warPAINt nation
Its not the same. Hitler is a different animal then Robert. E. Lee. There is no comparison to the 11 million (approx) jews that were slaughtered during the Holocaust then to slavery. Both are terrible and inhumane but they're just not the same in brutality. Now had Lee personally oversaw a tortuous butchering of every slave and had the mindset of the ruthless dictator than of course burn every image of the man. However, he was just a product of the time. Obviously will disagree and that's fine. I respect your position on the subject. I see history, however brutal, as 'our history' and nothing more. As I stated,,, it's history,,, it happened... why run from it.Tell you what boss. Next time you meet a Jewish person, ask them how they would feel walking into the court building with a statue of Hitler in front of it and get back to me. or how they feel seeing people sporting a swastika flag. Sorry if I dont think we should be memorializing confederate generals any more.