Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
this still may be better than that Future Hockey League they had a while back the one with the robots or clones or something. that was terrible
The Senator is a descendent of the Roman God Jupiter (the God of Thunder), who is the father of Mars, who in turn, is the father of Romulus and Remus (the legendary founders of Rome). The Senator loves action and could never subject himself to a life without risk.
As a young man he sold himself into slavery in order to join the ranks of the gladiators. He became the most feared gladiator of the Roman Empire and his bravery is what allowed him to become a Centurion and later a member of the Senate. His skills as a leader were unequalled and the Roman people often referred to him as THE Senator, even though he was obviously one of many, and is the reason for the Guardian name he takes today. He has managed to keep himself alive for over 2,000 years making him the oldest of the Guardians.
The Panther is all South Beach fun and youthful exuberance. What would you expect from a character that routinely drinks from the fountain of youth? The other Guardians are constantly on him to take things a little more seriously, but to no avail. He's the one used to spending his days hanging out at the beach and nights hitting up the hottest clubs in the world.
The Panther is half man/half panther and is one of only two Guardians with feline powers. He has night vision, he has super agility and powerful legs and arms that allow him to jump incredible distances. He has razor sharp gold tipped claws that can slash through 6-inch thick metal walls. The natural ability of a panther to be able to blend into his surroundings making him almost invisible is the inspiration for one of the most unique Guardian talents.
He's the one used to spending his days hanging out at the beach and nights hitting up the hottest clubs in the world.
Well now we know why no waffles, this sap started cutting himself.
The Panther has the ability... nay, the DUTY to notify all households within a 1000 yard radius whenever he moves into a neighborhood. His only weakness is the fact that he's not allowed near elementary schools.
Looks an awful lot like...
looks alot like
but the descriptions are like they were written up by the kids of the artist.