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Strong on Reviving Texas-Texas A&M Football Rivalry: “Oh yeah...would love to"


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
College Station
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I like to see the Texas/OU rivalry held in each others stadium rather than in Dallas but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
God's country
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You may have some inkling of the inner-workings in Austin...but you have no idea what's cooking up here.

texico's self-absorption will make it implode upon itself someday.

We will be juuuuuust fine. We did juuuuuust fine before the Big XII and will do juuuuuust fine after it's gone.

We'll have plenty of options when it comes to another "rivalry" game when the time comes.

Be happy. It's what yall wanted. Yall are texas...remember?

OU vs. The TAMmies on Thanksgiving Day/weekend will be an awesome rivalry.

Quite sure OU was always voting in favor of unequal revenue sharing, in fact, when the conference was saved after NU and CU bolted (before Aggy bolted and decided to remain in the Big 12), OU agreed to accept $20M, along with UT and Aggy, when the new TV contracts were going to play out, while the other conference members were to receive $15M-$17M. Yes, it was all Texas's greed.

SEC extended ya'll an invite and your AD and Prez turned it down b/c they were busy tugging on Powers and Dodds's Johnson. Again, you will do what your daddy in Austin tells you to do. Enjoy the Sooner Network and be sure to thank Daddy for that.....