Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
All right I've calmed down and frankly I'm glad he's moving on, I honestly didn't feel he could get the job done any ways with the sloooooowwww start..
Narduzzi? If were gonna go there then why not insert Wilcox, same age, defense minded??
Mora, to me would be a foolish hire, he hasn't really proved anything at UCLA, still has slick Ricks kids, plus they way he campaigned for the UW job right after Willingham was hired was just wrong, even though Willingham sucked.
Gruden, pipe dream, but it would be soooooo cool....
You don't think Mora has proven anything at UCLA? He only took a Neuheiseled (I just made that word up) program and made them conference championship contenders two years straight. It's more than 10 years later and we're still waiting for someone to do that.
Please go after Mora!