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Should We Trade for Joe Thomas?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sowell is injured and isn't very good when he is healthy. Who's behind him? A guy that sucked playing tackle on other teams and a guy that played basketball until recently that's another of Cable's project guys.

This is really an easy question to answer if you can ask yourself if we are a solid LT away from having enough tools to push over the top and reach the SB. Is that our biggest area of need and will it make a difference this year? No, you don't leverage your future, but if you come to a price you can live with and this one piece makes that key difference to go for a ring again you take it. If you really don't think it changes much you don't.

As for their HC coming out and saying it's not going to happen, well what is he supposed to say? Last time I checked that decision comes from the GM and/or Owner, not the HC. He may not be privy to whatever talks are inevitably happening behind the scenes.

So the question is if we are at least exploring it has Cleveland come back down to earth in their asking price? A first rounder is off the table for a 32y/o guy with a couple of years of contract. Can't see Seattle paying more than a 2nd or even a conditional second/third and possibly a mid rounder in '18. At most.

I don't expect this to happen, but mostly because I don't see RS being desperate enough to pay what the Browns are probably asking for. The need is real, but the process probably won't end in a deal.


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Right, so in an ideal world, the rest of the league would bend over backward to get Seattle another Lombardi. Sadly that's not going to happen, so we sign some depth guy from someone' practice roster, use some scotch tape, draw up some max protect schemes, and try for a recurrence of last year's OL gel of the second half.

We KEEP our 1st round draft pick, so that we can DRAFT A TACKLE next year, staying with the plan to revamp the O-line and morph into a top 5 QB run organization that's going to threaten playoffs every year for the next DECADE.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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I doubt we do anything big, and i really doubt we even get to the sb let alone win it.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Sowell is injured and isn't very good when he is healthy. Who's behind him? A guy that sucked playing tackle on other teams and a guy that played basketball until recently that's another of Cable's project guys.

This is really an easy question to answer if you can ask yourself if we are a solid LT away from having enough tools to push over the top and reach the SB. Is that our biggest area of need and will it make a difference this year? No, you don't leverage your future, but if you come to a price you can live with and this one piece makes that key difference to go for a ring again you take it. If you really don't think it changes much you don't.

As for their HC coming out and saying it's not going to happen, well what is he supposed to say? Last time I checked that decision comes from the GM and/or Owner, not the HC. He may not be privy to whatever talks are inevitably happening behind the scenes.

So the question is if we are at least exploring it has Cleveland come back down to earth in their asking price? A first rounder is off the table for a 32y/o guy with a couple of years of contract. Can't see Seattle paying more than a 2nd or even a conditional second/third and possibly a mid rounder in '18. At most.

I don't expect this to happen, but mostly because I don't see RS being desperate enough to pay what the Browns are probably asking for. The need is real, but the process probably won't end in a deal.

If Cleveland has a crazy asking price, it's justified. I really don't think Thomas is even on the block because they have more to lose than gain by getting rid of him.

I think the idea of a top tier tackle is just out of the picture at this point in the season. They'll make additions, but they won't be household names.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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If Cleveland has a crazy asking price, it's justified. I really don't think Thomas is even on the block because they have more to lose than gain by getting rid of him.

I think the idea of a top tier tackle is just out of the picture at this point in the season. They'll make additions, but they won't be household names.
They have tried to shop him before and now this year they haven't won a game yet and have so many problems around that entire team that his position isn't going to change much. If he was 27 you for sure don't let him get away. At 32 and looking like your team is at least 3 years away from being competitive I'm not so sure he's as off the table as their head coach believes. That's why I think it would be at least two draft choices. They need pieces all over that roster and should be in a wholesale market for more draft choices.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They have tried to shop him before and now this year they haven't won a game yet and have so many problems around that entire team that his position isn't going to change much. If he was 27 you for sure don't let him get away. At 32 and looking like your team is at least 3 years away from being competitive I'm not so sure he's as off the table as their head coach believes. That's why I think it would be at least two draft choices. They need pieces all over that roster and should be in a wholesale market for more draft choices.

You're applying fan logic to a team. Just because they haven't won a game yet doesn't mean that they're fine with essentially giving up on the year. And in a few weeks after losing some more games, they'll turn to just trying to finish strong and hopefully get some momentum next year, while hopefully developing their rookie QB. Who has been promising, all things considered.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You're applying fan logic to a team. Just because they haven't won a game yet doesn't mean that they're fine with essentially giving up on the year. And in a few weeks after losing some more games, they'll turn to just trying to finish strong and hopefully get some momentum next year, while hopefully developing their rookie QB. Who has been promising, all things considered.
No, Jason La Canfora was talking about this from a league perspective and said the same thing. It's not from a fan perspective. He, and a few other NFL reporters believe fully that Seattle is in discussions behind the scenes and that the Browns are engaged in those discussions. I still just don't think it will get done.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No, Jason La Canfora was talking about this from a league perspective and said the same thing. It's not from a fan perspective. He, and a few other NFL reporters believe fully that Seattle is in discussions behind the scenes and that the Browns are engaged in those discussions. I still just don't think it will get done.

Well, OK. Discussions. I guess everyone has their price. But I don't think either side would really consider it unless one side just got completely raped, especially the Browns.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One factor that none of us really know is what the depth is like behind Thomas. If theres somebody there that the Browns like, then they may get rid of Thomas. But for as bad as their season is gone so far, it can get worse if their offense of line goes to shit.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Sounds like they like bitonio but he went on ir i think.


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Jul 3, 2013
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You can dream about ol improving, but its not going to happen. We run into a defense like minny or philly or hell the cards or rams in the playoffs and we lose. Our defense is great, but against top defenses we scored 9 points. Thats not acceptable

I"m 100 percent confident the line will improve towards the end of the season, these guy's are young and learning... Plus Russ being 100 percent mobile could help big time..


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I may be in the minority, but I really liked Fant during the pre-season, and as far as replacing Sowell at LT, he could be a very good option. Yes, he's young. Yes, there will be growing pains. But, I didn't think he did a bad job on Sunday when he came in (at least no worse, and most likely better, than Sowell had been doing). If he continues to learn and work the way it has been reported he has been since he came to camp - Fant could be one of those gems we love to find (time will only tell).


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I may be in the minority, but I really liked Fant during the pre-season, and as far as replacing Sowell at LT, he could be a very good option. Yes, he's young. Yes, there will be growing pains. But, I didn't think he did a bad job on Sunday when he came in (at least no worse, and most likely better, than Sowell had been doing). If he continues to learn and work the way it has been reported he has been since he came to camp - Fant could be one of those gems we love to find (time will only tell).

I don't agree that Fant did OK Sunday, but I agree that he could grow into a decent OL, maybe. Coaching staff seems high on his potential. I'd rather see Fant then Sowell at LT because at least you see the possibility of a higher ceiling. Sowell isn't going to get any better, he reached his ceiling and it's mighty low.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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get cleveland on the phone, its joe thomas time.

maybe we can trick them into taking bevell as part of the deal.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
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get cleveland on the phone, its joe thomas time.

maybe we can trick them into taking bevell as part of the deal.

Why? Fant played a really good game? So why over pay for a LT when LT wasn't an issue today?

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Why? Fant played a really good game? So why over pay for a LT when LT wasn't an issue today?

Because some people always need a reason to complain and point fingers imo...

Ebbs and flows of the season, some people just don't get it...


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Fant wasn't horrible. The worst thing he did was commit a couple penalties. He wasn't out there getting beat much, from what I recall. I think that was him that gave up the sack on RW's ill-advised spin move, but he did much, much better than I figured he would.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Fant wasn't horrible. The worst thing he did was commit a couple penalties. He wasn't out there getting beat much, from what I recall. I think that was him that gave up the sack on RW's ill-advised spin move, but he did much, much better than I figured he would.

I think it was Ifedi on that one.