Good show, but went far too long.
Geez that was long. At least it was a good show, but still. They could probably do with less matches in the future. Both title matches were really good. Loved the Women's rumble and how they just used current women showing you how stacked their women's roster is. Also, holy shit is Kacy Catanzaro TINY. She looked like a kid out there, even compared to Alexa Bliss. Men's Rumble was pretty solid. What's funny is I was watching with my cousin and we both called Jeff Jarrett coming out when we saw Elias start it off. I could have done without the Nia but whatever. They had to kill some time there at the end so that provided some surprise and intrigue before we got to the predictable winner. Not that I'm opposed to Rollins winning, just saying you pretty much knew he was winning, especially once Lashley laid him out.
sounded boring and predictable outside of Lesnar winning by submission.
Second biggest surprised was probably the interference in Bryan/Styles.
No storyline, Jax just bulldozed Rtruth as he was rapping.I was at work. What was the storyline reason R Truth got replaced?
Maybe Harper and Rowan start a new cult following DB and Bray comes back as a babyface to try and reclaim his family?
Geez that was long. At least it was a good show, but still. They could probably do with less matches in the future. Both title matches were really good. Loved the Women's rumble and how they just used current women showing you how stacked their women's roster is. Also, holy shit is Kacy Catanzaro TINY. She looked like a kid out there, even compared to Alexa Bliss. Men's Rumble was pretty solid. What's funny is I was watching with my cousin and we both called Jeff Jarrett coming out when we saw Elias start it off. I could have done without the Nia but whatever. They had to kill some time there at the end so that provided some surprise and intrigue before we got to the predictable winner. Not that I'm opposed to Rollins winning, just saying you pretty much knew he was winning, especially once Lashley laid him out.
Really good show, but why do you have Becky lose clean?
Smackdown Women's title has to mean something. If Asuka wins cheaply, that title becomes cheap. Can't have that at Wrestlemania after her streak ended last year. Gotta make her seem legit.
But now the Raw title will be cheap, since Becky lost clean and ran away to Raw.