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Tariffs are not the enemy of free trade, any more than arms buildups are the enemy of peace. Yes, they might lead to escalations. Or they might not. This is a political question better answered not from an economics textbook but rather from the works of Clausewitz or Sun Tzu


warPAINt nation
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Nobody liked or would benefit from DumbDumb's tariff threats, including most of the members of DumbDumb's own party.

It's a classic move, made particularly to fool DumbDumb's ignorant, deplorable base.

Dumbdumb wasn't ever going to actually impose the tariffs, and the mexican government isn't going to actually keep the migrants in northern mexico border towns while they seek asylum in America.

The only victory will go to the other countries that Mexico does business with, in order to not be held hostage by the moron-in-chief's future temper tantrums.

That's dumbDumb Drumpf in a nutshell: full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. Except to his ignorant base.
OK,, I get your game now. Took awhile but I see it now. Come off as a total Trump hating idiot to spark a rise out of the rest of us to give you some much needed attention. Cause this really is an idiotic post. I can spot guys like you a mile away. *yawn*


US ARMY retired /mod.
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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OK,, I get your game now. Took awhile but I see it now. Come off as a total Trump hating idiot to spark a rise out of the rest of us to give you some much needed attention. Cause this really is an idiotic post. I can spot guys like you a mile away. *yawn*
I agree it’s just trolling .his answers don’t make sense and don’t address issues with facts


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It's absolutely common knowledge.

The fact that you think you debunked 300+ years of easily researchable, easily understood as fact common knowledge about US History is the problem with the republican party in a nutshell.

Don't like the ACTUAL facts? Make up new ones!

I suggest you look at the facts...wait you can’t read. All you do is copy the opinion of others.


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Nobody liked or would benefit from DumbDumb's tariff threats, including most of the members of DumbDumb's own party.

It's a classic move, made particularly to fool DumbDumb's ignorant, deplorable base.

Dumbdumb wasn't ever going to actually impose the tariffs, and the mexican government isn't going to actually keep the migrants in northern mexico border towns while they seek asylum in America.

The only victory will go to the other countries that Mexico does business with, in order to not be held hostage by the moron-in-chief's future temper tantrums.

That's dumbDumb Drumpf in a nutshell: full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. Except to his ignorant base.

Except the tariffs never went into effect. It is called negotiation and another win.

Other countries? We consume 80% of their exports and share their border. We are by far the most productive and rich country they can do business with. Even with a 5% tariff, we are cheaper than anybody else they can work with. Who do you believe will fill the gap left if they did not do business with us?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I suggest you look at the facts...wait you can’t read. All you do is copy the opinion of others.
Really border line on a personal attack GK . Saying he can’t read is wrong . “ Oh wait you don’t read “ is a much better response

Can’t read implies not capable , dont read implies laziness


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Wrong is wrong.... unless you agree with it?

It is not destructive or wrong to attack the press when the press is acting in bad faith. It is actually heroic. The press in 2019 is self serving. It has gotten out of hand quite frankly.

There's a correlation between what you call "bad faith" and reports that people don't agree with. The issue is discernment and whether or not people are still able to employ it. It's not wrong, it's the business that comes with a 24 hour news cycle. However, let's attack the singular reason why some people believe it to be wrong...laziness!

People are being socialized into reading and writing within the limits of 140 characters or less. it forces new guttural languages into the atmosphere, dulls the senses and is time consuming to the point where relinquishing research just to keep pace with the numerous new posts is normalized.


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I think Jemele Hill is a horrible human being who is smart enough to understand what she is doing which is profiting off of fear and division. She literally makes me want to vomit. However, she has the right to be ignorant and use her platform to act ignorant.

Equally ignorant people like David Duke (JH is literally the black version of David Duke IMO except she is more dangerous because she is actually viewed as credible by some major outlets) also should be afforded those same rights.

These graphs I posted and there are about 20 of them shows that the media is creating division for profit.

As a registered republican I hate big government. I dont like the idea of the government regulating media even if journalism is broken today, which it is.

Trump either on purpose or by accident is holding the media accountable without government regulation and that is fucking genius, if he is doing it on purpose.

Many layoffs for bad faith journalism has happened at CNN, Huff, and NYT. Is that because Trump has brought light to the fact that MSM is essentially an extension of the DNC and is insanely bias? I believe he is at least partly responsible.

Media needs to be fixed and held accountable. If you are against big government like I am, I ask that you provide a better solution to fix this broken mess. Trump has at least provided the best short term solution

Yeah and that's the point! Your belief that "Jemele Hill is a horrible human being who is smart enough to understand what she is doing which is profiting off of fear and division," is from my perspective the description that I would apply to people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump and a host of African American people who are hired by Fox news to say the things that social taboos forbid Euro-Americans from saying.

Being a registered republican is of no consequence when you openly confess to being anti- constitution. The framers thought it important enough to include the importance of a free press in that document and yet here you are contradicting yourself by wanting to somehow hold the press accountable while extolling a insistence on less government. For the record, that "genius" move that you speak of by Trump is being done by the Executive branch of government. You do know that Trump is 1/3 of the U.S. government don't you? The power of the presidency doesn't require regulation in this regard. People tend to believe the officeholder, however for the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone still believes anything that this pathological liar utters.

If you want my suggestion on how to "fix this broken mess," although I totally don't believe that there's anything wrong with the free press, fine, here it is.

1. Better educated public

2. Mass withdrawal from party identification

3. Confirmation and intuitive research that come from being able to employ critical thinking skills in the general public

4. Elimination/ tight regulation of social media outlets, it's ruining the country!

5. Restoration of the "Fairness Doctrine."

That's a really good start!


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I mean

you suck at your job with tangible proof of horrible ratings and ratings dip - CHECK
you have lost your company revenue in dropped subscriptions - CHECK
you have put your employer in hot water multiple times - CHECK
you have been warned multiple times about the above 3 - CHECK

yet she stillllllll kept her job. She isnt new to this. She called rooting for the Celtics like rooting for Nazi Germany 10-15 years ago.

and she still kept her job when every single one of us would have been fired a long long time ago.

So what is that?

Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for wayyyy less. Linda Cohn demoted. Black/White privilege is the most overstated thing ever in my lifetime in the media but if we are going to play this game JH benefited from black privilege

you suck at your job with tangible proof of horrible ratings and ratings dip - CHECK...This is your opinion tied to the historical overall ratings drop at ESPN. There are many reasons for this...,UNCHECK

you have lost your company revenue in dropped subscriptions - CHECK...They paid her for her opinions, the backlash that she got for expressing them were out of her control and speaks more about the complainers that it does her...UNCHECK

you have put your employer in hot water multiple times - CHECK...See above...UNCHECK

you have been warned multiple times about the above 3 - CHECK...See above again...UNCHECK

yet she stillllllll kept her job. She isnt new to this. She called rooting for the Celtics like rooting for Nazi Germany 10-15 years ago.
Ten to 15 years ago you would have been hard pressed to find more than a handful of African-Americans who disagreed with her. I still believe that the city of Boston has a long way to go shake it's historical and current racist bend.


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this flip the party thing started with the fake southern strategy nixon supposedly employed .. there is no record of nixon ever making a racist speech he condemned the black panthers and the weather underground at the same time .

when nixon entered office 70% of blacks attended segregated school , by 1974 when he resigned it was down to 8 %. more then the previous 16 year by far . he also put in the 1st affirmative action program . he forced unions to admit blacks a searcjable fact

now is a racist going to support that because you said the parties flipped

moreover nixon lost the deep south george wallace won those a democrat that should have flipped but didnt according to your theory

the book , " the emerging republican party" written by kevin phillips is claimed by progressives as the brain child of richard nixons " southern strategy" , where the big lie comes from , is called by dan carter ( a progressive historian ) the NUTS and BOLTS architect .

the problem with this is the book ws written in 1969 and couldnt have been used in 1968 . even phillips agrees with this . again another searchable fact

what nixon did do was win the sun belt state s he was not after deep south states like miss, ga , sc or alambama

he went after perpheril states like FL, TX ARK ,NC TN VA phillips calls the last 4 states reluctant confederate states . nixon targeted these state because they didnt vote on race but on policies . sure enough nixon won those state while wallace , a dixiecrat won the deep south . a searchable fact according to their narrative

what happened to all those dixie crats who progressives according to their narrative moved from the democratic party to republican ? of all the bigots and segregationist who voted against the civil rights act of 1964 i can count just one who switched , strom thurmond . . the constellation of racist dixiecrats includes senators william murray , thomas p gore ( recognize the name ? ) spessard holland , sam ervin , russell long , robert byrd richard russell olin johnston lister hill john c stennis john sparkman john mcclellan james eastland herman talmadge herbert walters hary f byrd sr and his son JR , george smathers , everette jordan allen ellender , a willis robertson al gore sr (recognize the name ) william fullbright, herbert wakters w kerr scott , and marion p daniel , never switched to republican another searchable fact

there are 4 dixiecrat govenors william h murray , frank dixon fielding wright and benjamin laney

now i will be here forever and a day listing dixiecrat congressman but from the entire 200 person list only 1 defected to the other party the so called big switch advocates . another searchable fact

these dixiecrats remained in the democratic party for year even decades , i cant find any evidence that democrats repudiated them or attempt to throw them out

segratgationist like richard russell and william fulbright were lionized in their party and of course robert byrd was eulogized in 2010 by dems and a progressive media again a searchable fact

now the sell is all these dixiecrats went republican when in fact they most certainly did not . the numbers are searchable facts

the political shift in the south began in the eisenhower era eisenhower , who won 5 peripheral states in 1956 , breaking the lock FDR and truman had for decades . obviously this preceded the civil rights movement of the 60's and cant be attributed to it

the old south transitioned to the GOP camp in the 70's and 80's in response to reagonite appeal of free market capitalism .patriotism protection of unborn childeren schoo lprayer and family values . these social issues were far more central to reagons message then race

in 1980 reagon lost just 6 states , in 1984 just 1 and there wasnt any fake ass "southern strategy involved , another searchable fact .

reagons successs was made possible bt the sharp leftward move by the democratic party they held totally opposite views and this receives virtually no mention by progressive scholars you sight Sty , because it disrupts the thesis that the trend to the south to the republican party was based mostly on race

as far as senate and house seats the south didnt become solidly republican until 1994 (a searchable fact ) , this was due to the contract of america which closely mirrored reagons agenda . leftist historian kevin kruse implies this has some dark hidden racial component . poppycock small govt conservatism is not racism

the south has become much like the rest of the country . they vote for republicans the same as other people vote republican economic issues, social issues foreign policy for whites and no less blacks ( another searchable fact ) race has little to do with it

the data clearly shows that racism dramatically declined in the later half of the 20th century and it shows precisely that the south moved steadily to the GOP thus the south became less racist . it also became more republican . the progressive narrative is in ruins at this point

after WW2 it was obvious that when the troops came home from war fighting the nazi's that racism became a politically untenable position . LBJ ( a huge racist ) saw this and hence his reversal of the civil rights act originally submitted by eisenhower which he rejected . (another searchable fact ) hence his famous statement " we lost the south "

so tell me was progressive FDR a democrat only when he came up with SSN and other govt programs the nazis and and facists got their economic ideas from ? or was he a republican when he jailed people of color ?

what about the father of progressive-ism woodrow wilson . was he and undercover republican with his racist stances ?

and of course the great abe lincoln said the republican party was " conservative " not progressive

now i posted a thread like this approximately 6-12 months ago in response to shark making that BS flip statement . of course i got no response

now i put the names and numbers up and this crap is debunked

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the ...

Uncovered At Last: Lee Atwater's Infamous 'Southern ...

Videos of southern strategy by lee atwater

Now, all of the crap that you've written here has been debunked! In my next post I'll debunk your Dixiecrat argument.
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you suck at your job with tangible proof of horrible ratings and ratings dip - CHECK...This is your opinion tied to the historical overall ratings drop at ESPN. There are many reasons for this...,UNCHECK

you have lost your company revenue in dropped subscriptions - CHECK...They paid her for her opinions, the backlash that she got for expressing them were out of her control and speaks more about the complainers that it does her...UNCHECK

you have put your employer in hot water multiple times - CHECK...See above...UNCHECK

you have been warned multiple times about the above 3 - CHECK...See above again...UNCHECK

yet she stillllllll kept her job. She isnt new to this. She called rooting for the Celtics like rooting for Nazi Germany 10-15 years ago.
Ten to 15 years ago you would have been hard pressed to find more than a handful of African-Americans who disagreed with her. I still believe that the city of Boston has a long way to go shake it's historical and current racist bend.

So wrong. It’s 5am though so I’ll just address the really easy one

Sportscenter ratings went up almost immediately after she left. ESPN even acknowledges this.

So she took over a show, ratings dropped double digit % while she was host for a year or whatever. She leaves show and ratings were restored..

She was bad at her job, yet given multiple chances. Check

She’s a truly disgusting vile person. She’s openly hostile to anything white. I am just thankful that twitter isn’t real life and that she’s losing relevance by the day


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First we have to agree that there were people and a political party called "Dixiecrats."

Dixiecrat | political party, United States | Britannica.com

So I'll continue, step by step...

So basically "Dixiecrats were southern democrats who supported "states rights." Segregationists code for separation.

In 1946 President H. S. Truman issues executive order 9808.

Executive Orders Harry S. Truman 1945-1953
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museumexecutiveorders/index.php?pid=480&st1=

The southern democrats bolted and formed their own party, nominating Strom Thurmond for president in 1948.

Strom Thurmond Campaign Buttons and Pins from the 1948 ...

So who else besides Thurmond were elected officials and "Dixiecrats" (note the distinction) more important which states did they represent? (more on this later)

  1. Orval Fabus…………………………………… Governor Arkansas 1955 to 1967
  2. Benjamin Travis Laney...……………… Governor of Arkansas 1945 -1949
  3. John Stennis...……………………………… U.S Senator, Mississippi 1947 to 1988
  4. James Eastland...…………………………. U.S Senator Mississippi, 1941 and 1943 to 1978
  5. Allen Ellender……………………………….. U.S Senator Louisiana 1937 to 1972
  6. Russell Long...……………………………… U.S. Senator Louisiana 1948 to 1987
  7. John Sparkman...………………………… U.S. House/Senate Alabama 1937 to 1979
  8. John McClellan...…………………………. U.S. House 1935-39 U.S. Senate 1943 to 1977 (Arkansas)
  9. Richard Russell...………………………… Governor Georgia 1931-33 U.S. Senate 1933- 1971
  10. Herman Talmadge...………………….. U.S. Senator Georgia 1957 to 1981.Governor 1948-55)
  11. George Wallace...……………………… Governor Alabama 1963 to 1987
  12. Lester Maddox…………………………… Governor Georgia 1967 to 1971
  13. John Rarick...…………………………….. U.S. House 1967 to 1975
  14. Robert Byrd...……………………………. U.S. House 1953- 59/ Senate 1959 to 2010
  15. Al Gore, Sr...……………………………...U.S House 1939 -1953 / Senate 1953 to 1971
  16. Bull Connor...……………………………..Commissioner of Public Safety Alabama 1936- 54 & 57-63
  17. Strom Thurmond…………………………U.S. Senator 1956 to 2003
  18. Jesse Helms...……………………………. U.S Senator North Carolina 1973 to 2003
  19. Mills Godwin...……………………………..Governor Virginia 1966 to 1970 and 1974 to 1978.

Every last one of the listed joined the "States' Rights Democratic Party" (Dixiecrats) What changed as a result of the Dixiecrat movement led by these men and others in southern states?

The Dixiecrat Revolt and the End of the Solid South, 1932 ...

See democrats in droves switched because they identified with the Dixiecrat movement. It is revisionist history to limit "Dixiecrats" to a short list of elected officials, when there was once a "solid south" democratic lock prior to 1946 and a total reversal since because of the civil rights panel.

My previous notes (re: Lee Atwater) takes us from Nixon to the present.


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So wrong. It’s 5am though so I’ll just address the really easy one

Sportscenter ratings went up almost immediately after she left. ESPN even acknowledges this.

So she took over a show, ratings dropped double digit % while she was host for a year or whatever. She leaves show and ratings were restored..

She was bad at her job, yet given multiple chances. Check

She’s a truly disgusting vile person. She’s openly hostile to anything white. I am just thankful that twitter isn’t real life and that she’s losing relevance by the day

Not wrong at all, it just proves my point that she served as a lightening rod for people's distaste. Nothing that you've presented shows that WHAT she said wasn't on point, just that people didn't like it. It happens all of the time in television.

She was really good at her job, people just didn't like the message. Checkmate!


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well they are not and havent

OK, so let's put it to a test. This is ONLY an example and not suggestive of you being affiliated with the subjects.

Here's the test to show what I mean by no difference. Ready?

What's the difference between you and the moderator known by me as @dad?


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Not wrong at all, it just proves my point that she served as a lightening rod for people's distaste. Nothing that you've presented shows that WHAT she said wasn't on point, just that people didn't like it. It happens all of the time in television.

She was really good at her job, people just didn't like the message. Checkmate!

Reach to end all reaches.

Her job is to entertain people, increase ratings which in turn increases advertising dollars. She failed miserably

She was bad at her job

She’s also a despicable person


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Not wrong at all, it just proves my point that she served as a lightening rod for people's distaste. Nothing that you've presented shows that WHAT she said wasn't on point, just that people didn't like it. It happens all of the time in television.

She was really good at her job, people just didn't like the message. Checkmate!

Maybe trump is really good at his job and just some people don’t like the message.


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my opposition to the new green deal is because of the power its gives the govt based on a hoax and is a socialist plan . come no cars planes ? cow farts ? its based on UN leadership statements based on what the goal is worldwide socialism

you can never ever stop nature . the sun will do one thing and one thing only get hotter destroying the planet in its do time

I have to admit, you are one funny dude! First there's no hoax (one exception), I've proven this time and again on this thread by debunking ALL of your opposition to it. Second, your opposition is against the work that you do, which btw; isn't as ponderously federally governed as you claim. Socialism is and has been a part of this country from its inception in fact we both served in one form of it!

OH yeah, about that one exceptional hoax, cows don't fart, they belch, as for the rest of these debunked "talking points..."

The Facts on the 'Green New Deal' - FactCheck.org

Claim: The Green New Deal would "permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military."

Fact checked by factcheck.org
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