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A fan of the Dolphins and Lions has no room to talk
A fan of the Dolphins and Lions has no room to talk
Seahawks fans throw food at Bowman as he is carted off the field - ************.com
They threw food at him being carted off, this fanbase is complete trash
And who is rationalizing thay behavior. Where are they?
All I've seen is commentary that based on the few popcorn kernels that it was likely one person. Or 10 people each throwing a single kernel.
Then I've seen people defending their fan base saying, as you did, that it's not representative.
Then I've seen people pointing out the irony of 49ers fans calling Seahawks fans classless given your history in fan behavior.
No one I've seen is defending thay idiot who threw popcorn. Richard Sherman, they guy everyone hates, even called that fan out.
A fan of the Dolphins and Lions has no room to talk
All teams have bandwagon fans. That happens when you're good. I think having more than 1 favorite team is far more ridiculous. It just shows you're insecure with your first choice and need to have a fallback. Too bad for you your fallback team also sucksI
Its called a "Bandwagaon". My sister in law from Indiana was a Colts fans for life. She like many in the tech field moved to Seattle for work, "Amazon". Now they are all die hard Hawaks fans, LOL. And her husband was a wide reciever for Indiana. Must be something in the coffee.
Here's the rulebook:
Penalty: For running into the kicker: Loss of five yards from the previous spot, no automatic first
down. (This is not a personal foul). For roughing the kicker or holder, loss of 15 yards from the
previous spot. (This is a personal foul, and also disqualification if flagrant).
(1) Avoiding the kicker is a primary responsibility of defensive players if they do not touch the kick.
(2) Any contact with the kicker by a single defensive player who has not touched the kick is running into
the kicker.
(3) Any unnecessary roughness committed by defensive players is roughing the kicker. Severity of
contact and potential for injury are to be considered.
There is no language that says "contact with a punter's plant leg shall be considered roughing," but as Perrera said, running into the kickers plant leg carries substantial "potential for injury" and thus is always called roughing.
That said, we didn't lose the game because the refs fucked up. We fucked up on our own. And yes, I'm looking at YOU Donte Whitner.
Super Bowl 2014: Real story of Richard Sherman-Michael Crabtree feud | NJ.com
This is probably what most people had suspected... Two sides of the story, except this guy isn't related to Sherman or Crabtree so it sounds a little bit more legite...
Didn't believe for a second that Crabs tries to fight him. Crabs is a laid back kind of guy. Doesn't fit his mold.