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Sons of Anarchy


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Jul 6, 2013
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She changed her mind after Bobby told her he loved her (I took that completely platonically, BTW). She realizes that as scared as she is, and as much as she does not want to raise her kids in that life, she truly cares for the guys in the club and does not want to screw them over.
I thought that as well but now she is in a motel with both sides looking for her. I think she reaches out to Jax.


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He's a coward because he is the one member of the club with a conscience?

Not only is he the most realistic character he has also been developed the best. Went from happy go lucky jokster to a guy who is a complete mess and doesn't care about anything anymore.
I would agree with what you have posted if this was a normal way of living. Any gang or club will not tolerate him. He killed a member, made deals with the cops (he could have avoided that if he had just come clean), and continues with his bullshit ways that disrupt the MCs' goals. He helped Clay hide more killings as well.


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Jul 6, 2013
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Excellent response, exactly what I was looking for.

I liked The Shield for 1 season, and it went way down for me after that.

I'm still on the fence for SOA. We'll see. Not trying to piss off fans of the show.
No worries at all. I would just check out the first 2 seasons and see if you really like it. BTW ,Firefly was great. I was shocked when they cut it short. I guess reality shows are better for ratings.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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He's a coward because he is the one member of the club with a conscience?

Not only is he the most realistic character he has also been developed the best. Went from happy go lucky jokster to a guy who is a complete mess and doesn't care about anything anymore.
Just to mention that I think that Tig has the more developed character thus far.


Aug 14, 2011
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He's a coward because he is the one member of the club with a conscience?

Not only is he the most realistic character he has also been developed the best. Went from happy go lucky jokster to a guy who is a complete mess and doesn't care about anything anymore.

When you're in a MC like this one, a conscience is not a good thing.


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Apr 28, 2013
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I would agree with what you have posted if this was a normal way of living. Any gang or club will not tolerate him. He killed a member, made deals with the cops (he could have avoided that if he had just come clean), and continues with his bullshit ways that disrupt the MCs' goals. He helped Clay hide more killings as well.

I understand the club he is in and they would want him dead. But you said YOU want him dead. Being an outsider idk how you could want the most decent one of the group dead.

I mean while Jax and the son are the "protagonists" of the show they are not the "good guys". Right now it appears they are setting Nero up as the final "villain" Samcro faces next season, but in all technical aspects he is actually the good guy of the fight.

I would say Tig has developed right behind Juice. He is still mostly the same charcter, he's just had some storylines to put him in new situations. He is still ruthless and rash. Because of one of those rash times he had to become more of a pawn for Jax though and went against Clay. I will say that I do still think there is more to August and Tig. I think August and Tig worked out something when TIg was left with him for that whole night and we didn't see what happened.


Jul 2, 2013
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Who cares what others think?
Just start from #1 and see if you like it.
I could explain until I'm blue in the face, but if you don't like it, it won't do any good.

I'm not asking for an explanation. Not sure where your confusion is coming from.

I asked about the quality of writing compared to several shows with writing I have typically liked.

Anyhoo, thanks to the 1 of you who actually read and understood what I asked, and responded like an adult.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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I understand the club he is in and they would want him dead. But you said YOU want him dead. Being an outsider idk how you could want the most decent one of the group dead.

I mean while Jax and the son are the "protagonists" of the show they are not the "good guys". Right now it appears they are setting Nero up as the final "villain" Samcro faces next season, but in all technical aspects he is actually the good guy of the fight.

I would say Tig has developed right behind Juice. He is still mostly the same charcter, he's just had some storylines to put him in new situations. He is still ruthless and rash. Because of one of those rash times he had to become more of a pawn for Jax though and went against Clay. I will say that I do still think there is more to August and Tig. I think August and Tig worked out something when TIg was left with him for that whole night and we didn't see what happened.
I tend to live in the moment of the show when I post. I don't know any of these fictitious characters because they don't exist. In reality ,nobody on this show would be considered a good person.


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Alright, 2 hour season finale on in less than an hour.

Really hope it is a good one.


DC sports are cursed
Jul 19, 2011
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Caps game ends just in time. BRING IT SOA.


Xx srs bsns xX

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Mind is so full of fuck now....
I dont even...



Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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A few random thoughts, having just finished it less than 10 mins ago...

Is this the most passive we have seen The Ghost yet? No Jax and no interaction. Just strolling along.

Nero is full enemy now, I guess. Hard to make him a "bad guy" from what we saw of him this season. He is the most likable character on the show.

Quite a brutal death. I will have to sit on that for a bit.

What's up with Juice now? He gets Corleone'd by Jax, than saves Gemma's bacon.

Is Jax going to go down for the killing? They had been dead for hours by the time he showed up and his gun was not the gun that killed Roosevelt. No way the evidence will support his guilt.

March is not gunna be happy that his street lieutenant and crew were offed at a meeting set up by Jax.

Bobby as Prez? He don't have the sack for it.

Where were the 3 noobs at these major chapels? They are supposed to be full patches, but they bail when major shit is going down?

Finally, Anarchy Afterward is painful-bad. I had never watched I before, and I think I will continue that habit.


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I think the only thing that can truly make Nero a villain is if he gets fully behind what Alvarez and Lin have in store. He right now is the true good guy.

Tara's death was brutal. I have wanted her dead and surprised it actually happened but man...what a unexpected way for her to go out wtf. And then Roosevelt?

Really interested to see what they do with Juice now. Does he try to lay low? Hitch with another club? The Juice/Gemma dynamic could be great. I think the "Jax Kiss" made him officially become completely cold and soleless. Just the blankness on him when killing Eli and reaching his hand out to Gemma. I think Jax hypocriticalness and rashness have brought out his ultimate demons.

They may try to blame Jax for the death at first but it would be AWFUL writing if it holds up for even half an episode. First look at Jax gone not being discharged would be proof enough.

Marks is gona be pissed. It's going to end up Sons and Blacks vs Brown and Yellow

Bobby shouldn't be prez for long

Anarchy Afterward sucked. That host was such a damn goon.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
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it was an incredible made for tv movie two hour episode.

I seriously thought Jax was gonna do Tara after he did Tara.

It really did not have to end this season this way. I dont know if Kurt is thinking this shades of gray movie Charlie is doing is gonna be too much to come back from and is deciding to just put him away for now life sentences.

Juice either really helped or really hurt Jax, I still cant decide which. No evidence for the murder, its too easy to pin it on Jax. Did Juice just move up or punch his ticket out. I figured Jemma was gonna run to Nero and say lets go to that farm and he will say now we cant. Will Jax find out and want to kill Jemma to really ignite the Nero deal or will no mother figure at all make him live with it? (Damn I want his hot half sister to come from Ireland lol) Nero did not know Alvarez was gonna kill for the guns, so there is still the chance he stays with the Sons, but that bridge appears burnt.

I thought Tig was gonna die this season. I guess we see what happens. I guess we can live the down time with Jax in prison and black vs brown killing eachother in the streets and end up starting months away with the boys settled in with Jemma and the sons only killing whoever tries to hurt them. Thru that whole episode, there was not one chance for Jax to talk to his mother...... I bet she would have killed tara either way.


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He pulled out of the 50 shades movie a while back so that is no longer an issue. As I said above, no way Jax can get pinned for the murder. A simple gun test would reveal it immediately.

Jax isn't going to prison. The deal can't happen without Tara. So he's in the clear. They will try and get him for the murders but as I said...simple gun test.

As for Juice plan, they have literally 900 options to go with it. I think the best guess right now is he's low on friends and after the Jax kiss he snapped and went into emotionless survivor mode. Helping Gemma like that may allow her to keep him alive with Jax.

I saw one suggestion being that maybe Juice tells Jax Nero knew all along about jax ordering darvany to be smothered but Nero waited til he had Mayan support to confront jax. And that is way he conveniently came forward at that point and made it look like Juice told him. Gemma could back Juice up on it.

I've known for a while that Juice and Tig would make the final season. Kurt Sutter has said in many interviews(though he tends to lie for reactions) that he can take out all the club at once and doesn't like killing main characters in finales(although he did tara lol, but shes not in club). He is also very good friends with those two actors who are also best friends themselves.

So, I never expected either to die til at the very least early in final season.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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S7 is going to be the final season, isn't it?


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unless some random last minute change.

I hope it stays at 7. Great time to end.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
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Its a simple test mr hockey, but the fork is also gone and destroyed. Key with gone is ms ghost was in the alley after Juice left, so the jemma clothes and fork might come back. Maybe thats why they put her in that scene.

Jemma and juice are basically even now. She saved him, he saved her, but maybe both of them really wanted to die.