Stance: Goofy
So Slammy McGee won in Montana.
Trump hails 'great win in Montana' for candidate who body-slammed Guardian reporter
The Republicans are already working towards their next yuge victory. Footage of GOP strategists below.
So Trump's comments about shooting someone and not losing any votes is really accurate.
It's hard to argue against the idea, that for some people, government is just sport. Win. And not just win, but you have to "destroy". "Pwn". No matter that there are serious issues and people's lives at stake. None of that matters because my team won. Who cares if my team has a guy who assaulted someone? Or murdered someone? Beat his girlfriend? Raped someone? That shit is only important when the terrible person is on the OTHER team. The winning is what matters. Being "right" in the face of all presented evidence to the contrary takes as little as having backed the right horse from the start. Never mind that their "winners" are stripping their rights just the same. In a lot of cases, more directly.
We're fucked. Truly and totally fucked.