Well-Known Member
I used to joke to a wonderful old gentleman in our league. Once a very fine player, I told him by all means, use the ladies tees. He growled about it but laughed. I said you don't kick it off the green cause you out chip everyone in the league do you?
I figure that sure, I'll get older & shorter and that will be reflected in my handicap pretty much the amount that distance influences scoring. One day I may well knock it around from the "forward tees" with my aging buddies but not while I'm playin' some young whippersnapper!
I played with a large group before I started playing with these guys I played with now...20 to 30 guys every weekend, and one of the guys is an older fella...late 70s...once or twice I ended up in his group...always looking for a side game he was...always the same bet...$1 front, $1 back, $1 overall. I never bet him (couldn't stand the thought of losing to a man hitting a hybrid from 150 yds), but I understand he collects as much as he loses.
We played the white tees wherever we went and he was offered to move up to the forward tees but he refused...said when it's time to move to the forward tees, that means it's time to hang it up.