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Seahawks - Niners Rivalry Thread


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Jul 4, 2013
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Hey i have some Niner SB footage yuppers right next to my Football Folly's and my VCR,gotta dust em off one of these days since they are in a box in the attic.

Well even hawk fans should enjoy watching a super bowl win.... can't blame you for owning some 49er tape.


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I never put anything in to what any analyst says, you have to trust your own eyes. Their job is to sensationalize.

He played well, but as soon as he is asked to get out of his comfort zone, he falls apart. Some teams have the tools to push him out of his comfort zone, and some dont. Mine does.

Total bullshit. He was alternating back and forth from playing the pistol/read option to conventional pocket passer and he passed with flying colors. Our WR injuries, and poor o-line play in games 2 and 3 were the problem more than kaepernick. In fact, against the Colts, Kaepernick was our most effective offensive weapon. The o-line couldn't get the running game going at all.

The seahawks have a very good defense, especially at home, its not like Wilson lit us up and he had zero crowd noise to deal with.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Total bullshit. He was alternating back and forth from playing the pistol/read option to conventional pocket passer and he passed with flying colors. Our WR injuries, and poor o-line play in games 2 and 3 were the problem more than kaepernick. In fact, against the Colts, Kaepernick was our most effective offensive weapon. The o-line couldn't get the running game going at all.

The seahawks have a very good defense, especially at home, its not like Wilson lit us up and he had zero crowd noise to deal with.

I'm not just talking games 2 and 3. Even in the GB game, GB had a horrible scheme and Boldin(1st read) was open all day due to playing a base defense against 3 WR sets with Boldin in the slot. He was an easy fucking read. Then even last night, these things were apparent.

I'm not making this up, nor am I the only one that feels this way.


I'm so confused
Jul 3, 2013
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It's possible that he can become a true pocket passer and make defenses pay for using particular schemes to stop him. But that's a big one. When your mechanics break down after the first read, that's a huge issue to overcome and is why athletic QBs often struggle.

Last night he showed that he can be efficient week 1 he showed he can be explosive. Now he just needs to show he can rise to the talent that he faces.

His talent consist of a great arm and wonderful legs. It doesn't consist of going thru his passing options. That is one draw back to having that break away running ability, it tends to lead to one look , then run. That could change, but I doubt it will. It hard not to go to that crutch.

Again he might do that sometime I just dont think its as bad as you think against the Rams I saw him multiple times go to second and third options. Only problem is the receiver he wants to go to he stares down and to a good defense can easily read that.


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I'm not just talking games 2 and 3. Even in the GB game, GB had a horrible scheme and Boldin(1st read) was open all day due to playing a base defense against 3 WR sets with Boldin in the slot. He was an easy fucking read. Then even last night, these things were apparent.

I'm not making this up, nor am I the only one that feels this way.

In the review you linked he talks about how kaepernick isn't back to form since the seattle game. BACK TO FORM..... Like when he was already doing it last year and earlier this year. He doesn't agree with you that Kaepernick can't get through his reads or play as a pocket passer.

Just like bing 3-0 doesn't make you a world beater, having two bad games doesn't mean you can't do something you already have done.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, Kaepernick doesn't do any charity or anything.... Heart Camp :: Home

So, is this the charity where the kids had to pay $150 to go to the camp, or is this the one that paid him to let them put his name on the bracelets they sold?

Ok, the sarcastic crap aside, this should obviously be seen as someone trying to make one look better than the other. No reason to really make this more than it really is.


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Everything is free for the campers and their families, thanks to donations and in-kind services. Gamino said each five-day session costs about $80,000 to put on. The camp has made headlines recently, thanks to the support of one of its famous backers. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began backing the camp shortly after he was drafted into the NFL.

Since his star has risen, so has the spotlight on one of his favorite charities. Last month, he appeared at the Camp Taylor and Colin Kaepernick "Against All Odds" Golf Tournament at Del Rio Country Club in Modesto, which raised more than $200,000 for the group.

Read more here: http://www.modbee.com/2013/07/04/2793822/camp-taylor-kids-get-a-chance.html#storylink=cpy

And by the way the OP is a bears fan.

I am sorry, but I find that offensive that the fan of a team with Jay Cutler on it is calling Kaepernick a douche....

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briz almighty

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lool at breaker bringing up two decade year old championships to try and make the 49ers look better now. nobody cares about decade old championships unless you start a thread titled best franchises of all time. you 49er and pitt fans can have a party in that one. your sb trophy case is just as empty as seattles recently my god.

just admit seattle clown stomped your team and are favorites to win the division. hey maybe the 49ers can squeek out the wildcard.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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The mental scars from 42-10 & 29-3 are obviously going to take a long time to heal. Talk about a traumatized fan base.

Based on the Kubler-Ross 5 stages of grief model, they were making progress, with many 49er fans having reached Stage 4 (Depression) during the offseason. But 29-3 has knocked all of them back to stage 2 (Anger).



Jul 2, 2013
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You guys see that post game show yesterday? The niner fans in STL chanting "seahawks suck" lol thought that was hilarious.

Funny thing to say about a team that is a combined what 72-15 against your home town team the last two matchups.

In yo head.

And you are writing about the 49ers...who's your team again? :rollseyes:


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My computer won't let me go to the link but I assume its the Packers 49ers game?

Yeah the link doesn't work. Most likely some thing about the 49ers owning the Packers( I guessing).


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Last night he showed that he can be efficient week 1 he showed he can be explosive. Now he just needs to show he can rise to the talent that he faces.

Again he might do that sometime I just dont think its as bad as you think against the Rams I saw him multiple times go to second and third options. Only problem is the receiver he wants to go to he stares down and to a good defense can easily read that.

Look it's not just some Seahawk honk saying these things, here's a quote from a 49er poster who takes his evaluation seriously.

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He made a lot of mistakes again yesterday. The biggest mistakes so far for him this year has been his inablity to scan the entire field fast enough, missing open receivers. This has happened in every game so far this year. As soon as he breaks the pocket, believe me when I tell you that I see at least one receiver with a 5 step lead on a defender, but Kaep just misses it and continues to hold on to the ball and scramble out of bounds. I'm speculating that coaches are not asking him to go through much progressions (maybe one or two reads), but it has to be 3-4 reads then use your legs once you realized that your options are truly being covered. He's very slow in processing things IMO. Of course he can improve on those things, but it takes time maybe years

Fans paying attention have noticed Kaeps weaknesses,.


Jul 2, 2013
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the Kaepernick overyhype is a total joke

all legitimate sports fans understand this


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Look it's not just some Seahawk honk saying these things, here's a quote from a 49er poster who takes his evaluation seriously.

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:lol: @ Harold mining quotes of other people off team boards.... :lame:


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No one takes issue with someone being proud of their history. It's claiming that history makes them better in the here and now. You love rubbing our noses with all those antiques your team owns.
It sure going to fun getting some pay back this year and we'll be doing that every step of the way, because now we are the better team and we are not going to let you forget it.

Now I'm sure you'll claim you've heard that before, that's where the fun begins. Lets see who has the last laugh this year. Looking forward to it. We'll be rubbing your nose in all the way.....or you'll be doing that to us.

We'll see, won't we.:suds:

But who claimed that Harold? One guy? Who isn't even part of this conversation? And you are still talking about it? I certainly never said that

I said we are the divisional and conference champs until someone proves otherwise. You have not proven otherwise. Four of the next five games on the road, win all those and maybe, just maybe, I will take your self proclaimed greatness half way seriously. :suds:
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I think people tend to over-react a little bit. Kaep had a couple bad games, one against (swallow) the best defense in the league, and in both had no run game. He also has had two very good games. Right now the bottom line is guys like Kyle Williams, Quinton Patton, etc don't get open. We might as well have John Clayton running around out there. Its Davis, Boldin, and Miller that have found space, and Kaep has found all of them. I am not an expert on QB'ing, but he really spread the field last year in the playoffs vs GB, Atl, and then Bal. I think having no run game, and only one and a half (vernons injury has had him out around half the time) receivers to really work with has hurt this young QB's confidence in those two games.

I will admit through 7 combined games the Seahawks have looked better than the 9ers. I will also say there is a TON of season left, and the 9ers played two of their worst and dumbest games I have seen since Harbaugh took over.

I did not see last game where Seattle scored 45 vs Jax, but I watched the first two games, and was not impressed by Seattle's offense at all. The first game at Car they made a few plays at key moments, but overall were not effective. Vs SF, the 9ers D stopped them time and time again, and then gave them like 4 or 5 first downs on terrible penalties (fasemask when Wilson was on the ground, 2+ personal fouls, 1 hold, and probably another one or two I forgot). Even with ALL of those gifts, Seattle still only had 15 points before Seattle rattled off 14 points at the end of the game when the game was over and their D set them up on a silver platter in the red zone. I think until I get more convinced that the Seattle O is anything better than medicore, I certainly wouldn't crown the Seahawks anything. Their D is unreal, the best in the league right now. However, once healthy the 9ers currently have pretty much the same team as last year- slightly weaker front 7 on D, slightly stronger wide outs- but the same team that took them to the Super Bowl.
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