ESPN Cast Off
May be true. Then how do you explain Obama's position on the same issue? His policies are almost identical to Trump's (and the Bushes, Clinton, etc.). I speak for myself primarily, but I am also aware of many like me. And race has zero to do with it for me. I'd suggest you stop grouping all of us that look alike together as to our motivations to keep our borders secure.Look guys, you both pretend that race has NOTHING to do with it. Even when shown that our immigration laws, especially when talking about the southern border were built specifically to prevent a particular race from coming into the country. You act as if senior advisors who have shown that its about race, mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. And elected officials pushing white supremacy agendas, well that should just be ignored.
I take both of you guys at your word when you say, its not about race for you. But I also realize that the fear Trump pushes, and our immigration system at large was designed to keep America as a certain racial majority, and if nothing else keep a certain racial group in control as much as humanly possible.