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Potential New Owner Watch Thread


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You should be loving this. It just gets you closer to your end goal.

You don't think Van Natta just stumbled across this do you. It is a hit piece, someone gave him the information .... hell it could be a guy with the last name Allen. Snyder started kicking and screaming ..... well looky here possible bank fraud.
The problem is I doubt Snyder goes to jail. People with money find a way to have charges dropped or be found "not guilty". OJ Simpson taught us this.

I simply want Snyder to sell. I do not care what happens to him after that. Personally, I would love for justice to be served but once he is NOT the Commanders owner, I have more things to worry about than the end game of Dan Snyder


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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Excellent point.

If I am Goodell, I call Snyder and tell him that he has 1 week to select a seller or he is out. I know the NFL isn't squeaky clean, but WHY are they so scared of Dan Snyder?

The world will NEVER know.
Goodall is culpable in this. He was informed by the minority owners. He refused to investigate. He also need to go.

Sportster 72

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The problem is I doubt Snyder goes to jail. People with money find a way to have charges dropped or be found "not guilty". OJ Simpson taught us this.

I simply want Snyder to sell. I do not care what happens to him after that. Personally, I would love for justice to be served but once he is NOT the Commanders owner, I have more things to worry about than the end game of Dan Snyder
I get it .... there are more than a few Washington fans that would love to see him do a little time. For him, doing time would be some minimum security facility with all the bells and whistles.

The best thing that can happen and we all want is an owner who will value the team and try to resurrect what it once was.

As j_y mentioned there are a lot of people out there that helped or covered up for Dan over the years. Started with Jerrah helping him figure out how to buy the team when he did not have the required cash to buy the team. Clearly he was not vetted well when he came into the league. Goodell and many others have covered for him over all these years.


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I get it .... there are more than a few Washington fans that would love to see him do a little time. For him, doing time would be some minimum security facility with all the bells and whistles.

The best thing that can happen and we all want is an owner who will value the team and try to resurrect what it once was.

As j_y mentioned there are a lot of people out there that helped or covered up for Dan over the years. Started with Jerrah helping him figure out how to buy the team when he did not have the required cash to buy the team. Clearly he was not vetted well when he came into the league. Goodell and many others have covered for him over all these years.
I agree with what you are saying. I think somebody like a Donald Stirling or Jerry Richardson dug their own grave more or less.

Snyder is different. The league (Goodell and owners) knew what Danny boy was up to and turned a blind eye. When it got bad, they made ridiculous remarks like "we are satisfied with the investigation and punishment". The punishment was for Tanya to take marching orders from Dan and he stood behind a curtain. The 10 million dollar fine was simply a joke to show the victims that the NFL was "serious".

Snyder has been protected for years by the league. Instead of letting him fry, they stood by and watched. Love or hate Irsay, he was the first to publically break ranks and call Snyder out. Even after the report broke that Snyder hired PIs to target the owners; they did nothing.

There is so much damage done now that I think only someone rich, respected, and powerful can get the franchise back on track. I am to the point that I will be disappointed if it is anyone but Bezos. He literally might be the only realistic person who could undo what has been done.

Sportster 72

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I am not hung up on Bezos. The only reason I would care about Bezos is a new stadium. He has the money to do that. It isn't just the stadium, the practice facility in Ashburn is ancient and largely ignored by Snyder. That is a shit ton of money to buy a team, build a stadium and improve the practice facility.

I hope with a new owner the RFK site can become a reality again. I'd build the same size stadium as 55,000. No need for more. I grew up just a few miles from RFK, it was a great stadium. I imagine Sty went to a few games there.

I am not a young man anymore so God knows how much I get to see. I plan on moving to Florida in a year or so. When I made the joke about rooting for Jacksonville it was not untrue. But I will always root for Washington too.


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I am not hung up on Bezos. The only reason I would care about Bezos is a new stadium. He has the money to do that. It isn't just the stadium, the practice facility in Ashburn is ancient and largely ignored by Snyder. That is a shit ton of money to buy a team, build a stadium and improve the practice facility.

I hope with a new owner the RFK site can become a reality again. I'd build the same size stadium as 55,000. No need for more. I grew up just a few miles from RFK, it was a great stadium. I imagine Sty went to a few games there.

I am not a young man anymore so God knows how much I get to see. I plan on moving to Florida in a year or so. When I made the joke about rooting for Jacksonville it was not untrue. But I will always root for Washington too.
i sit here and wonder what my fandom will be like as well . i hate the new name and the bow to wokism . the name has been gone for 5 years and the plight of the NA hasnt changed much if at all and certainly not because of the name . commanders is a sorry name that the fans didnt want and were lied to by ownership . the history of the team is being erased daily as i predicted

the only thing keeping me in this is the idea that danny and his corruption , corruption that cost us the name , will be gone . i cant have passion for this team or the NFL as it is . i had passion for the redskins , i have a passing interest in the commanders . the DMV isnt my home anymore . i wont ever come back to live there with the multitude of crap you have to go through simply to live there

i have been checking on teams i want to follow , something i never ever would have considered until the name change BS and it would serve people right if the new owner simply packed up the team and moved it to Oklahoma City and complete the rebrand at its fullest if i wanted to be hateful . i dont

as long as snyder is an owner of this team it has no chance of ever being more then a novice for me and the relationships i have made here keep me posting here


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i sit here and wonder what my fandom will be like as well . i hate the new name and the bow to wokism . the name has been gone for 5 years and the plight of the NA hasnt changed much if at all and certainly not because of the name . commanders is a sorry name that the fans didnt want and were lied to by ownership . the history of the team is being erased daily as i predicted

the only thing keeping me in this is the idea that danny and his corruption , corruption that cost us the name , will be gone . i cant have passion for this team or the NFL as it is . i had passion for the redskins , i have a passing interest in the commanders . the DMV isnt my home anymore . i wont ever come back to live there with the multitude of crap you have to go through simply to live there

i have been checking on teams i want to follow , something i never ever would have considered until the name change BS and it would serve people right if the new owner simply packed up the team and moved it to Oklahoma City and complete the rebrand at its fullest if i wanted to be hateful . i dont

as long as snyder is an owner of this team it has no chance of ever being more then a novice for me and the relationships i have made here keep me posting here
I have been looking at the packers or ravens for a while, but stopped after the start of the sale was announced.

Just read that the new owner would be responsible for any further lawsuits against the organization even after snyder sells.
My fear is coming true, snyder will literally try to burn it down before leaving. Why the league has tolerated this is mind boggling. I find it hard to believe that they don't want to start a trend of kicking dufus owners to curb, nor do I believe snyder has dirt on the other owners. Maybe I am being naive.

This is why I think bezos must be the new owner. We will need brains and resources to build back. The damage has been catastrophic and the fanbase is about as is. I am beginning to wonder if the franchise is salvageable. I have talked to numerous people who identify as former redskins fans. They all left for different reasons, thr one thing in common, they all left.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I have been looking at the packers or ravens for a while, but stopped after the start of the sale was announced.

Just read that the new owner would be responsible for any further lawsuits against the organization even after snyder sells.
My fear is coming true, snyder will literally try to burn it down before leaving. Why the league has tolerated this is mind boggling. I find it hard to believe that they don't want to start a trend of kicking dufus owners to curb, nor do I believe snyder has dirt on the other owners. Maybe I am being naive.

This is why I think bezos must be the new owner. We will need brains and resources to build back. The damage has been catastrophic and the fanbase is about as is.
a new owner only gives us the possibility of hope . the new owner could be worse but in different ways . will bezos actually care about his toy ?

Darrell Green Fan

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I'm actually enjoying watching Dan lose this team while kicking and screaming.

There is almost a sweet justice in this thing dragging out and getting to see Dan get slapped around with something new every time he tries to make a power move to hold on to his........excuse me our team.

I am in this camp as well, I enjoy watching Daniel Snyder flopping on the deck like a fish that had been caught. I also agree that Goodell has been exposed in this ESPN article and I hope this will lead to his ultimate departure as his contract is coming up. But all that matters is Dan Snyder is selling the team, if there was any question that was answered with these latest stories. It also could cause the price to not be as high as it could be and that's good too.

I had pulled away from this team, I didn't watch any of the Wentz games earlier in the season. I actually tried to root for the Ravens, learning Snyder had harassed the victims was the final straw and I could no longer root for a team owned by such a man. But once I heard the news that he had hired BOA I got back on board, but from a distance. Now that it's clear that he is going to be gone I'm officially back. It sucked not having a team.


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I am in this camp as well, I enjoy watching Daniel Snyder flopping on the deck like a fish that had been caught. I also agree that Goodell has been exposed in this ESPN article and I hope this will lead to his ultimate departure as his contract is coming up. But all that matters is Dan Snyder is selling the team, if there was any question that was answered with these latest stories. It also could cause the price to not be as high as it could be and that's good too.

I had pulled away from this team, I didn't watch any of the Wentz games earlier in the season. I actually tried to root for the Ravens, learning Snyder had harassed the victims was the final straw and I could no longer root for a team owned by such a man. But once I heard the news that he had hired BOA I got back on board, but from a distance. Now that it's clear that he is going to be gone I'm officially back. It sucked not having a team.
Yeah, slow and painful for Dan is kind of sweet justice for me, just as long as it gets done. Not to be judgmental, but I can't for the life of me understand how you guys can just start rooting for another team.

At 47 it would be impossible for me. I get the disgust with the team and you are not alone based on attendance, but if all of the sudden I showed up with some random Packers hoodie on my family and friends would have me committed. Seriously. Lol


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Yeah, slow and painful for Dan is kind of sweet justice for me, just as long as it gets done. Not to be judgmental, but I can't for the life of me understand how you guys can just start rooting for another team.

At 47 it would be impossible for me. I get the disgust with the team and you are not alone based on attendance, but if all of the sudden I showed up with some random Packers hoodie on my family and friends would have me committed. Seriously. Lol
I have the opposite perspective based off your example.
I have literally been asked in public by strangers, my friends, by family, the question

How can I continue to cheer for the team?
I literally have no answer anymore, it appears you do. The only flimsy answer i have is that i have done so since I was a kid. However, that is not cutting it anymore.

The proud history is gone
The fans are gone
The pride is gone
The integrity is gone

It has been replaced by:

The worst owner in the history of professional sports
Congressional investigations
Mass exodus of fans
Abandonment and decay of the stadium
Dedication to mediocrity and incompetent coaches
Corruption at the highest level
Mass instances of sexual harassment by high ranking executives

The correct question should be, how in the world can we root for this team? Does it logically make sense? No, the remaining few do out of emotion period because logically, it makes no sense. There is literally only 1 reason to stay on board and a million reasons to move on like most have.

If this same situation was going on with let's say thr jets or Cardinals, we would literally be saying: How in the world can those idiots still support that team?

Am I wrong? Not picking a fight, but I find it odd that we would question or appear confused why a fan would have moved on when almost all of them have?

I am not going to personally question someone's ethics or moral.compass simply based on pride. Not saying you are, but i have had that argument with Dean numerous times. He doesn't get it.
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I have the opposite perspective based off your example.
I have literally been asked in public by strangers, my friends, by family, the question

How can I continue to cheer for the team?
I literally have no answer anymore, it appears you do. The only flimsy answer i have is that i have done so since I was a kid. However, that is not cutting it anymore.

The proud history is gone
The fans are gone
The pride is gone
The integrity is gone

It has been replaced by:

The worst owner in the history of professional sports
Congressional investigations
Mass exodus of fans
Abandonment and decay of the stadium
Dedication to mediocrity and incompetent coaches
Corruption at the highest level
Mass instances of sexual harassment by high ranking executives

The correct question should be, how in the world can we root for this team? Does it logically make sense? No, the remaining few do out of emotion period because logically, it makes no sense. There is literally only 1 reason to stay on board and a million reasons to move on like most have.

If this same situation was going on with let's say thr jets or Cardinals, we would literally be saying: How in the world can those idiots still support that team?

Am I wrong? Not picking a fight, but I find it odd that we would question or appear confused why a fan would have moved on when almost all of them have?

I am not going to personally question someone's ethics or moral.compass simply based on pride. Not saying you are, but i have had that argument with Dean numerous times. He doesn't get it.
Yeah I get all that, but at this point I couldn't root against them or root for another team if I tried. I guess the memories of my late dad who was my best friend are too strong. Him taking me to RFK. Us driving up to Carlisle. Hell, I lived at Carlisle for two years. My dad was stationed at the war college there.

I'm one of seven children. I remember the entire family huddled around one of those big wooden floor model TVs watching the Skins blow someone out of the building.

Dan does not and will not define or determine my fandom. Just randomly picking another team to root for imo is ridiculous. Not trying to call you or anyone out. To each his own. I'm just speaking for myself.

Now if you relocate to that city and spend years there, maybe I could see it.

Even if I tried I literally couldn't do it. It was kinda like the Dallas game where I knew a loss would help our draft position and as soon as the game started I was cheering like crazy for the Skins.

It's in my DNA at this point.


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Yeah I get all that, but at this point I couldn't root against them or root for another team if I tried. I guess the memories of my late dad who was my best friend are too strong. Him taking me to RFK. Us driving up to Carlisle. Hell, I lived at Carlisle for two years. My dad was stationed at the war college there.

I'm one of seven children. I remember the entire family huddled around one of those big wooden floor model TVs watching the Skins blow someone out of the building.

Dan does not and will not define or determine my fandom. Just randomly picking another team to root for imo is ridiculous. Not trying to call you or anyone out. To each his own. I'm just speaking for myself.

Now if you relocate to that city and spend years there, maybe I could see it.

Even if I tried I literally couldn't do it. It was kinda like the Dallas game where I knew a loss would help our draft position and as soon as the game started I was cheering like crazy for the Skins.

It's in my DNA at this point.
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your father. I went through that recently as well so I know what you are going through.

Having read your post, I can see where you are coming from and respect that. There are clear family ties and memories connected to this team.

That being said, your situation more than likely represents a very small amount of Redskins fans. Nonetheless, I respect it and understand it given that it is more of a family tradition that you grew up with, and like you said...in your DNA. Your family memories are directly associated with this team. To be clear, I do not think there is anything wrong with that at all.

That being said, I do not think or hope it is your intent, but you are making backhanded comments to those who don't share your point of view.
I am actually one of those fans who has (and still might) look for another team depending on Snyder. You said that you are not judging or calling those people out, but in the same sentence you call it "ridiculous". I am guessing you are trying to say that "if" you picked another team, it would be ridiculous. I am not sure what you mean. If you find it ridiculous for someone to start cheering for another team, then you are in fact judging that person.

You also state "yeah, I get all that", but then claim that you cannot understand "for the life of you" how we can cheer for another team. To me, you are giving off mixed signals here and it is confusing. If you "get" why fans or ex-fans have that point of view, then you shouldn't be confused at all.

I don't want to get into the same Dean-like "fandom" argument here as it isn't worth my time. I think calling folks out for throwing in the towel because this is an ethical issue to them and they feel morally dishonest about it is not right. I don't think that is what you are driving at but I could be wrong. From past discussions, that is precisely what Dean is saying.

You do you Kbso...no judgment at all from me here. Condolences on your late father.


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1. I understand I'm in the minority. I stated that.

2. I could understand if you stopped rooting for the Skins, but I don't understand how you could all of the sudden start rooting for someone else.

3. I really appreciate your condolences and I'm sorry to hear about your father.

4. If ridiculous touched a nerve I apologize.

5. When I said, "I get that," I meant how Syder's behavior could turn away almost an entrie fanbase.

6. This may be a guess on my part but if the Skins were the reigning back to back Superbowl champions, I'd venture to say a lot less people would have a problem with Dan Snyder's despicable behavior. At the very least they would overlook it.

7. You kind of called into question my moral compass even though you said you weren't trying to. It's kinda like saying "not to be racist but......." at that point you know some racist shit is about to come out of that person's mouth.

You didn't appreciate my choice of words with "ridiculous," and I didn't appreciate you passive aggressively calling into question my morals because I root for the same team you currently root for. You don't even know me.

8. If it's a moral thing, why are you still rooting for the Skins. Why didn't you stop a couple of years ago?

I will do me. I always do.


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1. I understand I'm in the minority. I stated that.

2. I could understand if you stopped rooting for the Skins, but I don't understand how you could all of the sudden start rooting for someone else.

3. I really appreciate your condolences and I'm sorry to hear about your father.

4. If ridiculous touched a nerve I apologize.

5. When I said, "I get that," I meant how Syder's behavior could turn away almost an entrie fanbase.

6. This may be a guess on my part but if the Skins were the reigning back to back Superbowl champions, I'd venture to say a lot less people would have a problem with Dan Snyder's despicable behavior. At the very least they would overlook it.

7. You kind of called into question my moral compass even though you said you weren't trying to. It's kinda like saying "not to be racist but......." at that point you know some racist shit is about to come out of that person's mouth.

You didn't appreciate my choice of words with "ridiculous," and I didn't appreciate you passive aggressively calling into question my morals because I root for the same team you currently root for. You don't even know me.

8. If it's a moral thing, why are you still rooting for the Skins. Why didn't you stop a couple of years ago?

I will do me. I always do.

2. I could understand if you stopped rooting for the Skins, but I don't understand how you could all of the sudden start rooting for someone else. The answer would be because some people like football and want to continue to follow the sport. That would by my reason and I am guessing others would state the same.

3. I really appreciate your condolences and I'm sorry to hear about your father. Appreciate it.

4. If ridiculous touched a nerve I apologize. I was just confused on what you were trying to state and was confused what you meant.

5. When I said, "I get that," I meant how Syder's behavior could turn away almost an entrie fanbase. Ok, understood.

6. This may be a guess on my part but if the Skins were the reigning back to back Superbowl champions, I'd venture to say a lot less people would have a problem with Dan Snyder's despicable behavior. At the very least they would overlook it. Probably...winning allegedly cures anything.

7. You kind of called into question my moral compass even though you said you weren't trying to. It's kinda like saying "not to be racist but......." at that point you know some racist shit is about to come out of that person's mouth. That was certainly not my intent. I am trying to say that if a fan leaves over an "ethical issue" in their eyes, I don't think it is right for being called out for it. I am NOT saying at all that anyone who chooses to stick around is an immoral person or unethical person for not leaving. Again, I think there are different types of fans with teams.

You didn't appreciate my choice of words with "ridiculous," and I didn't appreciate you passive aggressively calling into question my morals because I root for the same team you currently root for. You don't even know me. Again, apologies for any impression I gave that I was questioning your morals. I don't know you..that is right. For the record, I am not calling out your morals. I clearly stated that I understood and respected why you continue to support the team. I obviously was not clear in what I was stating. I have been called out for my fandom by Dean for example and I didn't appreciate it. I still don't think it is strange or ridiculous for someone to leave becased off of Snyder.

8. If it's a moral thing, why are you still rooting for the Skins. Why didn't you stop a couple of years ago? I have left the board a few times. I left most recently in the summer and was gone for several months and clearly stated it was due to Snyder. I also stated I was taking a step back from the team.
Once the needle started to move and the accusations picked up, I did return to the board as I felt the near was end, but kept the team at a distance. I stated that I would be fully back on board once Snyder was gone and have said that several times. I consider myself in limbo right now and follow the Commanders but I would not say I am currently rooting for them. If Snyder sticks around, I am gone from this board and will completely stop following the team altogether. As I have stated, I am looking at the Packers or Ravens if Snyder sticks around. I really don't care if I get called out for it or insulted.


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It's cool man. I've stated that if Dan stays I will still watch, but just won't be as passionate. Probably won't post as often, but who knows. Maybe I'm in denial and will post just as much.

I dont think it's ridiculous that anyone would walk away from this team. I do find it hard to imagine rooting for someone else though. No judgment. That's just me.

I've been here since the ESPN days. No one would find it weird if you saw me on the Packers board next year posting threads like "How should we rebuild after Arron leaves?" If you saw that Kbso83432 posted that, it wouldn't be jarring at all?

Another person's fandom doesn't affect my life in the slightest.

All good man.

Darrell Green Fan

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Not to be judgmental, but I can't for the life of me understand how you guys can just start rooting for another team.

At 47 it would be impossible for me.
It was impossible for me too. I tried twice, the Ravens are right down the road and they have the Maryland flag at midfield so it was not like I jumped on some random team thousands of miles away.

The first time was after the Dwayne Haskins fiasco, I figured this was hopeless so I tried the Ravens and it didn't take. When the Redskins got Chase Young I got sucked back in, and of course Chase Young has turned into Lavar Arrington and a huge disappointment because we can't have nice things.

But when it was clear that Goodell was covering for everything Snyder was doing I gave up on them, as I said I could no longer root for a team owned by such a man and it seemed pretty clear that the league wasn't going to do anything. When the team won he won so I couldn't root for that. But I soon found out in my 2nd attempt at being a Ravens fan that it just doesn't work this late in life. So now I'm back to having a team again.
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It was impossible for me too. I tried twice, the Ravens are right down the road and they have the Maryland flag at midfield so it was not like I jumped on some random team thousands of miles away.

The first time was after the Dwayne Haskins fiasco, I figured this was hopeless so I tried the Ravens and it didn't take. When the Redskins got Chase Young I got sucked back in, and of course Chase Young has turned into Lavar Arrington and a huge disappointment because we can't have nice things.

But when it was clear that Goodell was covering for everything Snyder was doing I gave up on them, as I said I could no longer root for a team owned by such a man and it seemed pretty clear that the league wasn't going to do anything. When the team won he won so I couldn't root for that. But I soon found out in my 2nd attempt at being a Ravens fan that it just doesn't work this late in life. So now I'm back to having a team again.
It would be impossible for me at my age. That said, it does indeed look like Dan is selling, so for those that are thinking about leaving I'll be glad that you stayed, even @duke1861 lol (kidding)

New owner doesn't equate success, but at least we'll have a fighting chance. New report says it's down to Harris and Bezos. Everyone else has bowed out.