The Q
Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
never was a madman watcher... but I think the future of this show is a bad remake of madman...
i never saw madmen either.
never was a madman watcher... but I think the future of this show is a bad remake of madman...
Both Heigl and Hill are series regulars while Pierce is still only a “guest star”. I see Zane leaving somehow more than either of the “kids”.Caught up on the new season.
It’s interesting.
I like Katherine Heigls character even if I don’t like her playing it.
Good to see Alex Williams and Katrina get more of a role so far.
I will say with All he promised promotions I’m assuming at least one of them leaves the show.
Both Heigl and Hill are series regulars while Pierce is still only a “guest star”. I see Zane leaving somehow more than either of the “kids”.
As for how the show is going, it is ok, but hated how Heigl’s character got all soft and lovey with Louis.
Pierce, as in “Wendell Pierce”, as in Zane (the “shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit” guy from The Wire).They could leave at the end of the season.
I do hope pierce stays, but since she’s Louis’s protege things are bound to go wrong for them
Pierce, as in “Wendell Pierce”, as in Zane (the “shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit” guy from The Wire).
Pierce, as in “Wendell Pierce”, as in Zane (the “shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit” guy from The Wire).
Samantha (Katherine Heigl) was reminding of someone in tonight’s episode. I couldn’t figure it out until...
the only question left is how does Alex lose and not leave the show?
no way super liberal hollywood will let him win.
Is “White Woman” more deserving than “Black Male”? If they make her a lesbian, or reveal that she used to be a “White Male”, than maybe she will win. But as it is right now, I think Alex wins the victim-hood battle.
Is “White Woman” more deserving than “Black Male”? If they make her a lesbian, or reveal that she used to be a “White Male”, than maybe she will win. But as it is right now, I think Alex wins the victim-hood battle.
ZSL already has the “black male” quota met with Zane.Now after the scene with donna....this game is over.
Sam will win.
No way the drop the mythical patriarchy bs that many times in one scene only to have some man come in and win.
ZSL already has the “black male” quota met with Zane.
Alex is done.
ZSL already has the “black male” quota met with Zane.
Alex is done.
ZSL already has the “black male” quota met with Zane.
Alex is done.
Not to mention they've done multiple times (on their social media page) where Sam has acted like a petulant brat and they've called it a "power move."
Guess who's gonna win?
I agree with your political assessment... but this was the way the show always was... even when it was around mike and Harvey... show has always been about female empowerment... Jessica, Donna and Rachel would walk around like they owned the place...
Having mike leave just makes this a Harvey and Litt show... donna needs a partner so she can remain the QUEEN of the show...
With that said, my problem with the way this whole season has been going is that Sam Knows something about Alex's Client, and she just doesn't share what she knows... it is always TRUST ME he is NOT a good MAN...
But I don't mind Dule Hill leaving this show... Especially if it means Psych the 2nd MOVIE...
i like alex williams, he's like the only character on the show who isn't a) self righteous, b) an asshole, or c) both.
But I think the bolded is common sentiment.