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Russell Wilson should not be extended this offseason

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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If he became a FA, his price tag would be much higher than it would be if we extended him.... It happens with most contracts in life, not just sports... If you extend them, you usually get a better bargain since no one else is bidding for their services... If you let the contract expire and start from fresh, it would result in driving up the price tag if others were involved in bidding for their services as well...
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Not sure how spoiled some of our fans have become, but RW is the best QB this franchise has ever had, and it's not even close for second place. He's easily a top 10 QB and arguably at least near the top 5. You don't let that kind of talent even sniff free agency or have any hint of problems from the teams front office.

It's a QB league and you have a great one. Don't be a derp. Pay him and do it as fast as you are allowed.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Not sure how spoiled some of our fans have become, but RW is the best QB this franchise has ever had, and it's not even close for second place. He's easily a top 10 QB and arguably at least near the top 5. You don't let that kind of talent even sniff free agency or have any hint of problems from the teams front office.

It's a QB league and you have a great one. Don't be a derp. Pay him and do it as fast as you are allowed.

Honestly I don't get how anyone could reasonably argue otherwise.

Indrid Cold

Member In Black
Jul 18, 2014
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Honestly I don't get how anyone could reasonably argue otherwise.

I honestly think it's much more likely that Wilson would decide he wanted to test free agency than it would be for Seattle to not try to extend him.


Feb 28, 2014
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Why are we in such a rush to give him $120-$135M with $55M+ guaranteed?

I say let him play out the final year of his rookie deal. His value will not increase after next year and he did regress this year.

Yes, it's true that he would become an UFA after next year if not extended now, but his value will always be a lot greater to us than on the open market.

Don't get me wrong, I like Russ, but QB contracts are an albatross and he needs more evaluation.

Harold should have deleted this thread before any of us wasted our time in here.


Jul 15, 2014
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Why are we in such a rush to give him $120-$135M with $55M+ guaranteed?

I say let him play out the final year of his rookie deal. His value will not increase after next year and he did regress this year.

Yes, it's true that he would become an UFA after next year if not extended now, but his value will always be a lot greater to us than on the open market.

Don't get me wrong, I like Russ, but QB contracts are an albatross and he needs more evaluation.

QB's, especially ones that can actually play are extremely rare. You have a guy who imo is only going to get better. I say lock him up. Or, you could always go the Jets route and suck for eternity.


Jul 15, 2014
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Not sure how spoiled some of our fans have become, but RW is the best QB this franchise has ever had, and it's not even close for second place. He's easily a top 10 QB and arguably at least near the top 5. You don't let that kind of talent even sniff free agency or have any hint of problems from the teams front office.

It's a QB league and you have a great one. Don't be a derp. Pay him and do it as fast as you are allowed.

I love the kid. He ran for over 800 yards (And I still don't think of him as a running QB, he runs because that's what is available) and although I didn't see every game I can't remember him taking one big hit. His football IQ for a 3rd year guy astounds me. He's a class act as well. Get him some weapons in the passing game and I'm willing to bet he just gets better and better


Detroit Born and Raised
Apr 24, 2010
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I would take Wilson over any quarterback in the league. With his age, ability, experience and coolness under pressure, the last thing I would do is let him slip away.


Jul 15, 2014
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I would take Wilson over any quarterback in the league. With his age, ability, experience and coolness under pressure, the last thing I would do is let him slip away.

I'd take Luck first and Wilson 2nd. I might take Rogers but I forget how old he is.


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I love the kid. He ran for over 800 yards (And I still don't think of him as a running QB, he runs because that's what is available) and although I didn't see every game I can't remember him taking one big hit. His football IQ for a 3rd year guy astounds me. He's a class act as well. Get him some weapons in the passing game and I'm willing to bet he just gets better and better

He's the best I've ever seen at protecting his body. He does have the advantage of being lower to the ground than most quarterbacks, but it's mainly his quickness and intelligence that make him so great at protecting himself.


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Wilson been great. I'd say the best QB the Seahawks have ever had. No need to say I'd rather have Rogers or I'd rather have Luck, etc. because obviously that's not happening anyway. I'd certainly rather have him then any other realistic alternative. So he will get paid and the Seahawks will be smiling when they sign his checks. All us Seahawks fans would agree on this I think, because it would be crazy or just plain trolling to say otherwise.


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Apr 21, 2013
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He said in an interview, I think yesterday, that he wants to be a lifelong Seahawk, isn't worried about his contract status and that he doesn't care about being the highest paid QB in the league. Obviously we've heard that kind of thing before and seen that player bolt to another team for one reason or another, but in this case, I actually believe him when he says it. I don't anticipate the Seahawks lowballing him just because he said that he doesn't need to be the highest paid QB and he's still going to be making significantly more than he is now, so there won't be quite as much flexibility in the cap as there has been during his rookie deal. But based on this, I don't see him asking for the kind of ridiculously high salary that some people have been afraid he'd want.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Why are we in such a rush to give him $120-$135M with $55M+ guaranteed?

I say let him play out the final year of his rookie deal. His value will not increase after next year and he did regress this year.

Yes, it's true that he would become an UFA after next year if not extended now, but his value will always be a lot greater to us than on the open market.

Don't get me wrong, I like Russ, but QB contracts are an albatross and he needs more evaluation.

Oh, shit! Don't you guys go all "49er" on us......

Step away from the ledge.....


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Jul 3, 2013
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Wilson is a great QB... That last play was dumb to run, but one helluva play by the DB .... He knew that throw was coming and he read it perfectly.... Receiver was also weak going to the spot ... But I"m gonna say it again... FUCK off Bevell.... There is no way you don't use Lynch there, and there is no way your run a fucking slant there... FOR the exact reason we saw...


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Jul 16, 2013
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This is ridiculous. Even with the last throw he posted a 110 QB rating and averaged over 10 yards an attempt. If not for the last play he's easily the Super Bowl MVP. And that's with some guy off the street as his #1 target.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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NO....don't pass again. Give the man a contract now.


Feb 28, 2014
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This is ridiculous. Even with the last throw he posted a 110 QB rating and averaged over 10 yards an attempt. If not for the last play he's easily the Super Bowl MVP. And that's with some guy off the street as his #1 target.

Not so sure about that. If Lynch had gotten the ball on the last play, as he should have, and had scored the winning TD, as he would have, he would have had a combined 134 yards rushing/receiving, and 2 TDs. I think that would have made him MVP, not Wilson.

I would have enjoyed the ensuing discomfort of the NFL Commisioner and his office if Lynch had been MVP.

But, back to the thread topic - it's a waste of time to consider a QB alternative. Wilson will still be our QB 10 years from now. The only thing I want to see Wilson improve upon is being more aggresive in the first half of games, but that may not be on him. It might be on Bevell.


Jul 15, 2014
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This is ridiculous. Even with the last throw he posted a 110 QB rating and averaged over 10 yards an attempt. If not for the last play he's easily the Super Bowl MVP. And that's with some guy off the street as his #1 target.

They really need to get him some weapons.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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The only thing I want to see Wilson improve upon is being more aggresive in the first half of games, but that may not be on him. It might be on Bevell.

Purely on the coaching staff. They have talked a bit about it. Kind of like they probe the other team over the first so many plays and then decide how to attack them based on those early plays. Frustrates the crap out of me as well. Carroll has spoken about it a few times, but no idea who's bright idea this approach is or why they keep doing it.

I think if they run through those plays early you see those bigger plays coming in the second quarter, but on those days where they can't get anything going early it's the 3rd quarter.

The question about Wilson is how well will he play once Lynch is gone? His attempts will go way up in the post Lynch era, whenever that will be. Will his game step up accordingly? If so, then he's worth whatever he wants to get paid. If not they are sunk on salary and will struggle on offense.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Purely on the coaching staff. They have talked a bit about it. Kind of like they probe the other team over the first so many plays and then decide how to attack them based on those early plays. Frustrates the crap out of me as well. Carroll has spoken about it a few times, but no idea who's bright idea this approach is or why they keep doing it.

I think if they run through those plays early you see those bigger plays coming in the second quarter, but on those days where they can't get anything going early it's the 3rd quarter.

The question about Wilson is how well will he play once Lynch is gone? His attempts will go way up in the post Lynch era, whenever that will be. Will his game step up accordingly? If so, then he's worth whatever he wants to get paid. If not they are sunk on salary and will struggle on offense.

I'm not sure that's necessarily true. I'm sure he'll see his attempts go up, but I don't know if it'll be a significant jump. Lynch is obviously a great back and it's difficult now to see anybody being able to replace his production, but if Carroll and Bevell (or whomever is the OC after Lynch retires/leaves) want to continue with their run-first philosophy on offense, then we might not see Wilson's passing attempt numbers increase that much, unless the running game is so bad without Lynch that they're left with no other choice than to start chucking it more until they figure out how to make the running game more of a threat without him.

It's certainly possible that the running game will be exposed as being successful during the Lynch era primarily because of Lynch and will flop once he leaves because Lynch made the run blocking look better than it was. It would definitely make Lynch's accomplishments look better than they already do if that happened.