Special Agent
Its ok little guy it happens. U got scared and you dont know what to do. U brought up Manning and u made a mistake with your stupid logic and it backfired.Another 2 posts? Your little fruit-fly, flustered little mind in action...
>goes back to take a look, not that it matters because anyone who looks at those posts already knows the answer<
Post #41? Nope. #51? Not there. #53? Zip. #71? What do you think? #73? Do you really think it's here? And #75? Of course not....maybe it's in another post fanboi! Or maybe you forgot what the question is.....here yah go:
Gabbert better than Manning? Post #? Link?
Gabbert/Kap/Manning post is Answered, Post #41, #51, #53, #71 #73, and #75.
Gabbert Career Comp 55%, Rating 72, Career TDs 33, 31 Ints 1 Rushing TD
Kaps Career Comp 59%, Rating 88, Career TDs 56 Ints 26, 11 rushing TDs