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Seahawks - Niners Rivalry Thread


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His talent consist of a great arm and wonderful legs. It doesn't consist of going thru his passing options. That is one draw back to having that break away running ability, it tends to lead to one look , then run. That could change, but I doubt it will. It's hard not to go to that crutch.

I would have to disagree with you and sonny on the one look then run. I think you guys are analyzing his game of last year? Part of his struggles are the fact that Kap is NOT running. He is not playing his game. Its as if RGIII's injury has the coaching staff telling him to run as the last resort? I have watched him hold the ball several times, not run it, then run out of bounds holding onto the ball three yards behind the line for a coverage sack. That is not a one look and run. I would agree that he is only looking at his first read, and locking on targets but I wish he would at least run it instead of taking sacks or running out of bounds with the ball.


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I don't think any of this necessarily makes Kaepernick a bad person. But it certainly shows how different the two players are in their personality.

Kaepernick is just who he is. Dude is cocky. He's the cool kid in high school. Russell is the jock who is a bit nerdy, was probably class president or head of debate team or something.

Both players are very talented in their own right. Both players are extremely dedicated to their craft.

If I were a 49er fan I would just embrace who Kaepernick is. He's young and flamboyant. It's not an act, it's just who he is. Russell is mature and wise beyond his years. It's not an act either, it's just who he is.

So I'm not sure why people are constantly bringing up both personality traits and using it as a weapon for scrutiny. I love the player that dances and flaunts after a touchdown as much as the player who graciously hands the ball to the ref.

The league needs both type of players. And personally I think it's amazing that one of the best quarterback rivalries that's starting to develop is between two players that exhibit those traits.

Two very different quarterbacks (in terms of personality) leading two very similar teams (smash mouth defensive oriented). It's great for the league if anything.


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Come on...he's goes out of his way for attention. He posed for ESPN body magazine. Can you image Brady, Manning(either one) or Rogers posing for that pic? The dude is a attention whore who has let his success go to his head.

I guess I simply don't see posing for ESPN body magazine, where he has harmed absolutely no-one, as a character flaw. But to each their own.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I would have to disagree with you and sonny on the one look then run. I think you guys are analyzing his game of last year? Part of his struggles are the fact that Kap is NOT running. He is not playing his game. Its as if RGIII's injury has the coaching staff telling him to run as the last resort? I have watched him hold the ball several times, not run it, then run out of bounds holding onto the ball three yards behind the line for a coverage sack. That is not a one look and run. I would agree that he is only looking at his first read, and locking on targets but I wish he would at least run it instead of taking sacks or running out of bounds with the ball.

Im not talking about him running, I am talking about him wanting to run after initial reads but defenses have it covered. It seems that this year the defense locks down his first and second read, then fill up the running lanes. He looks like he wants to run, but has nowhere to go and isnt sure how to manipulate those coverages to his benefit.


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Girl who made wallet for Russell Wilson wakes from heart transplant | KING5.com Seattle
Wilson shows off a wallet made out of duct tape made by a girl near death on the heart transplant list.

Russel is a regular at Seattle's Childrens Hospital. Not for the photo ops, but to do what he can to lift the spirits and support sick kids and their families. Krapernick can help a camp or do some photo op to improve his image, but the real personality is out there and well known.

You can compare many things about these two QB's and there will be debates over which you would have run your offense for years to come. One thing there is no debate on is which is a bigger part of the community they play in. It's just not even close.

BTW, the sick girl who made that wallet finally got her heart transplant this week.


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I doubt Kaep is all that bad. I know people who know some of his family here in Wisconsin, but I tell them all the time not to judge Kaep based on some asshole when they never met Kaep.

Anyway. There's only ever been three kinds of football players. The kind you wish you never met, the decent guys who just enjoy the ride or focus on business, and the really nice guys. Russell is that third kind. He's awesome, and not many guys are like him anywhere in the world. So you can't judge Kaep for not being as active in the community like that. His first job is to lead hid offense and win.
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Lots of people putting lots of thoughts in other peoples heads.

Reality is though... Seattle is the best team in the NFC until SF gets their shit together. Then SF better win the rematch or Seattle really does own their asses this year.


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Nobody is arguing that Seattle has a better history.

Rays fans can talk all the shit they want because right now they are the better team.

This whole "you cant criticize or say youre better than out current team because of our history" is completely stupid.

By that same logic, couldnt we say that niner fans should not be allowed to argue in favor of their team over the Hawks until they pass them in the standings this year?

1. I hope that was a typo saying nobody is arguing that SEATTLE has a better history? Clearly SF has the better history. Last year they accomplished as much as Seattle has in its entire existence, by losing a SB.

2. BY your same logic, until the Seahawks WIN THE DIVISION/CONFERENCE this year, how can they be better than the 49ers? I still here announcers calling the 49ers the NFC Champs. Until the Seahawks prove they can win in SF, i am still a skeptic of them being the NFL's Overall best team (IMO DENVER). Sure SEA plays EXCELLENT at home with the crowd energy and has the best D. I remember the ARIZONA CARDINALS started 4-0 last year, how did that turn out? The only way i see the Seahawks making it to the SUPERBOWL is if they get home field advantage.

3. As of right now, the Seahawks are the better team. I can admit that being a lifelong 49er fan. We have had our struggles in SEA and Vs. INDY. Hopefully with what happened in the Rams game we get back to what we do best and play smash mouth football. Power running that leads to big plays with play-action. It seems like SEATTLE (this year), is a mirror image of our 49er team from the 2011-2012 when we lost to the NYG in the NFCCG. IMHO. thats just my honest review.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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1. I hope that was a typo saying nobody is arguing that SEATTLE has a better history? Clearly SF has the better history. Last year they accomplished as much as Seattle has in its entire existence, by losing a SB.

2. BY your same logic, until the Seahawks WIN THE DIVISION/CONFERENCE this year, how can they be better than the 49ers? I still here announcers calling the 49ers the NFC Champs. Until the Seahawks prove they can win in SF, i am still a skeptic of them being the NFL's Overall best team (IMO DENVER). Sure SEA plays EXCELLENT at home with the crowd energy and has the best D. I remember the ARIZONA CARDINALS started 4-0 last year, how did that turn out? The only way i see the Seahawks making it to the SUPERBOWL is if they get home field advantage.

3. As of right now, the Seahawks are the better team. I can admit that being a lifelong 49er fan. We have had our struggles in SEA and Vs. INDY. Hopefully with what happened in the Rams game we get back to what we do best and play smash mouth football. Power running that leads to big plays with play-action. It seems like SEATTLE (this year), is a mirror image of our 49er team from the 2011-2012 when we lost to the NYG in the NFCCG. IMHO. thats just my honest review.

1. No, it wasnt a typo. Nobody is arguing that Seattle has a better history.

The rest of your post contradicts itself. You say that until Seattle wins the división they are not the better team, but then say that Seattle is the better team judging on what we have seen this year. Forget last year, NO is a better team than Atlanta too, last year really doesnt matter anymore.

I also wouldnt bank on Seattle being bad on the road this year. I realistically see them winning 4-5 on the road.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Lots of people putting lots of thoughts in other peoples heads.

Reality is though... Seattle is the best team in the NFC until SF gets their shit together. Then SF better win the rematch or Seattle really does own their asses this year.

So then what you are saying is that you are against 7-9 divisional teams playing at home?


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Believe me when I say this:

Seattle needs to be CAREFUL. They are so sky-high right now. Both the organization and the fans. We have to see how they handle adversity to know how truly great they are. Because it will happen. And some teams handle it by bouncing back and others handle it with panic.

All I am saying to the fans is DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP. Enjoy that you have a great team but always know that you are never as good as look just like you are never as bad as you look.


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Yeah but it's from someone who actually knows football, unlike some dummy homer like yourself who can't admit the truth about the QB he has a crush on, at least for now.

What can't I admit? That the games against Seattle and Indy don't define who Kaepernick is as a QB? Yeah I don't admit that. I admit his struggles. But I have seen him with my own two eyes stand tall in the pocket and deliver rope after rope right on target to his second and third reads.... He did it against Atlanta for instance. Didn't run the pistol or read option hardly at all in that game.

I can go back and find a few games on Wilson in which he made a lot of mistakes and write a three page breakdown that will make him look awful, but I have better things to do.... like slap you upside the head for being a retard homer.

Like I said before. You play 4 of your next five games on the road. Lets see how you do before you finish your circle jerk and blow your wad all over Sonny, Jake and Uhsplits face. (sorry guys, I know how much you can't wait for that moment)
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Good lord is it going to fun rubbing your nose in the fact that the Seahawks are better. Best football season ever.

Thats whats so wonderful about people like you that start dancing when the game isn't even through the first quarter. Its because a lot can happen in the remaining three plus quarters of football. And really is there any more proof of some of you seahawk fans being the huge ignoramus you are by celebrating a division win in week 3?

I certainly have never stood on a soap box and declared my team the greatest. You though, have. So when it comes crunch time, you have a ways to fall if things don't work out the way you plan.

And you can be sure I will be here to point it out and pulling away the matt to make sure the landing isn't a soft one. On the other hand you have nothing on me, because I haven't made a fool of myself by demanding respect and acknowledgment in the first quarter of the game.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Believe me when I say this:

Seattle needs to be CAREFUL. They are so sky-high right now. Both the organization and the fans. We have to see how they handle adversity to know how truly great they are. Because it will happen. And some teams handle it by bouncing back and others handle it with panic.

All I am saying to the fans is DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP. Enjoy that you have a great team but always know that you are never as good as look just like you are never as bad as you look.
Well considering they have never been very good 10am gamers, and have a tough road game in Houston this week, and all of a sudden have 3 of our 5 linemen banged up, this will definitely throw a wrench into the Hawks' game plan. We have the deepest roster in the league, but the one area where we are thin is the OL.

Every team has their Achilles heel and the OL is ours. Unfortunately we have ours exposed against the toughest D we will see this year and have to play the game away from the confines of the Clink


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Not that this matters all that much, but does Kap help that camp by funding it or does he actually donate his time? There are big tax breaks for donating to charities which is why EVERY athlete does so. You can pay X amount to the government, or the government will let you pay that to a charity instead. You get the community fanfare and everyone is a winner.

From what I understand, Ray Lewis is notorious for that stuff. He set up a foundation in his name and hardly puts a dime into it. The foundation just tries to get money from other people. And ray Lewis looks awesome for doing so.


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Well considering they have never been very good 10am gamers, and have a tough road game in Houston this week, and all of a sudden have 3 of our 5 linemen banged up, this will definitely throw a wrench into the Hawks' game plan. We have the deepest roster in the league, but the one area where we are thin is the OL.

Every team has their Achilles heel and the OL is ours. Unfortunately we have ours exposed against the toughest D we will see this year and have to play the game away from the confines of the Clink

I don't think that was the level of adversity he was referring too. But nice to see an early excuse served up.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Breaker/Supers will take longer than most to admit that the Hawks are better than the niners and Wilson is better than Kap. Right now its evident, eventually it will be undeniable.

Is this clown really saying that he hasnt touted his team from a soapbox? He would be doing it right now if it were true and the niners had a lead. Hypocrite moron. Just tuck your tail and walk away.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Well considering they have never been very good 10am gamers, and have a tough road game in Houston this week, and all of a sudden have 3 of our 5 linemen banged up, this will definitely throw a wrench into the Hawks' game plan. We have the deepest roster in the league, but the one area where we are thin is the OL.

Every team has their Achilles heel and the OL is ours. Unfortunately we have ours exposed against the toughest D we will see this year and have to play the game away from the confines of the Clink

Houston's D is not that great. They're giving up almost 30 points a game.


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Not that this matters all that much, but does Kap help that camp by funding it or does he actually donate his time? There are big tax breaks for donating to charities which is why EVERY athlete does so. You can pay X amount to the government, or the government will let you pay that to a charity instead. You get the community fanfare and everyone is a winner.

From what I understand, Ray Lewis is notorious for that stuff. He set up a foundation in his name and hardly puts a dime into it. The foundation just tries to get money from other people. And ray Lewis looks awesome for doing so.

He does both. He contributes money and time. The website is full of pictures of him playing with the kids. And he has held several special events for them at Candlestick and in Santa Clara as well.

Kaepernick held charity events that raised 200k last year for Camp Taylor and he donates a large portion of the proceeds from his "kaepernicking" gear to Camp Taylor. There are pictures of him playing with the kids all over camp taylors website, he goes there every year multiple times after providing very large portion of their funding...







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Seahawk fans are so upset by Kaepernicks charity work. What a "douche" kaepernick is. :confused:
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