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Screw "moral victories." Last night fucking sucked. Period.


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Apr 21, 2013
St. Louis
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Guys, don't worry about TGann's posts. He is butt-hurt over the ravens paying Average Joe elite QB money. It makes him so angry that everyone was right; last years post-season was a fluke for Average Joe and he is nothing more than mediocre.

And let us not forget. If it weren't for the Orioles telling the Ravens to pound sand we would not have beaten the crap out of them at Mile High. That means we would likely have the Pats at home instead of in Foxborough for what seems like the 20th consecutive game. It also means Ravens are second to baseball in Baltimore.


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Jul 17, 2013
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That's all I'm saying...u guys have a good team but that was a collapse. The turnovers and the D were jut half ur problem. Peyton did nothing in the second half it reminded me of the Ravens v Broncs playoff game last year. He got figured out and their were no answers.

Pretty sure Peyton was doing just fine. He had the one bad interception but otherwise he was moving the offense just the stupid fumbles derailed about 4-5 drives that were marching down the field. Then some ill-timed drops didn't help either.

Peyton definitely didn't have his best game I will say that but once momentum switched it seemed about everything that could go wrong for our offense did and every injury that could happen on our defense did.


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Apr 30, 2013
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Pretty sure Peyton was doing just fine. He had the one bad interception but otherwise he was moving the offense just the stupid fumbles derailed about 4-5 drives that were marching down the field. Then some ill-timed drops didn't help either.

Peyton definitely didn't have his best game I will say that but once momentum switched it seemed about everything that could go wrong for our offense did and every injury that could happen on our defense did.

The Baltimore troll has been in hiding since week one. Then chooses now to talk smack. Comical......

I'm gonna enjoy watching Big Ben throw dirt on your season on Turkey Day.

As for you Malibu: Consider it done. I will now ignore your posts. You have nothing positive to add to the conversation, and I, myself, prefer taking a clear minded view of the games.

(It always cracks me up to see grown men throwing hissy fits about a football game hours after it has taken place. Take a deep breath, and realize, it's a long road to the Super Bowl. There are bumps sometimes. Losses happen and they are learned from. Not every single possession or play is an indication of what is going to happen two months from now. In other words, enjoy the ride. This is far better than watching Kyle Orton and Josh McDaniels ruin our franchise, wouldn't you say?)

Happy Thanksgiving.....even to you B'more fan. See ya in the Playoffs.....maybe....lmao.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Baltimore troll has been in hiding since week one. Then chooses now to talk smack. Comical......

I'm gonna enjoy watching Big Ben throw dirt on your season on Turkey Day.

As for you Malibu: Consider it done. I will now ignore your posts. You have nothing positive to add to the conversation, and I, myself, prefer taking a clear minded view of the games.

(It always cracks me up to see grown men throwing hissy fits about a football game hours after it has taken place. Take a deep breath, and realize, it's a long road to the Super Bowl. There are bumps sometimes. Losses happen and they are learned from. Not every single possession or play is an indication of what is going to happen two months from now. In other words, enjoy the ride. This is far better than watching Kyle Orton and Josh McDaniels ruin our franchise, wouldn't you say?)

Happy Thanksgiving.....even to you B'more fan. See ya in the Playoffs.....maybe....lmao.

It is funny that he returns now of all times to talk trash. I could understand a little more if it was a Patriot troll or at least an AFC West Troll but a Baltimore Troll...Come on man. Maybe wait at least until your team is above .500 (if they could actually ever get to that) before trying to rip into the Broncos who still have the best record in the AFC at this point. We lose 5 starters on defense and still only lose by an overtime field goal to Tom Brady on the road. Hmmm I like our chances in a rematch.


May 1, 2013
Polk City, Iowa
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(It always cracks me up to see grown men throwing hissy fits about a football game hours after it has taken place. Take a deep breath, and realize, it's a long road to the Super Bowl. There are bumps sometimes. Losses happen and they are learned from. Not every single possession or play is an indication of what is going to happen two months from now. In other words, enjoy the ride. This is far better than watching Kyle Orton and Josh McDaniels ruin our franchise, wouldn't you say?)

:agree: :10:

Well said Cali, Well said!

Happy Thanksgiving all !

Hoping we carve some Chiefs turkey this weekend !

Go Broncos!


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
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Cali, you and FF are off your rockers. The Broncos suck and have no chance at the SB. They might as well forfeit the rest of the games to save us the heartache. Idiots! :suds:

Injury alert!!! There has been a injury alert issued for some Bronco fans nationwide. It's expected that after the Broncos beat the Chef's Sunday that there will be shoulder injury's, lower body injury's and potential concussions due to some fans trying to jump back on the Bronco bandwagon....


tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
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Week 1 is a lot further away then last weeks collapse in NE. I was just pointing out that ur D is not great period and Peyton sh*t the bed in the second half in NE if ur not worried I'm certainly not.

Yeah we r at .500 that's how it goes but we r also one of the best in December in the NFL and we get Pitta back for the first time next week. Count us out of ya like I'm not sure u want to see us in Denver remember what happened second time we played last year?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Week 1 is a lot further away then last weeks collapse in NE. I was just pointing out that ur D is not great period and Peyton sh*t the bed in the second half in NE if ur not worried I'm certainly not.

Yeah we r at .500 that's how it goes but we r also one of the best in December in the NFL and we get Pitta back for the first time next week. Count us out of ya like I'm not sure u want to see us in Denver remember what happened second time we played last year?

One of the best in December...Hmmm so going 1-4 last year in December is considered good these days? Who knew.

Also not sure beating average teams really shows that your team is improving at this time. You just got done playing a defense that gave up 55 to the Patriots just a couple of weeks ago if I remember right and you guys could barely muster over 20. Not sure Pitta is going to make a big enough difference to improve that offense enough to hang with the big boys but hey any given Sunday I guess.

Now last week's collapse also saw us turn the ball over 4 times in one half against one of the best teams in the league while also losing 5 starters on defense in the process. If somebody told me that was going to happen before the game started then yes I would tell that person we are guaranteed to lose. That doesn't happen every week in the NFL. Now it has happened twice to the Broncos once against the Cowboys and now against the Patriots so hopefully it is not becoming a trend but for the most part our defense is actually starting to get healthy with Champ returning this week and Von looking more and more like himself as one of the most dominating players in all of football.