The only hypocrite is the soul who feels innocent babies should be aborted (killed) without a second thought just because said person aint ready for no damn kid... while in the same breath against the death penalty for vicious killers or other incarcerated extreme violent people. The soul who feels that the innocent baby should be allowed to live and grow as you and I have had the distinct pleasure of doing but would like to see the guy who killed 30 people as they attended church (or just any member of your family) fry in the electric chair (yes, bring it back) is probably a soul who understands common logic and sense of decency.
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Who should die? This baby at 5 months inside a womb... or this serial killer? If you pick Dahmer then you are pro life,,, if you pick the baby not sure I can associate with you anymore. Please answer... this game is for all.
Clearly this is well past you so, let me explain. Removing something the size of a dime isn't killing a baby. That only happens in the minds of religiously misinformed people. To be clear, it is not a baby, innocent or otherwise!
In as far as your view on the death penalty, I actually considered U.S. Executioner as something to do after retirement. In that job, I would be called to any state in the union to do the deed. Walk into the room where the electric chair is situated, then have this conversation with the prisoner. "Any last words?" the response being..."I won't do it ever again!" to which I reply, "I know...have a seat!"

Seriously though, it isn't a baby so your choice between putting to death a common criminal and something that isn't a baby fails because It's oxymoronic. In fact using the standard definition of "life" your "baby" fails to meet that standard. Your outlined choices
BTW: Most abortions are performed at or before 8 weeks after conception and 92% of abortions are performed prior to week 13.