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Russell Wilson: The most overrated player in the NFL


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Jul 15, 2013
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That's some low quality posting from Seahawk fan. Making it verrry personal, since someone has an opinion that's different. I expect that from Wilson fans. But not team fans.

The guy does not state it as opinion. He states it as if it is factual.

It can be debated one way or the other. The stats certainly back up Wilson but there are circumstances to the situation that can be used try and show that he is more of a game manager.

I look at it like this: As a life-long Seahawk fan who has watched from the very first game that the franchise played, I can state without a doubt that Wilson is THE BEST QB that we have ever had. He is better than Zorn, Krieg, and Hasselback. The only QB you could even make an arguement for is Moon who played for only 2 years and was not really better at that point of his career.

People just don't seem to understand his poise. His athleticism and arm are good but that is not what makes him a good QB. The fact that he consistantly makes the correct decisions to almost every situation and never seems to panic under extreme pressure is what sits him apart. People keep on bringing up the D and the run game but the OL was absolutely horrible in pass protection so Wilson often had to make something out of nothing. The Seahawks have never had a QB that does this this well before.

MAYBE (or maybe not) there are other QBs that could have won the SB with the Seahawks team last year but it remains highly debatable. The only QBs that I could emphatically state that would have would be Brady, PManning, Brees, and Rodgers (who was injured much of last year). While I will not state that Wilson is better than all of the others, I will also not state that any of the others are specifically better than he is.

I do know this much AS FACT (this is not opinion), despite what drooling morons like the OP might think: The Seahawks would not have won the SB this last year with any of the other QBs that have been on their roster over the last 3 years. A fading Hasselback, Flynn, TJackson, etc. would not have put this team over the top.
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Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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What stats back up Wilson? (QB rankings are 100% opinion, 100% of the time too me.)Id much rather talk intangibles than stats. But if it is stats that seal the deal for people who put RW as high as 3-4, I just want to know which ones. Personally I think he falls in the 7,8-11,12 range. But 7-13 is a broader, safer zone. Six and higher is too high for my liking. Too young, too good of a team. (Rivers being the non-ring wearer id have higher. With Luck right there.)Had he not started the SB for some odd reason, I don't think he'd crack a top ten outside of Seattle.(One game, one team win, huge impact league wide.) But I don't disagree on him being the best QB I've seen for the Seahawks. (Moon was older than every player in the league basically. Prime Moon isn't even close. Arguably the best QB ever for three NFL franchises and one CFL. That's impressive.)


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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That's some low quality posting from Seahawk fan. Making it verrry personal, since someone has an opinion that's different. I expect that from Wilson fans. But not team fans.
Hold on. I'll look for all the fucks I give about your opinion of my opinion of some stupid internet troll.

Didn't find a single one :noidea:


Banned in Europe
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Wasn't your opinion that caught my attention. It was the shitty use of hyperbole.
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Jul 9, 2013
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Romo is better than Wilson. Plain and simple. If you are talking about right now, on the same team, be it Seattle or Dallas, he is better. Point to his ring(Dilfer has one too). His QB rating is a product of throwing from play action or against 8 man fronts, and not having to force throws when he's behind. Either way, I'm glad to see you came over to debate it here, since you were too big a pussy to do it on the Seattle board Harry

Passer rating, etc...yes, Romo is better than a lot of QBs...he's got talent, he will put up very good numbers in the regular season...but...can you count on him when it matters the most...in the playoffs.

I would feel better in week 10 with Romo if I'm down 2 possessions in the 4th with 6 mins left...but in January down 6 in the 4th with 2 mins to go...I'm going with RW.

UK Cowboy

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Passer rating, etc...yes, Romo is better than a lot of QBs...he's got talent, he will put up very good numbers in the regular season...but...can you count on him when it matters the most...in the playoffs.

I would feel better in week 10 with Romo if I'm down 2 possessions in the 4th with 6 mins left...but in January down 6 in the 4th with 2 mins to go...I'm going with RW.

In the postseason, Romo has faced teams that were simply better for the most part. The other teams usually have stout defenses, and Dallas, when they have gotten there, it has been about their offense. When Barber gave them a solid running game, and they had Zimmer as DC, they went 13-3. Yeah they lost in the playoffs, but he can only throw it to Patrick Crayton. He can't catch it for him too:L. You are right about the perception of Romo, but there's no way I believe if he had Seattle's D and running game, they wouldn't be even better


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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Romo is better than Wilson. Plain and simple. If you are talking about right now, on the same team, be it Seattle or Dallas, he is better. Point to his ring(Dilfer has one too). His QB rating is a product of throwing from play action or against 8 man fronts, and not having to force throws when he's behind. Either way, I'm glad to see you came over to debate it here, since you were too big a pussy to do it on the Seattle board Harry

Wilson wouldn't take his girlfriend and boyfriend tight end on a vacation to Mexico days before a playoff game like Romo did in 2008(and lost by the way). Wilson would have been in the film room from sun-up to sun-down preparing. That alone shows why Wilson is the better QB. The kid has more leadership quality in his pinkie than Romo could ever hope to have.

The Oldtimer

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In the postseason, Romo has faced teams that were simply better for the most part. The other teams usually have stout defenses, and Dallas, when they have gotten there, it has been about their offense. When Barber gave them a solid running game, and they had Zimmer as DC, they went 13-3. Yeah they lost in the playoffs, but he can only throw it to Patrick Crayton. He can't catch it for him too:L. You are right about the perception of Romo, but there's no way I believe if he had Seattle's D and running game, they wouldn't be even better
I'm going to put my two cents in. How in the hell can anyone say Wilson is "overrated", when no one is saying he is an "elite"QB (yet)?? How many "elite" QBs are there in the NFL as of today, maybe 2 0r 3??

Otis B. Driftwood

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Wilson wouldn't take his girlfriend and boyfriend tight end on a vacation to Mexico days before a playoff game like Romo did in 2008(and lost by the way). Wilson would have been in the film room from sun-up to sun-down preparing. That alone shows why Wilson is the better QB. The kid has more leadership quality in his pinkie than Romo could ever hope to have.

I'll defend that trip only by saying that if fuckin' Patrick Crayton hadn't DROPPED two sure fire catches then it wouldn't even be a talking point.

Other than that - I have nothing. Neither do Patriot fans. ;-)


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I'll defend that trip only by saying that if fuckin' Patrick Crayton hadn't DROPPED two sure fire catches then it wouldn't even be a talking point.

Other than that - I have nothing. Neither do Patriot fans. ;-)

:lol: legit


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I'm going to put my two cents in. How in the hell can anyone say Wilson is "overrated", when no one is saying he is an "elite"QB (yet)?? How many "elite" QBs are there in the NFL as of today, maybe 2 0r 3??

It's more about defending the flag for most hawks fans I think. Could be wrong. Most hawks fans I've seen are not arguing RW is top 5 in the league. Those that are, are blind homers IMO.


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In the postseason, Romo has faced teams that were simply better for the most part. The other teams usually have stout defenses, and Dallas, when they have gotten there, it has been about their offense. When Barber gave them a solid running game, and they had Zimmer as DC, they went 13-3. Yeah they lost in the playoffs, but he can only throw it to Patrick Crayton. He can't catch it for him too:L. You are right about the perception of Romo, but there's no way I believe if he had Seattle's D and running game, they wouldn't be even better

IMO...the '07 and & '09 teams underachieved in the playoffs...I thought they were balanced on DEF (except CBs)& OFC...getting shellacked in MIN was not all Romo's fault, never one player's fault when you get beat like that, but that took a lot of the shine off Romo's star to me.

What if...SEA had such a great DEF, yes, they would've likely won the SB with Romo, but to say because he's a better passer, they would be better...idk about that.

Here is Romo in a nutshell...he can do all the things you want a franchise QB to do...you can put the game on his arm from time to time...I don't think you can ask that of RW...but at critical points in the game...I trust if the play breaks down that RW is going to throw it away and live for another play, or scramble for a 1st down, etc...he's going to do something positive most of the time.

Romo might pull off the unbelievable play, but he might pull off the play that loses the game also.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Can't we all just, get along ?

Lol Dole, aren't you the one of the Hawks fan who insists RW is the best QB in the league...? Or were ya just being tongue in cheek when you posted that gem?


May 27, 2013
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He's solidly a top 10 QB in the league, imo. He may be a tad overrated because he hasn't had to "carry" his team, but he'll be just fine when he has too. I think he ends up in the top 5 at the position at some point