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- #11,861
Hey, I know! Lets just tax the rich! They have plenty of money, right? and when they all remove their money from US accounts and deposit it overseas where it can't be touched, can't we just print more money like AOC said? This strategy is working in California, if it weren't for those pesky rich people (and the middle class) leaving the state.I am wondering , just how are we going to pay for free health care , college loans , the new green deal and reparations . The totals are about 32 trillion for HC another 93 trill for new green deal college ? Another 20 trillion ? And reparations are at. 9 -17 trillion . We haven’t even talked about entitlements. Or our defense . So either they are lying or they are stupid. You can. Tax every American 100% of their income and not even approach paying that. ! And add 22 trillion in debt
Hey, im all for a real African American becoming president one day. I just don't see the two that are running,, Booker and Messum winning.... well three if your including Elizabeth Warren.
This is a really good point. Though I doubt any thing would pass allowing complete and utterly open-ness at the border. Remember, These immigrants are simply being used as pawns by the Dems to win the votes of those already here.... in a way the same way they use the African American population.If crossing the border illegally is no longer illegal - as several Ds advocate - why do we make people who get off airplanes go through customs? If it's fair to let people in without going through customs on the southern border, then everyone everywhere should be allowed in.
I heard it only took three snaps to capture the image just right too. In other words,,, she's getting better at the game.
Just sad
When all else fails congress will step in and regulate funding and the treasury will spend as AOC said as well regarding the GND. I'm just giddy that there is a political figure on the Democratic side that has all the answers.... and she a patriot too I understand.Hey, I know! Lets just tax the rich! They have plenty of money, right? and when they all remove their money from US accounts and deposit it overseas where it can't be touched, can't we just print more money like AOC said? This strategy is working in California, if it weren't for those pesky rich people (and the middle class) leaving the state.
Hey, I know! Lets just tax the rich! They have plenty of money, right? and when they all remove their money from US accounts and deposit it overseas where it can't be touched, can't we just print more money like AOC said? This strategy is working in California, if it weren't for those pesky rich people (and the middle class) leaving the state.
You posted fake news articles as facts, which they are not.
In my district three tenured teachers were fired this year, two the year before. In my neighboring school district, six were let go this year, two the year before.
You dont hear about the efficiency with which school districts replace ineffective personnel because it doesnt fit the idiotic narrative that “tenured teachers are hard to fire.”
That narrative, like so, so many offered by people who dont know better - mostly republicans - is categorically false.
Did I say you should read articles by teachers? No, i did not. As usual, you are wrong.
Your mom is a teacher. Sure she is. I bet she agrees with your sentiments exactly.
As usual, a dumbdumb on the right finds some fake news articles that happen to agree with their small minded opinions, and declare them as “facts.”
Its hard to be this irrational. I really wonder how you get yourself into the frame of mind to even write something like this. It’s mind boggling.
Tell me, chachi, is Donald Trump a civil servant? He sure seems to be using his job to enrich himself. What about all the other asshole republican senators?
Doesnt donald trump exist to serve the will of the people? He certainly is spending a lot of time pandering to his moron base, which represents less than half of the nation he “leads.”
If all of the idiot republicans disappeared, America would probably replace them with people who could actually think rationally about complex problems, and consider more than one side. Too bad for us all: there will always be dumbass republicans, and there will always be students.
I found articles that support my position.
I guess I should call you clueless.
As Vergara Case Ends, Study Shows Unions Don't Protect Bad Teachers
US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education : Education International
Confronting the Myths About Tenure and Teachers’ Unions | Los Rios College Federation of Teachers
4 Myths About Teacher Unions - Good or Bad