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Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Just read this on ESPN regarding early bye weeks. I thought it was interesting.

Who has the best bye week?

Stop. Honest. If you're angry about having an early bye week because you want your team to get their week of rest later in the year, you're wasting your energy. History tells us that there is not a meaningful relationship between the time when a team has its bye week and their eventual success. If anything, teams with early bye weeks have been more successful, although I doubt the evidence is strong enough to prosecute the idea.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Never been to NOLA, may have to see about catching that one.

You'll need nose plugs if you go anywhere near Bourbon street in the day time. Good lord it's so gross. They spray some disinfectant first thing in the morning all up and down that strip of bars to cleanse away the night before's sins and it smells horrid. Fun city though. Don't vear off the main touristy parts of town at night though unless your into dangerous living.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You'll need nose plugs if you go anywhere near Bourbon street in the day time. Good lord it's so gross. They spray some disinfectant first thing in the morning all up and down that strip of bars to cleanse away the night before's sins and it smells horrid. Fun city though. Don't vear off the main touristy parts of town at night though unless your into dangerous living.
Haha wow! Thanks for the tips. I'll be traveling in a squad size element for sure if I go, but yeah we probably would stick to mostly the touristy/commercial areas. I have no interest in visiting the 9th ward or anything...


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Haha wow! Thanks for the tips. I'll be traveling in a squad size element for sure if I go, but yeah we probably would stick to mostly the touristy/commercial areas. I have no interest in visiting the 9th ward or anything...

I wore my Seahawks windbreaker the whole time I was there partying on Bourbon street and never had a single issue. Sooooo many people came over to talk to me about the Hawks SB loss it was crazy. That was only about a month after we lost to New England and all anyone could ask me was why we didn't run the ball, as if I knew. lol.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Hard to do the predict wins/loss thing when right now we could probably scrape up 5 guys up here that would be better OL than the garbage we have. It will bode well to have most of the harder games in the middle of the season for sure though. A lot more forgiving games up front, and the stretch feels a bit less daunting than some previous years.

@NE off a short week (mon night game prior week) while NE will be coming off their bye kind of hurts and playing both NE and GB on the road is a bit rough, but getting Carolina (AGAIN FFS!) at home as well as the Bills at home kind of helps offset that a bit.

Pete Carroll is going to be the first opposing team HC to walk the sideline for a game in LA in over 20 years. That's the Rams opener. You don't think he's going to be fucking jazzed to be there? How many of the LA LA types that come out for this opener are still going to be in the stadium in the 4th quarter?

On another note, which team will have more fans in the stand for the final game of the year (@49ers)? I could see that being a hell of an attractive road game for rabid hawks fans to travel to. Spend new years eve in the bay area and take in the final regular season game.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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Pittsburgh has 7 of their 8 road games within a 5 hour DRIVE, not flight, Drive.
That's closer than UW to WSU.

They play ZERO games out of their 'Normal" time zone.

I'm thankful the NFL 'only' stuck the Seahawks with two 10am PST starts.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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Driving distance to ALL Pittsburgh road games = 2,970 miles (TOTAL)
Driving distance to ONE Seattle road game to Tampa = 3092 miles, (in ONE of 8 trips)

At least the tampa game is 1:00 PST (not 10am)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The schedule isn't some big mystery and only 2 of 16 games have anything to do with standings from the prev year. You play 6 in your own division, a complete div from each conf (on a rotating schedule that is regular), and then 2 teams from the other 2 divisions in your conf that finished in the same place as you did last year. The "toughest schedule" stuff is just looking at records from the prev season, which is not a fool proof predictor of who will be good this year.

No it's not some big mystery but we play the Rams twice and the 49ers twice 4 games out of 16 ( 25%) so it's shocking that all 4 teams have the top 7 strongest SOS. I could understand 49ers and Rams seeing as they play Seattle and AZ twice each year, the fact that Seattle and AZ are #5 and #7 is what is shocking. As a Whole the NFC West ( as a Division ) has the strongest SOS.

Oh and i am not bitching about it i was just a little amazed. I also know this is based off of last season and that never holds water the following season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Overall not a bad slate. Things I like: only 2 10am pacific starts, 3 home prime time games, favorable early lineup. Things I don't like: week 5 bye, playing @ NE after their bye and with us coming off a short week. Another interesting thing is we are the matchup for the Rams home opener in week 2. PC returns to LA.

Never been to NOLA, may have to see about catching that one.
Flew into Nawlins` for the season opener in `04. We won 21-7. It is a sinful town. You will have a blast.


Feb 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I like that we got the Rams road game in the second week of the season. Carson Wentz will most likely be the starting QB and he will still be plenty green. We may actually beat the Rams on the road.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I like that we got the Rams road game in the second week of the season. Carson Wentz will most likely be the starting QB and he will still be plenty green. We may actually beat the Rams on the road.
And so will whatever crappy young DE converted front line we are putting out there as well.

Just saying.

Might be a more forgiving landing for them, but no early game is a gimmie.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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Hard to do the predict wins/loss thing when right now we could probably scrape up 5 guys up here that would be better OL than the garbage we have. It will bode well to have most of the harder games in the middle of the season for sure though. A lot more forgiving games up front, and the stretch feels a bit less daunting than some previous years.

@NE off a short week (mon night game prior week) while NE will be coming off their bye kind of hurts and playing both NE and GB on the road is a bit rough, but getting Carolina (AGAIN FFS!) at home as well as the Bills at home kind of helps offset that a bit.

Pete Carroll is going to be the first opposing team HC to walk the sideline for a game in LA in over 20 years. That's the Rams opener. You don't think he's going to be fucking jazzed to be there? How many of the LA LA types that come out for this opener are still going to be in the stadium in the 4th quarter?

On another note, which team will have more fans in the stand for the final game of the year (@49ers)? I could see that being a hell of an attractive road game for rabid hawks fans to travel to. Spend new years eve in the bay area and take in the final regular season game.
I'm crossing my fingers that the draft gives the Seahawks a decent OL. Got to figure it can't be worse then the group they put out there to start the season last year, in theory at least.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I'm crossing my fingers that the draft gives the Seahawks a decent OL. Got to figure it can't be worse then the group they put out there to start the season last year, in theory at least.
Even if it's no worse, but more or less equal to last year there are games they could lose early that they shouldn't, just like last season. Can't put 100% of those early losses on Kam. That line was horrid.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
$ 109,565.00
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I got the Hawks at 11-5 but probably more like 12-4.

Did throw in my bias prediction of them losing the Saints when they come to the Superdome


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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Even if it's no worse, but more or less equal to last year there are games they could lose early that they shouldn't, just like last season. Can't put 100% of those early losses on Kam. That line was horrid.
These games are going to test the OL for sure, but on the bright side the Seahawks are better then those teams in most phases of the game, so they have that going for them. I look at it as a barometer, if the OL performs well in these two games, the out look is bright, if not, then adjustments can be made. I feel confident that the Seahawks are going to pick 2 OL in the first 3 rounds, they just need to make the right picks. I'm staying hopeful they will.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I doubt they are going to end up with their first round pick. They well could pick up a few in the 2nd/3rd round, but have you seen their history of picking OL? :L

Of course we probably don't have half the line we will start with. I'm just not holding my breath that whoever they get will be competent. They need TWO tackles, which are maybe the hardest position in football outside of a QB to land quality at in the NFL.