Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Sorry, guys name is Howard Eskin not Erskin.
Go read the "RG3 needs to STFU" thread on the main NFL board. Too funny. Some Seahawks fan is going out of his way to rag on RG3. What is up with all these Seahawks fans who have a constant need to rail against RG3?
Just saw an article that included a tweet from Howard Erskin (never heard of this guy) Saying Dr Andrews recommended RG3 not play until after the bye week. Second tweet that Shanahan would ignore the recommendation. I'm assuming given no setbacks. Anyone know anymore? I don't know how to put a link in here but this article came from Skins local news page from espn.
Look this whole rg3 story has been a huge joke.
The SKins WILL NOT risk him if he is not 100% plain and simple.
RG3 Knows this and that is only thing that matters.
The media is just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
This is what I hate about Twitter. It allows the media to state anything at all & present it as fact. No longer any reason for reporters to act professional or substantiate their sources. If someone's life somehow gets affected - who cares? If Eskin wants to be taken seriously he needs to name his sources. Otherwise - this is no different than any of us making something up.
Nowadays it doesn't take much to be a reporter - you just need no sense of morals & basically a big mouth.