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Sherman Fined


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Again, it is possible to criticize something and not be a gigantic "hater". That's just a word you attach to someone who says something you don't like. Don't join the debate club.

I stand by everything I said about Sherman being a douche and why. He is also a very intelligent guy (which cuts both ways on this issue), one of the best players in the NFL, someone I"d love to have on my team (due solely to his talent) and has some good qualities too (I think he does some legit charity work). I also think the Seahawks are the better team in the SB and will win.

Man, I'm such a hater.

Some fans are amused and some are outraged. It's possible to a huge fan of NFL football and still not take the off field antics of players to seriously. I choose to see with a sense of humor when it comes to a big mouth. That's why I put up the Muhammad Ali gif up. Sherman reminds me of him. Muhammad was the real deal, but he did have a big mouth. Now you could get all offended by it or you could be amused, the choice is yours.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Oh good we almost didnt talk about thattoday.......

Random thought, did the redskin lineman who punched sherman ever get fined? Im sure crabtree wont be fined for pushing sherman in the face.....,,

The guy who hit lane better get a huge fine


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Oh good we almost didnt talk about thattoday.......

Random thought, did the redskin lineman who punched sherman ever get fined? Im sure crabtree wont be fined for pushing sherman in the face.....,,

The guy who hit lane better get a huge fine

So far only Sherman has been fined. With all the talk about Sherman I almost forgot Seattle were even playing for the Super Bowl.


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So far only Sherman has been fined. With all the talk about Sherman I almost forgot Seattle were even playing for the Super Bowl.

Seeing how your team sitting on the couch watching,just like us, I can understand focusing on the BS! Anyone who's a real fan of football, never forgets it's about the game.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Ever since this happened, I've seen a lot of people suggest that they don't want Sherman as a role model for their kids or grand kids because of this and his other well documented outbursts. I don't get this reaction and reactions like it. You look at all the things professional athletes do to get themselves in trouble on a regular basis and Sherman's profanity-free rants are like a 2 on a scale of 10, yet he's being treated like he committed a 7 or an 8. There are hundreds of far worse things he could have done and plenty of players in the same league that have done those things, yet Sherman "disrespects" an opponent (an opponent who took it upon himself to talk trash before the game even started) in a soundbite that lasts less than a minute and it's national news for almost a week.

Listen... would I have preferred that he not done the choke gesture? Absolutely. Out of all of this, that seems to be getting the least attention. He shouldn't have done it and he knows that and that's what the fine was for. It just bothers me that a guy's reputation and everything he's accomplished in his life so far is getting raked over the coals and nullified in the eyes of some people all because of a few pg-rated outbursts towards guys who deserved it. You may not like what he had to say or the way he went about saying it, but let's stop treating him like he committed a crime or something of that nature. He talked trash. That happens in sports from time-to-time. Get over it. I don't particularly care for it myself, but that doesn't mean everyone who does it is a douche-bag or someone unworthy or incapable of being a positive influence.


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Apr 23, 2013
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So far only Sherman has been fined. With all the talk about Sherman I almost forgot Seattle were even playing for the Super Bowl.

Replay the NFC Title game, that'll remind you who's in the Super Bowl.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Jesus, why are people surprised that fans of a team that has the top corner in the game is supporting him despite his outburst? As I've already asked before would those of you who are so morally outraged by him that you feel the need to keep trashing him to our fans be upset if Sherman were traded to your team? Because if you are saying now you wouldn't support him playing for you I'm going to call you and idiot or a liar.

Sherman is beyond a doubt the top person at what he does in football right now. Period. What he had to say after that game did stir up a controversy and I really wish he had not done it, but most who were so upset at first that have seen the rest of the mic'ed up video and heard the whole story are far less upset over it now. Most of the country has mellowed out about it. Outside of that one incident some point to his words to Brady after a game last year and that's about it. So two times in two years he says something that controversial.

What else has he done to deserve the fans of our team not supporting him? He isn't a cancer in the locker room, and in fact is well loved and supported by ALL of his teammates. His energy and approach to the game are well respected by them. He is a solid teammate and a tireless worker. You won't find any other corner in the league that studies film and works at his craft more. Just won't find it. Off the field? You aren't going to find DUI's, arrests for fighting, or other examples of behavior that is detrimental to the team or society in general like so many other loud mouth players in the past. No, you find instead that he is heavily involved in charity efforts.

So again, why should our fans be so upset by his words that we cannot still support everything else? If you can agree that is the only negative part of his game then why is it a stretch to see why so many support that even. It would happen to EVERY fans base in the country if he played for you. PERIOD. Stop being so fucking outraged by fans actually supporting their stars even with their flaws.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Feigned outrage is so cute this time of year.

Yeah, thinking the same thing. Wondering where the guy with the avatar of a woman showing he ass cheek tattoo has any room to discuss the "class" of anyone else?
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Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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All the haters out there would give their left nut to have Richard Sherman on their team. Easy to hate him when he plays for a SB bound team.

And if he was on their team they would actually know about the guy, instead of just showing up when he gives them an opportunity to cry.


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Sep 11, 2013
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What Sherman did is absolute garbage and has no place in sports. There is a difference between trash talk, and outright disrespect and personal insults vs another professional. Trash talking is fine. Saying to the world how good he thinks he is is even fine. Showmanship is fine. But calling another player "sorry ass" and "mediocre at best" is classless beyond belief. It is not funny. It is not trash talk.

Richard Sherman perfect as the face of Super Bowl XLVIII - NFL.com

Read the article; watch the NFL SoundFX. Then ask yourself how much garbage Sherman's response shortly after that was, and if you should maybe be outraged at the guy that threw a punch at an opponent that told him "[good game]" instead (more accurately, he patted him on the butt and told him "Helluva Game, Helluva Game")


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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This is not a surprise. Goddell has already issued more fines in his tenure as NFL Commissioner than both Pete Rozelle and Paul Tagliabue combined!

Mr. Tacoma

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Richard Sherman perfect as the face of Super Bowl XLVIII - NFL.com

Read the article; watch the NFL SoundFX. Then ask yourself how much garbage Sherman's response shortly after that was, and if you should maybe be outraged at the guy that threw a punch at an opponent that told him "[good game]" instead (more accurately, he patted him on the butt and told him "Helluva Game, Helluva Game")

Moreover, look at the injury Bowman suffered during that game. That's the kind of grievous bodily harm all football players are risking for themselves every time they step onto the field.
Think that might get your adrenaline up a bit? After playing 60 minutes in a brutal NFL game and seconds after getting disrespected by Crabtree they stuck a mic in his face and he popped off. Big deal.

People are acting like he denied the Holocaust or something. Let's have some perspective here.

Not that any of that matters. The people pretending to be outraged loved every second of it, I'm convinced.

Mr. Tacoma

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Yeah, thinking the same thing. Wondering where the guy with the avatar of a woman showing he ass cheek tattoo has any room to discuss the "class" of anyone else?

Check this sweet ass cheek pic I found on the web!

Sherman has no class!

Pot, meet kettle.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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So Sherman is a Richard head. Not like it's a newsflash or anything.


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Apr 18, 2013
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So Sherman is a Richard head. Not like it's a newsflash or anything.



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Replay the NFC Title game, that'll remind you who's in the Super Bowl.

I don't need to replay a loss I watched it happen, actually despite losing I was encouraged with how well the team played, the past two seasons they've looked like crap in Seattle hoping they've turned the corner and have more close games or wins in Seattle. If I want to watch a great moment for my franchise I would replay their last Super Bowl win, you can just replay last weekends game until the Super Bowl then maybe you'll be able to replay that.


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I'm not sure the 49ers player is going to get suspended or fined from that play, I'm not saying he shouldn't but I just don't know if they have enough on the play he was standing behind people so it's tough to see his movement. It difficult to tell if he jumped in the way or just rolled his shoulder over either way he was in an area of the field that he was allowed to be in.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm not sure the 49ers player is going to get suspended or fined from that play, I'm not saying he shouldn't but I just don't know if they have enough on the play he was standing behind people so it's tough to see his movement. It difficult to tell if he jumped in the way or just rolled his shoulder over either way he was in an area of the field that he was allowed to be in.

There are other views than the one shown up here and it is pretty clear he hits him in the head with his forearm. He should be heavily fined for it.