In your opinion what percentage of the fan base is band wagon?
Don't know, don't care. I know there are a handful here on the Hoop.
In your opinion what percentage of the fan base is band wagon?
Would you actively root against the Heat in the playoffs?
Depends who they are playing and what round it is. In the Finals...probably. The more LeBron can be wrong about the number of titles they win, the funnier it is.
Depends who they are playing and what round it is. In the Finals...probably. The more LeBron can be wrong about the number of titles they win, the funnier it is.
So you dislike of him and 60 % of the starting lineup is greater than your indifference towards the other 12 guys?
Playing against most teams, correct. It just so happens that three turds teamed up together, so I had to dislike fewer teams. If they disbanded, I'd have to dislike two teams and semi-dislike a third (I feel bad hating on Bosh, seeing as he is special and all) instead of just the Heat.
You just you didn't dislike the team just the three players mentioned. So how would it make sense to dislike a team because they have one player that you hate?
Cheer against the team. Is that more clear?
You need to work on your trash talk little buddy. That was baaaaad!
So now its my opinion most of the heat fans' favorite player is lebron?
Does the team store even carry any other players?
It's probably actually Wade.
James is just the best player.
Is this an open invitation to compare legendary Lakers players to "legendary" heat players?
Is this an open invitation to compare legendary Lakers players to "legendary" heat players?
Riiiiight.... of course it is... :rollseyes:
Lets keep it real ladies: lebron leaves, the heat lose 80% of their fanbase.
You've got to be delusional to think otherwise.
It's idiocy to try to logically compare franchises that started decades apart
Baseless claim but ok you are either an idiot or a troll.