Half Woke Member
That's exciting!
My big eureka this year was a simple one but I was not fully rotating. I started turning my belt buckle fully toward the target at the finish earlier this year and just like this discovery for you, it has consistently helped with my ball striking all year long. I think it's good advice for any swing.
Nice. I expected more distance with the change I made... that's the reason I tried it. I turn 70 next week and while I haven't lost much yet, I won't be getting any longer. I expected to have accuracy issues but it's been just the opposite, even off the deck. That shocked me. I expected to be hitting it sideways occasionally. But if my left hand is in the correct grip position the clubface will return to square without much help at all from the right hand. I was probably doing all sorts of unnecessary manipulation with my right hand before. I wish I'd tried this 30 years ago. lol