I'm with you dad. All we do on this thread is waste time. From taking time out with those who defend shoveling fried chicken down your throat to the infamous farting cows, and yes Sty, my logical mind cannot take much more. In some cases my eyesight is actually blurry after reading some of the garbage on here. Just last week I did battle with someone who insisted it was Trump himself who has kept the Russian conspiracy in the news for the last 2 plus years. In other words,, if he would have just stopped mentioning "no collusion" it would have died out long ago despite the media mentioning collusion 50 times a day for 2 plus years. This type of illogical thinking is what we're up against. So i'm all for putting the kobash on this thread. Getting ready for football anyway.
Just asking, so wouldn't a "logical" mind that finds the thing that it finds so annoying, literally pull itself from the offending property?
BTW: in a 24 hour news cycle, replaying what the Prez says over and over again in order to continue being part of the 24 hour news cycle, is in fact, our reality!!
So, wouldn't that self proclaimed "logical" mind which once again finds itself greatly bothered by this repetition (50 times a day for two plus years), logically, disengage from what that 24 hour news cycle is doing? Don't you logically agree?