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If your assumptions are correct, which I don't really buy, but lets assume they are. What do you expect to change in the next few years that is going to make them feel "safe and welcome" in other parts of the country? I'm taking realistically, not theoretically. Because in the short term, the faucet is still open and they are still coming across the border. So the problems I gave you with California are only going to get worse.Dude, thats all great information. But I tend to look at this in a historical as well as an expectational kind of view point.
Some Americans have been railing against migration from south of the border for well over 100 years now. And for mostly the wrong reasons. Now we are in a situation where you have millions of people in small spaces (CA, NY and a few other sanctuary cities) partly because these are the only places they feel even partly welcome and SAFE.
So my question is, if you have fostered a system where these people dont feel safe or even wanted in some parts of the country, you dont then get to scream see I told you this was bad for the country.
At the end of the day this is more about a broken system that some seem to want to turn into a money problem because it fits into what they actually want on a social level.
As for the broken system, you are correct. It is broken. So what is congress doing about it? Oh, and it is a MONEY problem. We can't afford to continue to grow our welfare rolls. We can't even help those less fortunate that are citizens. How about we figure out a real solution to addressing our own lower class until we ask more to join? This has nothing to do with skin color or language or sexual preference or all the other labels that are thrown out way to easily. This has to do with keeping this country fiscally sound. On its current path, we are not.