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Its the weekend... starting now. I'll comment further on this insanely stupid rebuttal on Monday, if I feel like it or have the time.

I really dont think you know what a straw man argument is nor do you know what phantasm means... i mean the definition you provided is word for word when you google the singular word LOL.

BTW it was used correctly...

You also have no idea what a straw man argument is. You compared an egg 3 weeks post conception to a 3 year old when inarticulately attempting to draw some sort of comparison to abortion and moving the goal posts.

Code for...skins2021 doesn’t know shit.

Straw man argument is is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man.” I am not attacking or refuting your argument. I am asking questions that will allow you to refute your own argument. I am making a point. Why is your red line of third trimester right? If you actually answered these questions, you would see your own argument crumble.

A phantasm is a figment of the imagination. An extinct animal is not a figment of the imagination unless you are actually seeing them. FYI...that would make you crazy if you see something that is not there.

I compared what people call life and the ending of that life, murder. We all agree a three year old is a person, except for a few liberals. We all find taking that life reprehensible because it is murder.

Now, many believe, science included, that a 3 week fetus is a human life. Shouldn’t we find the taking of that life, murder, to be reprehensible? Or, should we just be happy to allow murder of what we call a human life?



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For those who pimp that the alt right has anything to do with conservatism or somehow this is some huge movement


warPAINt nation
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Code for...skins2021 doesn’t know shit.

Straw man argument is is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man.” I am not attacking or refuting your argument. I am asking questions that will allow you to refute your own argument. I am making a point. Why is your red line of third trimester right? If you actually answered these questions, you would see your own argument crumble.

A phantasm is a figment of the imagination. An extinct animal is not a figment of the imagination unless you are actually seeing them. FYI...that would make you crazy if you see something that is not there.

I compared what people call life and the ending of that life, murder. We all agree a three year old is a person, except for a few liberals. We all find taking that life reprehensible because it is murder.

Now, many believe, science included, that a 3 week fetus is a human life. Shouldn’t we find the taking of that life, murder, to be reprehensible? Or, should we just be happy to allow murder of what we call a human life?

Im all for abortion if the female is raped or the doctors conclude that the child will have severe deformities or a life altering disease. No one can really claim,,, not many anyway, that they would never consider an abortion. Unless you have been in that situation and said no... have the baby... then nobody should talk. The situation is sad because kids are gonna screw. We're a sexual species. You, me and every other person on here was trying to get laid throughout high school. So if a 16 or 17 year old girl gets pregnant the 17 or 18 year old guy guy is off and running in more cases than not. Abortion sucks,, we all understand that, but in reality abortion is needed. However, I don't support it but I can't fault anybody for choosing it... everyone has there reasons, and I'm nobody's judge. However, killing after the baby has been born is obviously murder. Why some can't comprehend that is beyond me,,, and frankly... quite concerning. The way some liberals having been acting,, throwing abortion parties,,, boycotting areas that have unfavorable abortion laws.,, etc etc... is also concerning. We as a people have falling away from human value, and thats sad, but respect others for a choice made. Nobody is in their shoes. It's crazy,, if God never put feeling in sex we would have no rapes, no unwanted pregnancies,,, possibly no wars and certainly no infidelity. Sex ruins more lives but nobody would do without it. It's a chance worth taking. So many questions I have for God if allowed to ever ask.


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Im all for abortion if the female is raped or the doctors conclude that the child will have severe deformities or a life altering disease. No one can really claim,,, not many anyway, that they would never consider an abortion. Unless you have been in that situation and said no... have the baby... then nobody should talk. The situation is sad because kids are gonna screw. We're a sexual species. You, me and every other person on here was trying to get laid throughout high school. So if a 16 or 17 year old girl gets pregnant the 17 or 18 year old guy guy is off and running in more cases than not. Abortion sucks,, we all understand that, but in reality abortion is needed. However, I don't support it but I can't fault anybody for choosing it... everyone has there reasons, and I'm nobody's judge. However, killing after the baby has been born is obviously murder. Why some can't comprehend that is beyond me,,, and frankly... quite concerning. The way some liberals having been acting,, throwing abortion parties,,, boycotting areas that have unfavorable abortion laws.,, etc etc... is also concerning. We as a people have falling away from human value, and thats sad, but respect others for a choice made. Nobody is in their shoes. It's crazy,, if God never put feeling in sex we would have no rapes, no unwanted pregnancies,,, possibly no wars and certainly no infidelity. Sex ruins more lives but nobody would do without it. It's a chance worth taking. So many questions I have for God if allowed to ever ask.

This is one of the best papers I have read on the subject. When Do Human Beings Begin?

Morally speaking, the murder of a person is wrong, regardless of how the person was conceived or deformities involved...can we agree on that? The emphasis is on the word person. Each individual has to determine for themselves when a person is a person, but as the paper laid out scientifically, there is no real doubt as to when that is...if we are being honest. It is easy to say r*pe should allow abortion, but is there any other times we as a society allow actual murder? I would say he only time we should allow abortion is if the mother’s life is at risk because that is self-defense.

Abortion is never needed, unless you believe there should be no consequences for our actions.

Where we go different routes is where you draw your own personal line of born as off limits. You are obviously passionate about murder after birth as wrong, as you should be. Now understand, scientifically speaking, that line should be drawn at conception. Other people feel conception is your equivalent of birth, so shouldn’t they be equally outraged at what they see as murder, backed up by science?

r*pe seldom has to do with sex...it is about power.

I think I can answer your sex question for God...please don’t see this as me speaking for God or as God. If we would have done sex as he designed it, the problems we get ourselves into because of sex would never happen.

BTW...”Jane Roe”, Norma McCorvey, is pro-life and was a political pawn.


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I did answer your question. America has never been a white, Christian nation. It has always been a majority white, Christian nation.

How exactly do you insist on using "majority" when at it's founding and multiple generations to follow so-called "whites" were the only group that had any legitimate, legally recognized, rights?


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If you're going to continue to condescend and suggest I'm factually wrong, you should at least show where. What did I say incorrect? If anything, at worst what I stated was an opinion, but by all means, refute Omar skating on her repeated anti-semetic comments.

Condescending?? OK, I'll take your interpretation. Maybe this is a generational difference at play. I call it constructive criticism, you want to call it condescension, that's fine, just understand that I'm not of the generation that finds a personal attack in any and every thing that's said (written) to, for, about, and against me.

I did show my work when responding to the original poster. Did you read that or are you one who doesn't follow the entire conversation?

Now before we get into Omar and what she said or didn't, answer this...what can be said about Israel or the Germanic Jewish people that wouldn't be considered anti-Semitic?


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Exactly why the electoral college exists. So a small swath of land can’t control the rest.

Exactly why we are not a democracy, but a republic.

Are you sure that it exists for that reason? I'm pretty sure that it came into play when one man one vote took a decided turn when southern states counted their 2/5 votes giving them a decisive electoral advantage. In fact, because of this Virginians for 32 of the first 36 Constitutional years, occupied the Presidency. As pointed observers remarked at the time, "Thomas Jefferson metaphorically rode into the executive mansion on the backs of slaves."

BTW: you're only partially correct about this country's moorings. A republic is a representative form of democracy. We are not a pure republic nor a pure democracy. This is a hybrid nation that takes a bit from other forms of governing and made it uniquely our own. This is why I don't understand the reasons why we've gotten ourselves into an either/or situation concerning many issues, when the history of the people of this nation has been to, demonstrate to the world that we are able to take the best of every other nation on (name your issue) and create something that the world envies.


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How do you support this libs ?

In fact it shouldn't be done...period!!

Let us not forget that the country that produced the "terrorists" of 9-11 infamy were in fact Saudi-Arabians. NOT Persians (Iran) and NOT Iraqi. I wonder why we didn't rightfully attack them or hold them accountable for slaughtering a journalist who spoke out about their BS?


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A reminder of why the Electoral College is still important in the election of the Presidency in the USA.
"The Associated Press finds that Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump."
Folks he won almost 85% of the jurisdictions in America.

Dirty little secret the press omits

Isn't it true that people vote? Where they live in greater numbers explains why there's a need to finally hit the delete button on the college of electors.


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This is one of the best papers I have read on the subject. When Do Human Beings Begin?

Morally speaking, the murder of a person is wrong, regardless of how the person was conceived or deformities involved...can we agree on that? The emphasis is on the word person. Each individual has to determine for themselves when a person is a person, but as the paper laid out scientifically, there is no real doubt as to when that is...if we are being honest. It is easy to say r*pe should allow abortion, but is there any other times we as a society allow actual murder? I would say he only time we should allow abortion is if the mother’s life is at risk because that is self-defense.

Abortion is never needed, unless you believe there should be no consequences for our actions.

Where we go different routes is where you draw your own personal line of born as off limits. You are obviously passionate about murder after birth as wrong, as you should be. Now understand, scientifically speaking, that line should be drawn at conception. Other people feel conception is your equivalent of birth, so shouldn’t they be equally outraged at what they see as murder, backed up by science?

r*pe seldom has to do with sex...it is about power.

I think I can answer your sex question for God...please don’t see this as me speaking for God or as God. If we would have done sex as he designed it, the problems we get ourselves into because of sex would never happen.

BTW...”Jane Roe”, Norma McCorvey, is pro-life and was a political pawn.
Im all for abortion if the female is raped or the doctors conclude that the child will have severe deformities or a life altering disease. No one can really claim,,, not many anyway, that they would never consider an abortion. Unless you have been in that situation and said no... have the baby... then nobody should talk. The situation is sad because kids are gonna screw. We're a sexual species. You, me and every other person on here was trying to get laid throughout high school. So if a 16 or 17 year old girl gets pregnant the 17 or 18 year old guy guy is off and running in more cases than not. Abortion sucks,, we all understand that, but in reality abortion is needed. However, I don't support it but I can't fault anybody for choosing it... everyone has there reasons, and I'm nobody's judge. However, killing after the baby has been born is obviously murder. Why some can't comprehend that is beyond me,,, and frankly... quite concerning. The way some liberals having been acting,, throwing abortion parties,,, boycotting areas that have unfavorable abortion laws.,, etc etc... is also concerning. We as a people have falling away from human value, and thats sad, but respect others for a choice made. Nobody is in their shoes. It's crazy,, if God never put feeling in sex we would have no rapes, no unwanted pregnancies,,, possibly no wars and certainly no infidelity. Sex ruins more lives but nobody would do without it. It's a chance worth taking. So many questions I have for God if allowed to ever ask.

If freedom is the goal for every individual in the country, then Roe v. Wade was not properly adjudicated. Considering both sides of this issue, the court had every right and obligation to protect the freedom and right of the individual instead of allowing the fight to be decided on a one side vs the other as it did because in doing so, neither side was going to be happy.

Roe v. Wade should have been ruled, as it was, an individual's choice with no interference from the government and no efforts made by the same to restrict access to the procedure. Now there might be objections based upon one's religious perspective, but honestly, someone's right to impose their religious beliefs upon someone else is covered by commonly accepted practice as outlined in the first amendment. Other objections based on law against murder/killing won't cut it either as the law refers to an individual human being and defined here...

1 U.S. Code: § 8 “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and ...

Let me cut to the chase, UNLESS you are the perspective mother or father, it's NOT your business anymore than it is to say who can or cannot utilize our roads or highways. We all pay for those too! Socialism huh?


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We the USA should have been investigating how the Russians, Chinese, and other country is trying to influence our elections. While at the same time I hope we are doing the same to other countries. It is clear that the left, politicians, media and people in the USA was more interested in trying to remove Trump from office or keep him from winning in two years.

I absolutely agree, unfortunately, those investigation never materialized until after the 2018 mid term elections. I believe that a part of that investigation is called a "witch hunt." :D


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Actually, it pretty much exonerates him of collusion.

It says it can’t exonerate him him of obstruction, but riddle me this: can you really obstruct an investigation that has proven to be a witch hunt? Also, did he actually obstruct the investigation? He fired Comey, but Mueller continued. The investigation never stopped, but it did change hands. Seriously, if 40 Clinton lawyers can’t find enough evidence to bring charges, do you still believe he is guilty?

I've said it all along, collusion is not a crime (check the search engines). Trump put that nonsense into the atmosphere and the cult ate it up and followed suit. #JimJonesisn'tdead.

Now let me answer your riddle. Investigating how and why there was interference in our elections is necessary.The additional question of whether or not they got help from U.S citizens is also necessary. My advise to all concerned is to not spike the football on the kickoff of this investigation. I suspect that most people are taking a wait and see approach to all of this.


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Huh? Are you even talking about the same Report? Because the Mueller Report does a lot more than you mention. It completely exonerates the President from any collusion charges and finds no evidence of a crime of obstruction.

You really need to face reality. This was a witch hunt.

Would you do me a favor and post the Mueller report? I can't find it anywhere for some reason. Thanks!


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The Special Counsel's investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.

The above paragraph is the biggest tell of this investigation, in particular the part of disinformation to sow social discord. What was the Russian’s proxy in these operations. It was the US main stream media. TBH, the press and liberals who pushed this narrative should be investigated for conspiracy as they were trying to take down a sitting POTUS through lies.

Nope, nice try but it was the internet not Fox, NBC ABC or CBS. Primarily Facebook and Twitter. Your second and third lines show this.


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What does this kind of thing do for the multicultural mantra that all cultures are equal and no culture is better or worse than any other?

It supports it clearly, by demonstrating what happens when there is unequal treatment or should we start pointing out the BS in other cultures?


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Wait, you mean Obama’s former terrorism czar, close advisor and personal pick to lead the CIA might have played a huge role in igniting the unsuccessful bureaucratic coup against Trump?

This should surprise no one.

Actually it was John McCain and his BFF Linsey Graham who turned it over for investigation. There was no attempted coup. Classic Trump derangement at work. The cult lives!


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seriously, what trolling?

disagreeing does not equal trolling and i have even said there are stuff you post that i agree with and let you know

i think the media is a joke and needs a major reform too... i think that reform is happening as we speak

Someone bought FOX? :D


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more intelligent consumers... a credit to Trump actually.

Maybe, maybe not but one sure sign that there might be some willing to become more intelligent consumers would be a bunch of them ridding themselves of those damned red maga hats!:pound:
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