Well-Known Member
The good news is that my shoulder is nearly 100%. The bad news is that my game is nearly 30%.
FUCK, I just can't stop bleeding out strokes...84 and 86 the last two rounds.....very frustrating. Phil's killing it and I can't hit the fucking ball. He shot 83 yesterday but a tidy little 76 on Sunday.
I'll get there eventually but I'm def in a slump with my first league match to play tonight. I feel like I'm not all that far off so maybe I'll get my shit together soon.
IIRC, you've missed some time with this shoulder, and obviously Phil wasn't sitting around waiting for you...seems like you both have similar games...I suspect with the amount of golf you'll get in, you'll break 80 a few times this season.
Me...feeling better about my chances this yr...both guys in my group went sub 80 twice last year and they play a little more than I do but I'm still keeping it as my goal this far this season 3 rounds with sub 40 for 9...even playing once a week I still think I'm getting there this year again after no sub 80 rounds last year.