to tackle incorrectly, do not wrap up, and use the helmet as a weapon or means of tackling an opposing player. It is b/s.

I agree about him not being defenseless as defined by the NFL rulebook, I was just trying to answer your previous comment about Pryor getting a concussion.

That is just it, watching that play over and over again, it just does not seem like Pryor really got his bell rung. Yes, there is contact, but from watching it, I would have assumed Pryor had a neck injury as his head is jerked to the side (Woodyard's helmet hits the facemask).

But I can understand how using the word "defenseless" like that seems to imply a reference to the rule, I was just commenting on what I saw literally. I wouldn't be surprised if he was fined though since I've seen a whole lot less get fined.


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Jul 23, 2013
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I dont work for the league office so I have no say in suspensions. I just know if the happened to EJ Manuel I would be pissed and if it would have happened to Peyton Manning by a Raider you would be calling for him to be permanently banned.

I understand what you are saying, but not on this hit. As I said, it just did not look like Pryor got hit that hard. Now, this is an example of a dirty hit and if Woodyard had done it to Pryor, I would be calling for Woodyard's head:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dab2HBijekI]Derek Wolfe Neck Injury: Broncos DE Taken Away In Amublance, Evaluated For Spinal Injury - YouTube[/ame]


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Apr 21, 2013
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but if your head gets shaken up enough I'm pretty sure you could get a concussion

Actually, doctors are more worried about the torsional forces (a head twisting in a hit) a player can experience than a direct, linear force.


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Actually, doctors are more worried about the torsional forces (a head twisting in a hit) a player can experience than a direct, linear force.

Interesting and did not know this, any links?


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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I dont work for the league office so I have no say in suspensions. I just know if the happened to EJ Manuel I would be pissed and if it would have happened to Peyton Manning by a Raider you would be calling for him to be permanently banned.

Uh, it's tackle football. Perfectly legal hit, and the NFL has said as much and Woodyard won't be getting fined or suspended.

Holy crap, is every hard hit going to result in someone crying for a flag/fine/suspension? I'm all for player safety, but at some point you've got to understand football is a sport where big, strong, fast men slam their bodies into each other. Players are going to get hurt, there's no avoiding that completely.

By the way, this would never happen to Peyton Manning because the Broncos would never call a play like that, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to scramble into a hit like that either.


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It was in a Popular Science a few months back.

The Helmet That Can Save Football | Popular Science

Wow, that is an awesome article. I had read an article on Bill Simpson and how he attended that Colts game and developed his helmet and thought the article was going to be about it. I was surprised to find out that it was not, very informative though and actually it gives me hope that football will still be around past the next ten or so years.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Uh, it's tackle football. Perfectly legal hit, and the NFL has said as much and Woodyard won't be getting fined or suspended.

Holy crap, is every hard hit going to result in someone crying for a flag/fine/suspension? I'm all for player safety, but at some point you've got to understand football is a sport where big, strong, fast men slam their bodies into each other. Players are going to get hurt, there's no avoiding that completely.

By the way, this would never happen to Peyton Manning because the Broncos would never call a play like that, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to scramble into a hit like that either.

And, really, calling for a "permanent ban" like David_Son suggests is hyperbole, and a BIG BIG overreaction.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Wow, that is an awesome article. I had read an article on Bill Simpson and how he attended that Colts game and developed his helmet and thought the article was going to be about it. I was surprised to find out that it was not, very informative though and actually it gives me hope that football will still be around past the next ten or so years.

Yeah, there is an upside to better equipment and fewer head injuries. One issue standing in the way, and I think is mentioned in the article, is that doctor's and helmet manufacturers are still trying to figure out how best to test designs. I think doctors are still trying to understand how the trauma occurs and how best to prevent it and helmet companies need to do a better job at working with doctors rather than just proclaiming a new design is safe and moving on. It seems like the NFL and the helmet manufacturers need to focus less on the sheer business aspect and actually get some science involved.


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Actually, doctors are more worried about the torsional forces (a head twisting in a hit) a player can experience than a direct, linear force.

I figured it could cause damage, no idea it was more worrisome. Thanks for the information.


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Jun 17, 2013
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Sometimes helmets, it happens. It didn't look like he was purposely leading with his head.


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Jul 27, 2013
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Interesting and did not know this, any links?

I thought this was fairly well known...the quickest way to KO someone in a fight is a smack up SIDE the head...not straight on..and a quick one two on each side is just about a guaranteed KO...spin that head...us short guys grow up fighting and have to know these things :)


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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and if it would have happened to Peyton Manning by a Raider you would be calling for him to be permanently banned.

Manning would NEVER be carrying the ball or lowering his head to take on the defender head on in a rushing play. No disrespect to Pryor. He's a rushing QB who plays that style.