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Roughly 75 players complete conditioning tests before Cowboys leave for training camp


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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$ 920.85
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Don't disagree, only mentioned 'no star' as an added possible issue, in conjunction with other points... aided to a quick escalation...:noidea:

My comment was 'new poster, without history, no star and a poke the stick...'

Again, just my two cents, not trying to stir anything up. I respect that this is y'all's board...cheers

Maybe the Star could have helped it from escalating as fast as it did with some here, but we had too many "Star" wearers constantly poke sticks. I might have become too weary and untrusting.

Maybe it's time I put my " I know I'm am Ass" signature back. St least it tells new posters who I am.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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$ 4,569.00
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Maybe the Star could have helped it from escalating as fast as it did with some here, but we had too many "Star" wearers constantly poke sticks. I might have become too weary and untrusting.

Maybe it's time I put my " I know I'm am Ass" signature back. St least it tells new posters who I am.

Believe me, I get it. The skins as well as the boys boards are no strangers to seagull posters that simply like to fly by and shit on a thread...we've both been trolled excessively, just about different things.

Honestly, the name change issue alone...shoot me now at all the ignorance and added two cents by every F'ing NFL fan...:L


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Believe me, I get it. The skins as well as the boys boards are no strangers to seagull posters that simply like to fly by and shit on a thread...we've both been trolled excessively, just about different things.

Honestly, the name change issue alone...shoot me now at all the ignorance and added two cents by every F'ing NFL fan...:L

When sat here with fried and BJJ in mind I also kept thinking about Bananaman on the skins board. He 100% posted to get under Skins fans skin.


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
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Believe me, I get it. The skins as well as the boys boards are no strangers to seagull posters that simply like to fly by and shit on a thread...we've both been trolled excessively, just about different things.

Honestly, the name change issue alone...shoot me now at all the ignorance and added two cents by every F'ing NFL fan...:L

Cali add a star to one if your NFL logos. :whistle:


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What is with you all? Just because someone says something negative doesn't make them a troll. My comment was spot on.

I say negative things on here all the time. There are some good things about the Cowboys. Better drafts lately ,relative to the 2006 - 2009 drafts, the only bad draft lately was 2012. Could most of the drafts been better? Hell yes. A blind chimp could draft just as well as Jerrah. The bad part is you can't have drafts like 2009 and 2012 and be a playoff team.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I say negative things on here all the time. There are some good things about the Cowboys. Better drafts lately ,relative to the 2006 - 2009 drafts, the only bad draft lately was 2012. Could most of the drafts been better? Hell yes. A blind chimp could draft just as well as Jerrah. The bad part is you can't have drafts like 2009 and 2012 and be a playoff team.

There certainly are some serious Kool Aid drinkers on various aspects of the Cowboys (cough..cough Tony Romo:whistle:), but I can't think of one person that doesn't say negative things about the Cowboys. That is why we are here, to discuss the Good and the Bad. The worst kind of poster is the one that only discusses the bad or moreso twists everything to be bad like Mr Fried. The second worst kind of poster is the one that puts everything the Cowboys do on a pedestal and predicts a SB every year, like FWD and TRS. Most of us see the good and the bad even if we disagree sometimes on what is good and what is bad...


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 5,257.19
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Cali is a Skins fan who is respected over here. One of the few and the proud....

always wondered if Cali gets grief over on the skins board, for the way he is over here?


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Cali add a star to one if your NFL logos. :whistle:

Hahaha! Well played...ya brat! My poppa didn't raise no 'cowgirl'. :happyshake:

always wondered if Cali gets grief over on the skins board, for the way he is over here?

Not at all... I spend a lot of time on the general boards outside of the skins board as well. Especially when it's off season. I like the interaction with other fan bases and I have commented quite a few times on the skins board that I wish it were a bit looser.

I respect that a team boards members should run it as they see fit...as it should be tho... And I get that a teams board should be a safe haven of sorts - I'm just used to NFCE fans being more interactive...

And cheers Manster and UKCowboy for the kind words :suds:

Schmoopy, I rarely correct cuz it truly ain't no biggie but I'm actually not a he but a she...;)

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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$ 1.36
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Hahaha! Well played...ya brat! My poppa didn't raise no 'cowgirl'. :happyshake:

Not at all... I spend a lot of time on the general boards outside of the skins board as well. Especially when it's off season. I like the interaction with other fan bases and I have commented quite a few times on the skins board that I wish it were a bit looser.

I respect that a team boards members should run it as they see fit...as it should be tho... And I get that a teams board should be a safe haven of sorts - I'm just used to NFCE fans being more interactive...

And cheers Manster and UKCowboy for the kind words :suds:

Schmoopy, I rarely correct cuz it truly ain't no biggie but I'm actually not a he but a she...;)

Ha, that explains why you're the exception to the rule lmao


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 5,257.19
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Hahaha! Well played...ya brat! My poppa didn't raise no 'cowgirl'. :happyshake:

Not at all... I spend a lot of time on the general boards outside of the skins board as well. Especially when it's off season. I like the interaction with other fan bases and I have commented quite a few times on the skins board that I wish it were a bit looser.

I respect that a team boards members should run it as they see fit...as it should be tho... And I get that a teams board should be a safe haven of sorts - I'm just used to NFCE fans being more interactive...

And cheers Manster and UKCowboy for the kind words :suds:

Schmoopy, I rarely correct cuz it truly ain't no biggie but I'm actually not a he but a she...;)

my bad :)


cult elitist
Jul 14, 2014
Coolsville, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Lulz, I'll take it as a 'badge of honor'. ;)


We don't need no stinkin' badges ...

... line stolen from the book "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" but was remembering the Killer Bees of SNL, John Belushi and Elliott Gould ...