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yeah denial isnt a river in egyptOh yes. Now I see it. Right between the mountain of evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and the mountain of evidence that moon landing was fake. There is is!
yeah denial isnt a river in egyptOh yes. Now I see it. Right between the mountain of evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and the mountain of evidence that moon landing was fake. There is is!
yeah denial isnt a river in egypt
i put the shit out there directly from the source . you all put out nothingApparently its the official religion of Trump Supporters though.![]()
its the "outta context defense " when its convenientTo hell with a hot mic, thats usually accidental. My question is has and will always be.. when the statement was said on a live mic, broadcast on TV and repeated numerous times... but has to be put into "context"
Where the hell is the outrage from the right??
its the "outta context defense " when its convenient
so who lied under oath that wasnt trapped into it ? i know how the FBI has been operating and their corrupt techniques . i also see how one man is investigated for collusion and corruption but the other side seems to sidestep it despite ample cause that they committed crimesI guess, but I dont really see people needing to context much of what the supposed radical left has to say. I dont see the exclusion of, well it only matters if (insert individual #1) lied under oath.
so who lied under oath that wasnt trapped into it ? i know how the FBI has been operating and their corrupt techniques . i also see how one man is investigated for collusion and corruption but the other side seems to sidestep it despite ample cause that they committed crimes
Well didn’t you forgive the person / persons who had the (d) and yet you cast stones at meMy issue isnt with punishing someone because they lied under oath. Its with the fact that you are willing to forgive a person who lies but wasnt under oath as long as they have an R on their political card, but will damn someone for lying not under oath if they have a D on their political card.
Well didn’t you forgive the person / persons who had the (d) and yet you cast stones at me
i put the shit out there directly from the source . you all put out nothing
What does this have to do with the statement I answered ? Point is the only one you call out is trump while neglecting the others . Your pisstivity doesn’t seem to be directed at them at all . You probably have about 1000 call outs on trump about this but yet almost nothing on Obama or HRC . I do get crap about flipping the script back to them only to show that there was silence when your boys and girls do it . Instead of facing it and addressing it some of your fellow haters dodge the question . The fact is until you and the rest understand the true reason trump was elected and stop listening to the MSM version of it you won’t ever change hearts and mindsWhen have I ever forgiven or "contexted" anything Obama or Hillary have said??
You got me mixed up with your other flaming liberal.
show me thenThis is a lie
What does this have to do with the statement I answered ? Point is the only one you call out is trump while neglecting the others . Your pisstivity doesn’t seem to be directed at them at all . You probably have about 1000 call outs on trump about this but yet almost nothing on Obama or HRC . I do get crap about flipping the script back to them only to show that there was silence when your boys and girls do it . Instead of facing it and addressing it some of your fellow haters dodge the question . The fact is until you and the rest understand the true reason trump was elected and stop listening to the MSM version of it you won’t ever change hearts and minds
To hell with a hot mic, thats usually accidental. My question is has and will always be.. when the statement was said on a live mic, broadcast on TV and repeated numerous times... but has to be put into "context"
Where the hell is the outrage from the right??
Obama did length to divide the country and much of it was pandering to racists. And who exactly wants to see "you and yours" as second class citizens?Fact.. Obama is no longer President, and HIllary has never been President.
Fact.. I voted for Trump because I didnt trust HIllary and I hoped Trump would grown into a President and not a pseudo dictator.
Fact.. Trump IS the President and Im not holding him to a standard I wouldnt have held the others too as well.
Fact... I never felt Obama was trying to divide the country, pandering to racists, intentionally driving up debt and the deficit to prove how tuff he was.
Fact... Neither of those damned democrats reached back and took talking points from folks that would rather see me and mine as second class or worse.
I was always told that the President as the leader of ALL Americans. NOt just those that kiss his ass and agree with him. Trump doesnt want cooperation, he want capitulation. And sorry dude, Im not wired like that.
What does this have to do with the statement I answered ? Point is the only one you call out is trump while neglecting the others . Your pisstivity doesn’t seem to be directed at them at all . You probably have about 1000 call outs on trump about this but yet almost nothing on Obama or HRC . I do get crap about flipping the script back to them only to show that there was silence when your boys and girls do it . Instead of facing it and addressing it some of your fellow haters dodge the question . The fact is until you and the rest understand the true reason trump was elected and stop listening to the MSM version of it you won’t ever change hearts and minds
Obama did length to divide the country and much of it was pandering to racists. And who exactly wants to see "you and yours" as second class citizens?
Obama did length to divide the country and much of it was pandering to racists. And who exactly wants to see "you and yours" as second class citizens?
Great socialist talking points memo lacking any real study at allReasons Dumbass Drumpf got elected:
1) James Comey's incredibly biased political maneuvering right before the election
2) The inability for many Americans to vote for ANY WOMAN as President, especially immediately following a black man.
3) HRC's absolutely awful political campaign strategy - completely ignoring battleground states
4) Dumbdumb fear mongering - appealing to the basest emotions among us.
5) Deft yet idiotic political maneuvering by the right - "Fake News," which is not in and of itself real.
6) HRC's lack of ability to connect with her audience.
7) General Clinton fatigue
Did I miss anything?
The guy that organized Charlottesville was an Obama supporter and occupy Wall Street guy . The litany of black face stuff are from Democrats . Democratic state senator from Maryland talking about N counties . Obama a known associate of Louis Farrakhan and rev Wright , 2. Known anti semites . Do I need to go on ? Do we need to talk about al sharpton or Jesse ? And let’s talk about numbers . There is at most 50000 white nationalist / racist. Members . Hardly a voting block worth giving a damn about . Ronald Reagan once said that David Duke may have embraced his philosophy but that doesn’t mean reagon embraced his . I didn’t even mention AOC ,Omar , tailida or Ellison for their racist views either ( anti Semite )I would say just about every white nationalist in this country, and most if not all voted for and support Trump.