Active Member
I will always be on ESPN and on StarNet... along with the dozen or so other boards that I comment on occasion.
I'm not saying that I'm never going to comment on SportsHoopla again, I'm just saying that this whole no comments for an hour thing does not work for me. Needs to be more active people for it to be worth it. Even on the national SportsHoopla game-board it would up being me and Sting and DC and a couple of others along with a majority of fans from other schools. It's not a UofA gameboard to me unless there is a strong representation from UofA fans. Biggest game of the year and a lot of people were not around.
It's cool. I will always be a member of this site. I'm just saying that unless there are more than a handful of people commenting then it's simply not as much fun. I would rather go back and forth with Fork...
btw, Jahii is on ESPN, says he got kicked off of here for being an idiot. Sends his regards.
I would have been there but I was swimming in my own tears at the pond.