Edge for now.Which browser were you using? Edge or IE? Or another browser like Firefox or Chrome?
Edge for now.Which browser were you using? Edge or IE? Or another browser like Firefox or Chrome?
And of course it failed for me too. Have to do the delete and download again business.The joys of MS.
Fix WindowsUpdate_80240020 | SCCM Tips
If you are waiting on your install and nothing is happening yet, go to your windows update page and look at your update history and see if there is a failed message for 10 with the code 80240020. If it's there you too got screwed with an incomplete download. Follow the instructions on that site and give'er another go.
Just use the snipping tool in Windows accessories. That keyboard lag is caused by the ad service (I even had it on Windows 7 a lot). After the ads load it disappears until one of the animated ads kicks in.Later I'll get a screen shot app so I can show what it looks like. I save that for the weekend
Well network shares all work, both ways so Samba is happy with the setup from Windows 7 carrying over to Windows 10...still tweaking settings here and there, just have to find them sometimes. I think MS moves things around with each new Windows version just to aggravate sys admins and power users.
That's where custom settings for Samba come in...That's promising. My config is one way only, I don't want the Windows machine sniffing around on the Linux side the the LAN.
It just used my current partitions with no changes.I was going to repartition - but thought better of it. I really don't know how Windows 10 prefers to divvy up disk space (SYS/Boot Partition) So I'm going to wipe out the partitions on the primary drive and present Setup with a clean HDD.
It just used my current partitions with no changes.
What's on the second hard drive, if all else unplug the drive interface on the MB (I've done that before repairing Windows).I think I'll experiment with a fresh clean install:
Wow, they dumbed down the interface...what a shocker. No fdisk or cfdisk option
I don't trust an Arrow that says "Remove Everything", I have another Hard Drive on this machine that I don't want touched.
Plan B - command prompt: Again no fdisk or cfdisk.
I could use Ranish Partition manager and wipe it.
Any suggestions KS?
Activation worked just fine for me. It was activated on first boot, I did nothing.Didn't like my product key for Windows 7 - skipping for now.
It did find Windows 7 - I should have made a new partition and formatted it, then delete that partition. Oh well.
We'll see if activation is an issue.
Went to backup and it informed me my backup drive was getting ready to fail, ran speed fan's smart tests and it said the drive was in good shape...now who do I believe?
I think I'll put it on a Linux machine and use their smart test, it seems to be more reliable...if it passes there I'll keep using it.Authentication nightmare - LOL. Asked me three time for my product key.Failed every time.
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