Well-Known Member
jesus that GIF just got me to spit out my coffee
Just one?Forgot to tell you Ewa but I just got back from Maui... Mai Tais & Blue Hawaiians kicked my ass one night!
Yea I stuck with beer the majority of the trip. We went to a Luau and the Mai-Tais and sech were free. After about 6 or 7 I was pretty much ready to go up and join the performers on stage.Just one?
Cool! I love Maui!!!
Welcome King! Glad to have another Steeler fan in the mix!
Some things to know at the Steeler forums:
1. Avoid that @Psych-Ward guy... He lives in a trailer next to the local swimming pool with a sign hanging by the door that reads "Free Lotion Rubs for Children". And he's "tight" with the Patriots fanbase here at the hoop.
2. @MISKO loves his foo-foo drinks... Preferably ones with umbrellas & fruit. He has a soft spot for the Seahawks fanbase here at the hoop. So does @Midnightangel but ignore her & her entourage. Misko is one of the original hoopsters. He recruited most of us to this site when other websites were shut down.
3. If you're in the mood to talk strategies & serious football... Look no further than @ATL96Steeler . He knows his shiznit, and he's a realist. In other words, he brings solid wisdom to the offseason hype train enthusiasts. He can coach up that golf backswing too. If you couldn't tell by the name, he's down in Atlanta livin the good life.
4. @SteelersPride is the our fantasy football guru. He's lifts like James Harrison and loves himself some Ian Wild, no homo. Don't talk about it though, its a sore subject. He also has a Mike Vick fathead on his wall lol.
5. @NorthCoastSteelersFan lives deep within enemy territory... Cleveland deep... aka fist deep. But he loves good micro brews and is always a great fan to talk to.
Another Cali Golden Child!
Please don't go in dry