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Question For Hawks Fans


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Before you jump me being a division rival and all, I have a serious question.

Every year my 12 year old son and I travel to a city to watch the Cardinals on the road. Last year we did Tennessee which was great. The fans were very classy. This year, we are considering Seattle. Being a long time season ticket holder with the Cards, we have heard our fair share of colorful language, So that is not a concern. I would like to get some insight as to what we might expect.as a visiting rival. I made the mistake of going to Philly a few years back and I got pelted in the back of the head with a disposable camera. I was actually scared leaving the stadium. The 12th man lunacy is something we would love to experience especially while the Hawks are on top but I don't want to get assaulted to the point of not enjoying the game. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Before you jump me being a division rival and all, I have a serious question.

Every year my 12 year old son and I travel to a city to watch the Cardinals on the road. Last year we did Tennessee which was great. The fans were very classy. This year, we are considering Seattle. Being a long time season ticket holder with the Cards, we have heard our fair share of colorful language, So that is not a concern. I would like to get some insight as to what we might expect.as a visiting rival. I made the mistake of going to Philly a few years back and I got pelted in the back of the head with a disposable camera. I was actually scared leaving the stadium. The 12th man lunacy is something we would love to experience especially while the Hawks are on top but I don't want to get assaulted to the point of not enjoying the game. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

There are always going to be a few idiots in every home crowd, but I honestly can't remember the last time I heard anything about a Seahawks fan physically attacking an opposing fan. It'll be plenty loud and you might have to deal with some verbal nonsense, but I don't think you have anything to worry about in terms of fearing for your physical safety. Someone who has been to more games than me or more recent games than me could probably give you a better idea of what you'd be in-store for on a scale from one-to-Philly fans, but the most I've ever noticed is yelling back-and-forth between guys a few sections apart.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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I'll take heat from Seahawks fans for saying this, but Seahawks fans can be real dicks.

I don't go to many Seahawks games, but in the handful of games I've been to opposing fans have been treated like complete and utter shit. I've never seen any physical violence, but the one instance that comes to mind whenever I think of opposing fans in CenturyLink was in 2009 when we played the Jaguars and won 41-0. After the game on the way out of the stadium, there was an older couple (In their 60s) who both had on Jaguars gear and literally had numerous Seahawks fans get 2 inches from their face and start screaming at them telling them how badly the Jags suck.

But there have also been times that I've seen fans wearing the opposing teams' gear and not taken any shit at all.

Physical violence? I really doubt it. Drunk people being complete and utter assholes screaming in your face? Strong possibility. I'd hope that people would have enough respect not to do that in front of your son though.

The only NFL game I've been to is in Seattle and the fans can get pretty rowdy. Nothing like Philly, but not exactly tame either.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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No physical violence. Seattle (lived there 10+ years) is filled with a bunch of pussies (sorry it just is - if you throw the first punch that'll end it).

Seattle 'stupid fans' are all talk if you happen to get near any of them. Avoid the end zones (Hawks nest) and lower parts of the seating if you want to have a pleasant experience. If you get upper levels you wont encounter any issues. Feel free to wear Cardinals gear.


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Jul 17, 2013
Mill Creek, WA
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No worry about physical violence, I go to one game every year and haven't seen it. Ass hat drunk fans throwing insults? Yep. It happens in every stadium. Also, the alcohol task force will waste no time booting out a drunk idiot, I've seen it twice. I have a video on my phone of some Patriots fans getting booted.

Heck, I nearly got booted out a few years ago. LOL! The Eagles were in town and it appeared that a good portion of my section were wearing Eagles Jerseys. The Eagles fans in front of me I got along with fine. The Eagles fans behind me were throwing insults at anyone wearing Seahawks colors like they owned the stadium.

Anyhow, long story short, I was drinking and I was cheering for my team while talking about the Eagles weak-ass defense, in a loud voice. The Seahawks were just beating up on the Eagles. By the 4th quarter, the men wearing the red coats came to talk with me and I'm sure boot me from the game. I was asked if I was having a good time at the game. Sure! The next question was "Do you think all of the fans around you are having a good time with your mouth going off?" The Eagles fans in front of me vouched for my behavior. I'll never forget it...

"He's a Seahawks fan, cheering for his team and they are winning. We have no problem with him".

I think that's why my buddy takes to one game a year. I keep it real.


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Jul 17, 2013
Mill Creek, WA
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No physical violence. Seattle (lived there 10+ years) is filled with a bunch of pussies (sorry it just is - if you throw the first punch that'll end it).

Seattle 'stupid fans' are all talk if you happen to get near any of them. Avoid the end zones (Hawks nest) and lower parts of the seating if you want to have a pleasant experience. If you get upper levels you wont encounter any issues. Feel free to wear Cardinals gear.

LOL! I have to agree about the Hawks Nest. I've seen fans get removed before kick off due to how drunk they were.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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26 year season ticket holder. I have missed maybe 4 games since The Clink has opened.
I have never seen any violence at a Seahawk game. Expect some boo's both inside and outside the stadium but ignore them or smile and move on.
Avoid the Hawksnest and I disagree about hunting for a ticket the cheap seats. There may be more younger fans that are amped up on testosterone in the higher elevations. My seats are on the 25 yard line, down low.
I usually do 1 road game a year, last year I did Houston and Arizona. I am always respectful knowing that I am on enemy turf.
As a fan of a division opponent, I say you need to check out our digs. It should be a great experience out in the elements. Dress for the weather and you will have a great time.


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Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you're a fan of the opposing team and wearing the gear then I suggest to not sit in the Hawks Nest. You will get berated all game and when the crowd gets going that entire area shakes. I love sitting in the Hawks Nest, but I can't imagine being a fan of the opposing side there.

I can vouch for 234 that some Seahawk fans can really be dicks. Week 2 vs the 49ers was probably the most hostile crowd I'd ever experienced at the Clink. Anyone who had a 49er jersey got it. No holds bar verbal attacks. But that's pretty much all it is just verbal lashings, no physical violence as long as you know your place and setting.

Depending on when you are deciding to attend the game, if you sit in the South End Zone (side opposite of the Hawk's Nest) for a prime time game and it's a nice day out...that's where you will get the best view of the Seattle sunset


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you're a fan of the opposing team and wearing the gear then I suggest to not sit in the Hawks Nest. You will get berated all game and when the crowd gets going that entire area shakes. I love sitting in the Hawks Nest, but I can't imagine being a fan of the opposing side there.

I can vouch for 234 that some Seahawk fans can really be dicks. Week 2 vs the 49ers was probably the most hostile crowd I'd ever experienced at the Clink. Anyone who had a 49er jersey got it. No holds bar verbal attacks. But that's pretty much all it is just verbal lashings, no physical violence as long as you know your place and setting.

Depending on when you are deciding to attend the game, if you sit in the South End Zone (side opposite of the Hawk's Nest) for a prime time game and it's a nice day out...that's where you will get the best view of the Seattle sunset
I agree with this, but from what I saw it was mostly thugged out douchebags in red trying to pick fights in the concourses while the thunderstorm was going on.

For the most part the 12s are intelligent shit talkers. You should expect to get boo'd and taunted if you're in enemy colors but most of us realize it's a game and not some turf war like the idiot Giants and Dodgers fans tend to believe.

More than anything, don't worry about Seattle because of what Philly fans did. That's like being afraid of a swimming pool because you were bitten by a shark in the ocean.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Thanks for all the feedback. Philly was the only place where fans took physical action. We know our place when on opposing fans turf. We keep to ourselves and respect the territory. We usually make a weekend of it so we're definitely going to check out the city.

Btw- SF games in AZ are always the worst. The fans are always D-bags. Loud, obnoxious, rude, you name it. The worst part is its been 3 years since we beat them a in our house so it only fuels the moronic fire.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Scooby, never feel afraid to post on the hawks board as long as you are respectful we accept all posters. Hell, even a few 9'ers fans are respected up here.

Any road game has it's dangers and a rival adds to that, but I doubt you will find anything worse here than any other facility. Honestly when I go to any sporting event the opposing fans that are smiling and friendly all seem to have friendly conversations with us and those that are cocky and jerks end up with people in their face. Every fan may have some story about something that happens outside of that and I'm sure they are real, but also rare.

If you are going to head up here let us know and I'm sure we can steer you to the places to go visit/eat while you are in town.

Good luck to you either way.



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Sep 1, 2011
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Thanks for all the feedback. Philly was the only place where fans took physical action. We know our place when on opposing fans turf. We keep to ourselves and respect the territory. We usually make a weekend of it so we're definitely going to check out the city.

Btw- SF games in AZ are always the worst. The fans are always D-bags. Loud, obnoxious, rude, you name it. The worst part is its been 3 years since we beat them a in our house so it only fuels the moronic fire.

I think you find that you can enjoy the game here with your daughter with very little problems. I have not seen any rival fans treated badly. Last year I follow some 49ers fan walking past all the tail gaters on all they got was good natured ribbing. I guess it didn't hurt that one was female, they got a lot of guff saying they were actually cops( yeah cops are now posing as rival fans).

Send me a PM when your here, maybe we can share a drink or meal. I always like meeting folks from SportsHoopla.
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Mr. Tacoma

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Aug 3, 2013
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Like any NFL venue, there's always the chance of running into a drunk idiot but by and large there's not a lot of open hostility towards opposing fans, at least not at the games I've been to. Most Hawks fans have a 'don't start no shit and there won't be no shit' kind of attitude. You might get a little good-natured ribbing but I wouldn't worry about it. It's certainly not Philly.

Seattle's a great place to visit, you and your daughter will have a great time. Come on up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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No physical violence. Seattle (lived there 10+ years) is filled with a bunch of pussies (sorry it just is - if you throw the first punch that'll end it).

Seattle 'stupid fans' are all talk if you happen to get near any of them. Avoid the end zones (Hawks nest) and lower parts of the seating if you want to have a pleasant experience. If you get upper levels you wont encounter any issues. Feel free to wear Cardinals gear.

Dude lived here ten years and thinks he knows Seattle and calls people here "Pussies" and sits in Shitcago saying it.

Anytime Shark anytime.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Thanks again all. Where gonna make the trip.
Harold- Thanks for the invite. If time time permits, I'd definitely like to grab a beer.

Mr. Tacoma

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Aug 3, 2013
Richmond VA
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Thanks again all. Where gonna make the trip.
Harold- Thanks for the invite. If time time permits, I'd definitely like to grab a beer.

Be sure to chime back in if you need to know about places to see and things to do while you're in town.

We'd be happy to help.


Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
Victoria BC Canada
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Like any NFL venue, there's always the chance of running into a drunk idiot but by and large there's not a lot of open hostility towards opposing fans, at least not at the games I've been to. Most Hawks fans have a 'don't start no shit and there won't be no shit' kind of attitude. You might get a little good-natured ribbing but I wouldn't worry about it. It's certainly not Philly.

Seattle's a great place to visit, you and your daughter will have a great time. Come on up!

Been there when i was 22.

Walking back to a tour bus to take us to the hotel we were staying at(Packers and Seahawks Monday night football game).

I was spouting off stuff like the "Seahawks are gonna be world champs" and a guy kept egging me on. After about 5 times the guy says"I'm gonna kick your ass because you scream like a girl". My Dad (6'1 about 225) and My mom's cousin's ex-husband(a RCMP officer at the time) stopped the guy and held him back while my mom and others ushered me on.