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Spurs' Kawhi Leonard wins NBA Defensive Player of Year Award


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Their max is only around 15 mil per year since they haven't been in the league long. That price is pretty fair, especially for Leonard. If they didn't have years played limits and actually let the market decide, Green would probably get around 15 mil. Leonard could probably get close to 20, which is what the true max level is hovering around right now

Agreed. Leonard is the better all-around player and has potential to become great. Already one of the best two way players in the league.


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if you line up the defensive stats it is pretty much a dead heat.

My only concern is that the already sky-high asking price for K-Leonard now is going to cost a fortune.

Both are restricted, so neither team willl lose their guy.

But, it probably helps the Warriors keep Draymonds price down.

Probably a blessing in disguise for Ws fans...and an extra salary cap hit for SA.
if Kawhi signs a MAX right now itll be a steal for the Spurs since it will only be around 16M or so....if they wait until the cap comes up I have no doubt someone would offer him 20 or more a year with how much cap space every team is going to have.

the league is going to be fucking weird a couple of summers from now- in a span of 2 years the cap will go from like 67 million (next offseason) to like 102 million just 2 years after that...Rose-Rule players get 33 percent i believe- a guy like Kawhi coming off his rookie deal is eligible for a MAX that is 25% of the cap i believe- so he would get like 16 a year....Just for example- Kyrie signed his max last summer- and his 5 year deal kicks in next year and pays him like 15-17M per year during the life of the deal.

If Kawhi gets 16 million a year for 5 years the Spurs would be getting a great deal and some very nice cost-certainty and a building block to re-tool around while only committing like 15% of the cap to him.

Draymond Green is another great example- GREAT defensive player- solid on offense- I GUARANTEE you he gets a "max" offer from MULTIPLE teams this offseason which would be the same as Kawhi like 16 or so a year. Its more interesting when discussing Green though since the Warriors have some major payroll issues coming up and will have to get creative to retain Green- Lee/Bogut/Iguadala make 15, 12 and 12 next year- and Iggy and Bogut have an additonal yeaR PASSED next year still on the books. Add in Currys 11 (the best bargain in basketball) and Klays 15M- and Livingstons 5 million, Barnes 4, and you are already well over the cap. No one is taking Lee's awful deal and I dont think people would be that interested in paying Bogut or Iggy that kind of money for the next two years. Can they really make Green their highest paid player at `16M a year when Lee is making 15, Klay 15, Iggy 12, Bogut 12, Curry 11?- just Lee, Klay, Iggy and Bogut already just about max out their cap space at 65million...

Funny that the 2 leaders in the DPOY award are both restricted free agents with interesting choices to make this offseason.

If I am Kawhi and believe in myself....maybe i take a 2 year deal and come out again when the cap is 102- and I am eligible to make like 28M a year.....shit- if Duncan and Manu go and he becomes a guy who gets 20 points a game- who is to say he couldnt get that type of cash?


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LOL! How did Draymond get 8 more first place votes, but still wound up losing out?


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Sep 4, 2011
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LOL! How did Draymond get 8 more first place votes, but still wound up losing out?

It's based on total points. You get so many points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Since he lost out with the most 1st place votes, that means quite a few people had him 3rd or not even on the ballot.


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So I heard on SVP & Russillo today that 43 voters left Draymond Green off their ballot. :wtf:
That's 43 idiots that shouldn't be allowed to vote ever.


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Aug 12, 2011
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So I heard on SVP & Russillo today that 43 voters left Draymond Green off their ballot. :wtf:
That's 43 idiots that shouldn't be allowed to vote ever.
I dont know who the hell deleted my other post but like I will repeat: ROBBED

Even that Spurs slurper Skip Brainless felt like Kawhi was undeserving

Draymond legit defended 1-5.

Kawhi and Bogut are in the same boat, didnt have enough time on court to take it from a guy more versatile than both. And you better believe Bogut has as much of an impact for Ws like Kawhi does for Spurs


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Apr 19, 2013
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I dont know who the hell deleted my other post but like I will repeat: ROBBED

Even that Spurs slurper Skip Brainless felt like Kawhi was undeserving

Draymond legit defended 1-5.

Kawhi and Bogut are in the same boat, didnt have enough time on court to take it from a guy more versatile than both. And you better believe Bogut has as much of an impact for Ws like Kawhi does for Spurs
The Homer is strong in this one.


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Aug 12, 2011
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The Homer is strong in this one.
Last sentence I meant defensive impact but there is too much truth in my post, dont let it hurt you


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Apr 19, 2013
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Last sentence I meant defensive impact but there is too much truth in my post, dont let it hurt you
I heard an interview with Draymond yesterday where he said that while he was disappointed that he didn't win it, he couldn't be mad that Leonard won it because he is the real deal and what he aims to play like.

It is hard to feel outrage at him being robbed when Green doesn't even feel it is outrageous.


Apr 30, 2015
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If Draymond was on the Knicks they'd easily win 30 games or even 40. Definitely 40 wins if they just added a few bench level players.

Think about when Chandler left the Knicks. They went from about a 40 win team to 15 win team.

It's defense that wins.

Take Green off the Warriors and they'd be about a 50 win team and 6 seed.

But having said all this I don't think the owners will pay him big money. They really aren't smart and they usually don't understand defense.

They think they can make more money and sell more tickets just signing some three point chucker that plays little defense.


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Aug 12, 2011
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I heard an interview with Draymond yesterday where he said that while he was disappointed that he didn't win it, he couldn't be mad that Leonard won it because he is the real deal and what he aims to play like.

It is hard to feel outrage at him being robbed when Green doesn't even feel it is outrageous.
Draymond lying like a mug, dude will take it out in next series. I'm happy he said that, don't want him sounding butthurt like me or when Lillard wasn't voted in ASG.