Buckle up!!
Hey Kenny, just because he's paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get him.
Also true. Soooo many sides to this thing.
It's like an onion; the more layers you pull away, the more it stinks!!!
Hey Kenny, just because he's paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get him.
Also true. Soooo many sides to this thing.
It's like an onion; the more layers you pull away, the more it stinks!!!
You know who's responsible for astroturf, don't you?
Kenny, you gotta feel bad for this University of Arkansas professor, his life has been turned upside down based on one of these white nationalists bearing a resemblance to him along with an unfortunate t-shirt choice.
U Of A Professor Speaks Out After Being Mistaken For Man In Charlottesville Rally Photo
Yeah. A friend of mine and I were talking about this yesterday. Snap judgments and all...
Don't worry he will just replace them with the Best CEO's in the country, believe him he will.This exodus of CEOs from the manufacturing council is a bad thing. Soon all there will be left are Exxon, Lockheed Martin and Stolichnaya Vodka.
nazi from the vice feature ... people laughing at him .. but i cant help but think he is posting this to show he has a fear for his life ... and will point to this "fear" after he kills someone as a defense
We should all laugh at this guy on Twitter....from all sides....from all sides.
Glad this d-bag lives in fear in his own mind but the scary part with all the guns that wacko has he probably will go out on a shooting spree soon enough.
Source: McConnell upset at Trump over comments - CNNPolitics
The fact that I agree with Mitch Mcconnell, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio on anything means this world must be coming to an end.
Watching the news last night, Michael Steele was on a panel and made some really excellent points about how the Republican Party brought this on themselves.
And I thought "this must be how it ends". Michael Steele is the voice of reason. God help us all.
But I digress. Fuck Mitch McConnell. He can privately feel whatever he wants, but that human shit stain endorsed this fuckwad. Unless he comes out publicly and specifically says something to the effect of "Donald Trump is pathetic, he is UnAmerican and unfit for the office and we need to remove him from the office as fast as possible" he is complicit in this mess. Him and every cowering piece of pond scum that failed to stand up to the angry yam, ever.
Problem is, a lot of these puddles of dog vomit are safe in their offices for 6 years. I don't get a chance to vote against Ohio's biggest loser for five more years.
I would love it if there was a constitutional Amendment that said if a President is chased out of office for criminal matters, he is replaced via a snap election. Straight popular vote. 2 week campaign, and every fucking seat in the House and Senate get contested again too. No districts. Straight popular vote. All of every state gets to vote on every representative. Then maybe, just maybe, these fucking cowards will actually stand for something. When being a CeeeyoUNextTuesday endangers their job, maybe they will find a backbone.
And any judges the criminal president appointed gets thrown out, and any laws he passed can be repealed and re-submitted. If the fucker can't follow no laws, fucker don't get to make or enforce no laws.
Can someone photoshop a tiki torch into his hands?
Hope Hicks is the new WH communications director (takes over for Mooch) and the following is from her wiki page:
"President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people .... He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor … and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible".
Im not even how their initial premise ever really got any traction.