Black Belt Disciple
New Member
CL, I'm confused on this subject. Did Turnup use multiple ID's on here and get caught? If so, why hasn't his Turnup ID been banned?
Why won't he take your bet?
CL, I'm confused on this subject. Did Turnup use multiple ID's on here and get caught? If so, why hasn't his Turnup ID been banned?
yep. he got caught. the thing that got him banned was when he argued with Hammer. Hammer posted the thread saying their equipment found out that Turnip had been using alts and Turnip maintains it's "equipment error". then Turnip tried to flip the whole thing back on Hammer suggesting that he was simply a Heat hater, which got him the boot...
Why won't he take your bet?
ah we're back to this silly bet business.
nevermind, Turnip. I'LL ask...
that should do it...![]()
as far as the bet goes it's not even necessary.Turnip knows what he did...which is why he WON'T ask Hammer who used my handle
And just how sure of this are you? Sure enough to make a 180 day ban on the losers IP address and username?
Another day of CL idiocy/lies/delusion at the office?
LMFAO!! ah, if only that WERE the case. s'matter, Turnip? caught in your idiocy again? i guess you simply can't help yourself...
looks like YOU'RE ready for another day of lies, squirming, bullshit and tap dancing though...
Anyway, how did this work out for you?
so far it seems to have worked out quite well, actually. your silence after i said this last night spoke VOLUMES.
You are sooooo fucking stupid. The "silence" is because I am enjoying watching you make a bigger, more complete ass out of your self, each and every post. I'll do that for free.
If you want me to actually put effort into playing your retard games, then there has to be a winner and a loser.
So just continue to keep running your fucking mouth, day and night, but run tail between legs each and every time I ask you to bet on ANY of the nonsense you spew.![]()
I really thought you would've done better than that.![]()
as far as the bet goes it's not even necessary.
And just how sure of this are you? Sure enough to make a 180 day ban on the losers IP address and username?
oh look, ANOTHER attempt to get me to back off. LOL, wow. do you EVER get tired of playing these CHILDISH games? aren't you supposed to be a grown fuckin' man in his 50's supposedly running 2 businesses? that IS what you bragged when you ran across us, right? let me make one thing ABUNDANTLY clear here, Turnip. you are NOT going to use me to clear your ugly name around here. nor are you going to get me kicked off this site. biggest reason: i wasn't the one who got caught with his IGNORANCE showing. how 'bout another post with some more ridiculous prattle on your part? "your the fake CL", Heat fans were right about you", the Heat are great and my Lakers suck". thought that shit was funny and cute? well, i guess it did get a chuckle or 2 considering anyone who knows my thought process knows i nor jefe would NEVER say that, just not how YOU would've liked when you got caught in your stupidity in the end. who looks like the fool NOW, Turnip? LOL are you EVER going to grow up and be a man? oh, and have no fear, Turnip. this WILL be resolved...on MY time...
that's how us GROWN folks do it. now you can go back to your play pen, contemplate on all the bullshit you've sewn over the years, look forward to yet ANOTHER year looking like a complete moron, and whatever it is losers like you do to feel like they can actually hang with grown folks. what i'm simply saying here is this would be a good opportunity to simply own up, man up, and move on. you won't do it, though. it's like i've always said...your monumental ego rules your sad life. you meet ALL KINDS on the internet...![]()
You are sooooo fucking stupid. The "silence" is because I am enjoying watching you make a bigger, more complete ass out of your self, each and every post. I'll do that for free.
i've chewed you up and spit you out. don't you SEE that? wow, just give up already. this almost a mercy killing...
YOU look like a class "A" jerk, but "I'M soooooooo fucking stupid". do you even SEE how you're hanging yourself...?
If you want me to actually put effort into playing your retard games, then there has to be a winner and a loser.
see, unlike YOU i don't play games. that's YOUR gig, small fry...
So just continue to keep running your fucking mouth, day and night, but run tail between legs each and every time I ask you to bet on ANY of the nonsense you spew.![]()
Translation:"why won't you let me sucker you into playing this game MY way?" sorry, too smart for that. AND i simply don't need to do it. 'sides, i enjoy seeing you squirm. you have to admit that you put a helluva lotta time into getting on my bad side. i get to enjoy this just a tad longer for all that, little man...![]()
Turnup is getting mentally raped by CL. Ouch.
I think it's funny that he won't take your bet, CL, but is insisting that you take his bet. Why won't you take his bet?
Turnup is getting mentally raped by CL. Ouch.
I think it's funny that he won't take your bet, CL, but is insisting that you take his bet. Why won't you take his bet?
WTF are you talking about?
Please show me what bet he offered to make with me?
You are rambling as bad as he is now![]()
Turnup is getting mentally raped by CL. Ouch.
I think it's funny that he won't take your bet, CL, but is insisting that you take his bet.
Why won't you take his bet?[/QUOTE]
You can keep reading his ramblings/excuses which mean nothing, or reason the obvious in your mind.
He won't make any bets (like he did on CBS) because here, Hammer could force him to honor them (not that he probably would, because I'm sure he has better things to do then monitor CL) where there was no way to enforce them.
Who WOULDN'T make a bet if they were so sure they were going to win?![]()
lemme help. he's saying you're getting your ass kicked. see? i'm a helpful guy, Turnip. glad i could pitch in...
maybe BBD is a doctor. he could help you with the emergency shoe-ectomy it seems you need to get my boot outta your ass...
Turnup is getting mentally raped by CL. Ouch.
I think it's funny that he won't take your bet, CL, but is insisting that you take his bet.
Why won't you take his bet?[/QUOTE]
You can keep reading his ramblings/excuses which mean nothing, or reason the obvious in your mind.
He won't make any bets (like he did on CBS) because here, Hammer could force him to honor them (not that he probably would, because I'm sure he has better things to do then monitor CL) where there was no way to enforce them.
Who WOULDN'T make a bet if they were so sure they were going to win?![]()
see? knew you could do it, little man. keep on going like this and you're gonna bust a vessel in your tiny little brain....
and yes, i KNOW Hammer has "better things to do" than to babysit YOU. but you pushed it to this point and i'm not the one who needs his EGO satisfied. just a simple answer on who's IP was used with my handle, and if it ISN'T mine your case is completely blown to shit. i know it, and most importantly YOU know it...
sorry, NO BET. i've already won...![]()
WTF are you talking about?
Please show me what bet he offered to make with me?
You are rambling as bad as he is now![]()
So help him out. What bet did you offer me that I won't accept?
I'll be waiting. Tick Tock, Tick Tock
WTF is wrong with you? CL offered to get Hammer involved to prove who is right. Then you should be banned for 180 days for being a doosh pickle.