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Roughly 75 players complete conditioning tests before Cowboys leave for training camp


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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this whole thing is a fucking joke.

No one controls shit on this board. We all have our owbn opinions. sometimes we agree sometimes we disagree. Sometimes we disagree nicely, sometimes we argue & fight about our opinions.
Sometimes we will be arguing about something in one thread & agreeing on something else on another thread at the same time.

We are free thinkers. We are not a group or a clique. We aren't us Cowboy fans vs. you cowboy fans. Those lines seem to be drawn by some of you new posters.
We don't care who we post with. We don't play favorites when we agree with whoever. We also don't play favorites when we disagree with each other.

If you need an Us vs. them scenario so be it. If that makes you feel better about running to another board to snivel & cry about trivial bullshit. So be it.

I assure we have argued & used much harsher posts with one another in debates. I haven't seen anything remotely considered strong in posts against any new people.

This whole we at FN are victims was kinda funny at 1st. But it is kinda old now.
Atleast Backroads was standing around with some give & take. Well until his last post about going somewhere else.

You want to stay & post do it! If you want to snivel & cry someone is mean to me I am leaving the board. By all fucking means. Do that too!!!

You to do drive bys & go tit for tat with posters here. There are posters here that will oblige you. But if you do. Don't then go crying that people are going tit for tat with you.

this whole waaaah you were mean to my boy I am taking my ball & going home now argument is stupid.

I don't care if all FN posters post here. I don't care if it is about football or just to bitch back & forth. Just stop crying about the posts you are participating in.

If you get tired of a subject. Simply quit posting on that subject. We all have opinions on just about every subject LOL

Just quit playing the fuckin' victim role will ya?

Just went looking for this after I saw UK quote it above my last post. Totally agree with this and don't think it could have been said any better. Post here and it's great to have new posters to talk Cowboy Football with, don't and that's fine too. Just don't come on here started trouble and then go running to the teacher that you got what you asked for.

R.J. MacReady

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2013
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For the record and for the new guys, Just about everyone on this board has gone at it with each other at one point or another. To their credit most of the guys here get things off their chest and move on.

Think of the Cowboys board as Groundhogs day ... Nobody remembers anything and you just get judged by your last comment.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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For the record and for the new guys, Just about everyone on this board has gone at it with each other at one point or another. To their credit most of the guys here get things off their chest and move on.

Think of the Cowboys board as Groundhogs day ... Nobody remembers anything and you just get judged by your last comment.

Agree with pars 1. But some here remember shit from 10 years ago. There like women in an argument. They will throw shit you said years ago in your face and simply make you look like a fool.

My suggestion here is if you are going to argue make sure you are on solid footing with your beliefs for if you argue just to argue and a fee years layer a similar argument arises and you take the other side you will be called out. Hell the guys you now agree with will call it. As fore me, I can barely remember what I ate for dinner last night.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Just went looking for this after I saw UK quote it above my last post. Totally agree with this and don't think it could have been said any better. Post here and it's great to have new posters to talk Cowboy Football with, don't and that's fine too. Just don't come on here started trouble and then go running to the teacher that you got what you asked for.

Hear, hear.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm jumping in the middle of this conversation; my two cents we've all been a little hyper sensitive or quick to overreact here (This is the Cowboys We're always under attack The Americas Team thing I guess). We're quick to defend this Star. Keep coming here and posting one of two things will happen. You will expose your self as a loyal boys fan or a fraud. Yeah we have some board police in here, but when you pass the smell test it will be all good.

This board ain't so bad we have guys who rep rival teams who we happily exchange with (Kevin and PE1 come to mined) and we have turds from rival teams who we rightfully bust their chops.

In short hang in there and find out who we are before you kill us and we will afford you the same opportunity.

I agree, I think much was an honest misunderstanding that went awry...

:scratch: This seems to go against Skinsdad just moving it to the thrash board. I know Earl got banned for less.

Earl was banned by error in my view. I stated that at the time too. There was another poster who posted nearly the same time who was the one that was definitely trolling, mistaken identity, but it was never Earl. Btw, not that you'd want to earl, but did that ban get lifted? Should have, IMO.

Hopefully it'll pick up during the season but skins board is boring as hell. Thank god this site has other places to be.

Word. The NFCE thread is fun tho, for any of y'all that want to join in, you're welcome to :suds:

Btw, I'm from Disney, not FN. I just have interacted with them a lot since they came on board, that's all...


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Earl was banned by error in my view. I stated that at the time too. There was another poster who posted nearly the same time who was the one that was definitely trolling, mistaken identity, but it was never Earl. Btw, not that you'd want to earl, but did that ban get lifted? Should have, IMO.

Btw, I'm from Disney, not FN. I just have interacted with them a lot since they came on board, that's all...

Yes the ban was lifted after Ford stepped in. It very well may have been a mistake.

I know you were from the mouse, just thought you also posted on FN. My mistake.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Yes the ban was lifted after Ford stepped in. It very well may have been a mistake.

I know you were from the mouse, just thought you also posted on FN. My mistake.

Glad that was lifted. Was total BS.


cult elitist
Jul 14, 2014
Coolsville, TX
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OMG, OMG, OMG !!!!! ...

It's a pissing match ... just gotta' lub 'em ...

can anyone tell me which way the wind is blowing???? ... gotta tell the A*****

as for the Cowboys ... I'm as big a fan as they come ... luv 'em when they win ... blame JJ when they lose ... and unfortunately, they be losing just a tad bit too much for my tastes, so I do have a bit of a sour disposition in regard to the coming season ...

but from what I've read ... my opinion don't matter, cause I be not part of the crowd ... so I'm taking my ball ... tossing it LoOka' and heeeeaaaddddddd ...


... turns head around ... don't worry ... I will be back ...

R.J. MacReady

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2013
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OMG, OMG, OMG !!!!! ...

It's a pissing match ... just gotta' lub 'em ...

can anyone tell me which way the wind is blowing???? ... gotta tell the A*****

as for the Cowboys ... I'm as big a fan as they come ... luv 'em when they win ... blame JJ when they lose ... and unfortunately, they be losing just a tad bit too much for my tastes, so I do have a bit of a sour disposition in regard to the coming season ...

but from what I've read ... my opinion don't matter, cause I be not part of the crowd ... so I'm taking my ball ... tossing it LoOka' and heeeeaaaddddddd ...


... turns head around ... don't worry ... I will be back ...

Take your time. Just be back for the first game of the season. It's Sunday Dec 28th against the Skins.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
OMG, OMG, OMG !!!!! ...

It's a pissing match ... just gotta' lub 'em ...

can anyone tell me which way the wind is blowing???? ... gotta tell the A*****

as for the Cowboys ... I'm as big a fan as they come ... luv 'em when they win ... blame JJ when they lose ... and unfortunately, they be losing just a tad bit too much for my tastes, so I do have a bit of a sour disposition in regard to the coming season ...

but from what I've read ... my opinion don't matter, cause I be not part of the crowd ... so I'm taking my ball ... tossing it LoOka' and heeeeaaaddddddd ...


... turns head around ... don't worry ... I will be back ...

You sound as though you have a preconceived idea that this board us unfriendly to newcomers. Why don't you stick around and make up your own mind.

At the risk of addressing what I think you are referring to (Otis and TxHeat) no one ever said their opinions don't count. I and a few others took Heats snide remark as trolling. Otis didn't agree and defended his FN compadre, and didn't want to see our side of the issue.

A few of us are quick to jump on troll statements (me). Most are food people and we even rip each other if it need be.

I will say the same I said about Otis. Welcome but I be cautious with you until I figure you out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You sound as though you have a preconceived idea that this board us unfriendly to newcomers. Why don't you stick around and make up your own mind.

At the risk of addressing what I think you are referring to (Otis and TxHeat) no one ever said their opinions don't count. I and a few others took Heats snide remark as trolling. Otis didn't agree and defended his FN compadre, and didn't want to see our side of the issue.

A few of us are quick to jump on troll statements (me). Most are food people and we even rip each other if it need be.

I will say the same I said about Otis. Welcome but I be cautious with you until I figure you out.

Food people? I thought it was just an Urban Legend that we ate newcomers...


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
Hoopla Cash
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Food people? I thought it was just an Urban Legend that we ate newcomers...

I think we are a pretty good bunch of posters that are bored by the off season.

post what you want just be ready to have your argument backed up by facts or simply say its an opinion

Right ?


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Fav. Team #3
Food people? I thought it was just an Urban Legend that we ate newcomers...

typing on my phone. That should have been "good". Is sort of funny that in the context of the subject "food" worked too.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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I think we are a pretty good bunch of posters that are bored by the off season.

post what you want just be ready to have your argument backed up by facts or simply say its an opinion

Right ?

Agree. But if all you want to do is post snide remarks you will always get attacked. Doesn't matter it facts back you or not. If a guy come in establishes he want to talk football in a decent manner and occasionally poke a stick he'll be fine. Just don't come in with stick in hand and think he has the freedom to do as he will.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Agree. But if all you want to do is post snide remarks you will always get attacked. Doesn't matter it facts back you or not. If a guy come in establishes he want to talk football in a decent manner and occasionally poke a stick he'll be fine. Just don't come in with stick in hand and think he has the freedom to do as he will.

Legit point. Part of the problem was a big misunderstanding IMO... A new poster, without history, no star and a poke the stick that was a legit poke but again no history and things escalated unnecessarily from there.

Said it many a time about this board, y'all don't cry to mods and y'all defend the flag with the best of them.

Good football IQ here and excellent posts regarding the Boys...:suds:


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Legit point. Part of the problem was a big misunderstanding IMO... A new poster, without history, no star and a poke the stick that was a legit poke but again no history and things escalated unnecessarily from there.

Said it many a time about this board, y'all don't cry to mods and y'all defend the flag with the best of them.

Good football IQ here and excellent posts regarding the Boys...:suds:

Star or no Star if a guy comes in poking sticks from the get go, I'd look at him as a BJJ and still question his motives.
As far as I'm concerned your credibility is built on your posting style, not by who you root for.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Fav. Team #3
Star or no Star if a guy comes in poking sticks from the get go, I'd look at him as a BJJ and still question his motives.
As far as I'm concerned your credibility is built on your posting style, not by who you root for.

Don't disagree, only mentioned 'no star' as an added possible issue, in conjunction with other points... aided to a quick escalation...:noidea:

My comment was 'new poster, without history, no star and a poke the stick...'

Again, just my two cents, not trying to stir anything up. I respect that this is y'all's board...cheers