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Screw "moral victories." Last night fucking sucked. Period.


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Jul 22, 2013
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It was about week 12 or so (If I recall correctly) of last season, when Ravens' fans were lamenting about their team's lack of defense........ Just saying....


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Apr 21, 2013
St. Louis
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Von should never, ever go to coverage. He was drafted to be a pass rush machine. I will never understand dropping him into coverage.

Putting the secondary in Zone against Brady was silly. Brady beats good secondaries in zone let alone back ups. Good QBs always win in zone coverage.

I think we need to lay off that bunch formation that is a screen. It seems like defenses are starting to predict that better.

I think we went way too conservative on defense in the second half. That has been a problem all year. We get up by a few scores and put it in neutral but there is still time for the team to come back. I don't know if the expectation was on the offense to score more or what the deal is; leave your foot on the opponents throat until the clock says 4th QTR :00.


May 1, 2013
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Patriots and every other team has injuries as well. When do people quit using injuries as an excuse? Where was Von Miller and Phillips in the 2nd half? What did Woodyard do in the 2nd half? People crying about injuries when will it stop? Just admitt the Patriots were the better team.

I am so sick of your whining. Care to elaborate on what specifically is wrong with the pass defense?

Oh, they suck? That's all you got?

Shut the hell up.

It's all about match-ups. A few rookie DB's and 2nd string safeties get exploited by one of the best QB's in the game, one of the best HC's in the game, and one of the most physical pass catching TE's in the game.

When your starters get hurt, there are going to be weaknesses in your secondary. A good QB will exploit that. The most important thing we needed to do last night to protect the lead was PROTECT THE FOOTBALL.

We failed to do that.


If you put your defense in a bad spot when it already is exposed in the secondary from injuries, a good offense is hard to stop.

You keep acting like if they don't completely shut everyone down, it's a failure.

Learn the game.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Von should never, ever go to coverage. He was drafted to be a pass rush machine. I will never understand dropping him into coverage.

Putting the secondary in Zone against Brady was silly. Brady beats good secondaries in zone let alone back ups. Good QBs always win in zone coverage.

I think we need to lay off that bunch formation that is a screen. It seems like defenses are starting to predict that better.

I think we went way too conservative on defense in the second half. That has been a problem all year. We get up by a few scores and put it in neutral but there is still time for the team to come back. I don't know if the expectation was on the offense to score more or what the deal is; leave your foot on the opponents throat until the clock says 4th QTR :00.



Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
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I completely agree with you guys about Von blitzing. I do wonder with all the injuries in the defensive background if the Broncos were forced to throw him into coverage.


May 1, 2013
Polk City, Iowa
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I do wonder with all the injuries in the defensive background if the Broncos were forced to throw him into coverage.

From what I have discussed with my fellow local Broncos fans that's exactly what we believe Del Rio did, in switching to zone with Von Miller dropping back, unfortunately it backfired. All we hope is that the he / the team learned and will not do this again for the remainder of the season!

Von direction should always be forwards not backwards! One of the take away's I had from the NE games was that Von is officially in "Game Shape" and I believe he will be getting our remaining opponents full attention for the remainder of the season, which will should be good things for the rest of the D to do great things once they get healthy!

Go Broncos!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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From what I have discussed with my fellow local Broncos fans that's exactly what we believe Del Rio did, in switching to zone with Von Miller dropping back, unfortunately it backfired. All we hope is that the he / the team learned and will not do this again for the remainder of the season!

Von direction should always be forwards not backwards! One of the take away's I had from the NE games was that Von is officially in "Game Shape" and I believe he will be getting our remaining opponents full attention for the remainder of the season, which will should be good things for the rest of the D to do great things once they get healthy!

Go Broncos!

Now I will agree that Von should be going after the quarterback as much as possible but I do understand the idea of also using him as a decoy at times. What I would love to see the Broncos do is what they did some last year in putting Von and Dumervil on the same side of the line but this year obviously Von and Phillips. Putting them next to each other and every once in a while dropping say Von back into coverage could allow for Phillips to get unblocked with the lineman keying in on Von so much. Now I don't recommend but doing this maybe once or twice a game but it can be a good thing to use the fear of Von coming for the quarterback to the team's advantage.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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I am so sick of your whining. Care to elaborate on what specifically is wrong with the pass defense?

Oh, they suck? That's all you got?

Shut the hell up.

It's all about match-ups. A few rookie DB's and 2nd string safeties get exploited by one of the best QB's in the game, one of the best HC's in the game, and one of the most physical pass catching TE's in the game.

When your starters get hurt, there are going to be weaknesses in your secondary. A good QB will exploit that. The most important thing we needed to do last night to protect the lead was PROTECT THE FOOTBALL.

We failed to do that.


If you put your defense in a bad spot when it already is exposed in the secondary from injuries, a good offense is hard to stop.

You keep acting like if they don't completely shut everyone down, it's a failure.

Learn the game.

Did I say they need to shut everyone down? I expect a 24-0 lead to hold up. When people respond the way you just did just shows me that Im right. For someone that is sick of my posts then why do you respond? Why waste your time? Does the truth hurt? There was no pass rush in the 2nd half. The LB's and DB's had issues with crossing patterns and pick plays in the second half. I said last year the defense wasnt good enough and I was right and so far nothing has changed from last year to this year. Like Ive said before if the Broncos win the whole thing I will admitt I was wrong and i hope I am. Will you do the same?


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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You are a complete train wreck. Nobody is crying about anything. The injuries pile up and the other team takes advantage of them. It's part of the game.

To just sit there week after week and say "they will never win the Super Bowl playing like this" is ridiculous. Do you have an original thought on what needs to be done to change things? Oh wait, judging by your responses you will answer that with "That's what the Coaches get paid for" or something lame like that.

For discussions sake, what exactly would you have done with the secondary last night once They were down to Webster, Harris and Carter on the Corners and Adams, Duke (also dinged up) and Bruton at Safety against Tom Freaking Brady?

How is it ridiculous? Havent I been right? Said the same last year and how did that Ravens game go in the playoffs? Denvers corners need to be more physical. Von Miller should never be in coverage. A 3 man rush against Tom Brady and any other great QB is useless. The LB's bite to much on playaction passes. Denver needed to blitz more right down the middle in Brady's face to make him move out of the pocket. Like Ive said before if my posts are always the same and not worth answering then why do some of you respond? Why waste your time? Its pretty simple. If Denver wins the whole thing and I hope they do I will be the first to admitt I was wrong. Block my posts if you are sick of them. Smart guys like yourselves can figure that out because I dont know a damn thing about football.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Did I say they need to shut everyone down? I expect a 24-0 lead to hold up. When people respond the way you just did just shows me that Im right. For someone that is sick of my posts then why do you respond? Why waste your time? Does the truth hurt? There was no pass rush in the 2nd half. The LB's and DB's had issues with crossing patterns and pick plays in the second half. I said last year the defense wasnt good enough and I was right and so far nothing has changed from last year to this year. Like Ive said before if the Broncos win the whole thing I will admitt I was wrong and i hope I am. Will you do the same?

I expect a 24-0 lead to hold up

So the hell with the 4 turnovers offense and special teams gave up. The defense should be able to pick up their slack even with 4 starters out.

It's not that cut and dry. When you say, "The defense wasn't good enough" the truth is , the defense missing 4 starters and playing 2 rookies and 2 2nd string players struggled for 1 half against one of the best QB's HC's and TE's in the league.

They held them scoreless the first hlfr and created 7 of teh 24 points and set the offense up with short fields for 2 more scores. They held them at the end of regulation giving the offense a chance to tie it and they held them for 2 drives in OT giving us the ball back only to see ST muff another punt.

This loss is not entirely on the defense and to say simply, "The defense is not good enough" is utter nonsense and reflects your lack of understanding of the overall game.

Like Ive said before if the Broncos win the whole thing I will admitt I was wrong and i hope I am. Will you do the same

I have nothing to admit. I don't go out and make generalized sweeping absolute statements like "This defense sucks" .

Each game is different. Each match-up has different aspects to it. A player who looked all pro last week may struggle next week and idiots like you will call for him to be cut.

It's one game at a time and afterwards I look at what we did right and what we did wrong and what needs ot get better.

If you were in charge you would have had the Broncos forfeit the rest of the season because "The defense sucks".

When are you going to get a clue that a lot of people here are sick and tired of your negative posts and the sky is falling attitude? You don't actually contribute much until called out on it I noticed.

We are 9-2! It is a great season for the Broncos. Have fun! Be happy!

Feel free to critique the individual performances and coaching calls and mistakes players make in certain situations but if you continue with "This defense sucks" posts expect fans like me to call you out on your naivety.


Speed Kills
May 16, 2013
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There is a difference in excuse's and explanations. If there was one DB not playing it would be a excuse but when you primarily have 2nd and 3rd stringers playing against Brady it's an explanation. Anyone who watched that game has to acknowledge the entire complexion of that game changed when DRC went out. It always makes me laugh when people act as though the team performance shouldn't suffer due to injuries because they're pro players. You can overcome some injuries but there is a point when your performance will deteriorate.

Ask Green Bay if injuries are just an excuse.


May 1, 2013
Polk City, Iowa
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When are you going to get a clue that a lot of people here are sick and tired of your negative posts and the sky is falling attitude?

:agree: :10:

And you can count me on this!

And I'm absolutely elated the Broncos are 9-2 !!!

Go Broncos!


tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
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What a choke...Peyton in the cold is a disaster.

Denver has had a great season but is going nowhere in the playoffs.


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Jul 17, 2013
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How is it ridiculous? Havent I been right? Said the same last year and how did that Ravens game go in the playoffs? Denvers corners need to be more physical. Von Miller should never be in coverage. A 3 man rush against Tom Brady and any other great QB is useless. The LB's bite to much on playaction passes. Denver needed to blitz more right down the middle in Brady's face to make him move out of the pocket. Like Ive said before if my posts are always the same and not worth answering then why do some of you respond? Why waste your time? Its pretty simple. If Denver wins the whole thing and I hope they do I will be the first to admitt I was wrong. Block my posts if you are sick of them. Smart guys like yourselves can figure that out because I dont know a damn thing about football.

How did the Ravens game last year go in the regular season? The Broncos play an aggressive style of defense in expecting pressure to get to the quarterback while playing tight press man coverage with the corners and safeties. If that pressure doesn't get there then yes a quarterback has a chance to take advantage of that especially one like Tom Brady. With most of our starters in the pressure was getting there because there was better coverage by the first unit secondary compared to what had to be thrown out there in the 2nd half of the game because of injuries. It is not that the pressure wasn't still there it was just receivers were able to get open quicker for Tom Brady to find them. Then the Broncos went to a more zone coverage to help out the young players on the field but this team is not designed to play zone and it shows when the Broncos have had to use that this year because of injuries. We just don't have the personnel to be able to do that.

Now if the Broncos lose in the playoffs does that prove you to be right...Absolutely Not! It means a team played better than we did on one certain day. I don't know many people outside of Baltimore that would say heading into the playoffs last year that Baltimore was the clear best team. They just so happened to get hot at the right time, had a few breaks go their way (you would think Sunday would be a good showing of things just not going the right way for the Broncos), and caught the Patriots and Broncos when they happened to play some very sloppy games that they hadn't done all year.

Now is this Broncos team good enough to win a Superbowl? You bet they are. Will they do it we shall see. They need to clean a few things up but right now I wouldn't say the defense is the problem. Turnovers and dropped passes on Sunday were far more concerning for me than how our defense played.


tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
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We shall see if we do or not. But one thing is sure the collapse in the cold in the second half of the NE game is what we will see in the playoffs.

24-0 at half then collapse on D. That D won't win a championship like we did last year.



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Jul 17, 2013
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We shall see if we do or not. But one thing is sure the collapse in the cold in the second half of the NE game is what we will see in the playoffs.

24-0 at half then collapse on D. That D won't win a championship like we did last year.


Yes the defense we saw in the 2nd half of the game on Sunday will not win a Superbowl. I hope you understand that the defense that was out there most likely is not the defense that the Broncos play the rest of the season. Players like DRC, Champ, Moore, Nacho, and possible Big Vick are all expected to be ready come playoff time to play. So when half of the defense is 2nd or 3rd string players I would hope that a HOF quarterback can take advantage.

I would also think that the offense and special teams will not turn the ball over 4 times in a game. IF they do then yeah I don't expect the team to win in the playoffs. So injuries and turnovers are both very correctable things.


tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
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That's all I'm saying...u guys have a good team but that was a collapse. The turnovers and the D were jut half ur problem. Peyton did nothing in the second half it reminded me of the Ravens v Broncs playoff game last year. He got figured out and their were no answers.