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Fact.. we did not bother with Hitler as a country or as the world community until after he went all kill all Jews world wide and take over the world. So you will forgive me if I dont think following in those particular footsteps is a prudent move.

That's not what got America involved in the war.

First of all, America was involved much earlier, in their support of Britian. And it was the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor that got America involved in WW2. Once they made the commitment to fight the Japanese, there was no reason not to also fight the Nazis.

It was not until AFTER we had the Germans on the run that we started to discover what they were doing and what they had planned.

There were Germans, lots of them, who didn't even know what the Nazis were doing. So if you believe that the American Government knew, and that's why they joined the fight, you need to reeducate yourself on at least that part of history.


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That's not what got America involved in the war.

First of all, America was involved much earlier, in their support of Britian. And it was the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor that got America involved in WW2. Once they made the commitment to fight the Japanese, there was no reason not to also fight the Nazis.

It was not until AFTER we had the Germans on the run that we started to discover what they were doing and what they had planned.

There were Germans, lots of them, who didn't even know what the Nazis were doing. So if you believe that the American Government knew, and that's why they joined the fight, you need to reeducate yourself on at least that part of history.

Americans knew of and protested the treatment of Jews under the Nazi as early as 1933. Yes Pearl Harbor was the event that dragged America officially into WW2. BUt to say Americans knew nothing of the treatment of Jews prior to the war is simply not true. As a government, aside from some aid to Great Britain, they chose to not officially be involved in the conflict against the Germans, and I wonder if Pearl Harbor had not been bombed if we would have officially gotten involved at all.

1933: How Did Americans React? — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

In the spring of 1933, next to articles on Roosevelt's first hundred days, the New Deal legislation, and the repeal of prohibition, Americans could read front-page stories about Jews being kicked out of their jobs and beaten on the streets in Germany. Dozens of American newspapers had correspondents based in Germany who sent back vivid descriptions of what they were witnessing under the new Nazi leadership.

Americans read these articles, and despite all of their own problems, many grew concerned. Thousands of Americans attended anti-Nazi marches and rallies throughout the United States, protesting early persecutions, the boycott of Jewish stores, and Nazi book burnings. An American movement to boycott German-made goods and the stores that sold them began and lasted for nearly a decade, mainly in large cities on the east coast. And between March and May 1933, tens of thousands of people—from 29 states and Washington, DC—signed petitions calling on the new Roosevelt administration to protest Nazi persecution of the Jews


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OK, my long awaited return lol

Unlike some on here claim, Trump has been accused of racism for YEARS.

In the 70s he was sued for racial discrimination by the DOJ

1973 | Meet Donald Trump

In the 80s he pushed for the death penalty for 4 black men and a hispanic man who turned out to be wrongly accused and convicted. In 2016 when Trump was running for president years after the conviction was overturned he STILL claimed they were guilty.

In the 90s he was quoted in a book as saying that he hates that he has black accountants and that "laziness is a trait in blacks".

When asked about the book years later he said it was probably true. Years after THAT he denied ever saying it.

In the 2000s trump was heavily involved in pushing the birther movement which argued obama was not actually born in the US. He continued this conspiracy theory for years in spite of the evidence to the contrary (a theme with trump) and it took until 2016 for him to finally admit that obama was born in the us - though i dont know that he believes it).

Trump has retweeted the twitter account @whitegenocideTM twice. He has also retweeted images showing blatantly incorrect statistics about black on white violence and has retweeted at least 75 tweets from users associated with the #whitegenocide movement.

While running for president trump claimed a judges couldnt be trusted to hear his case because he was of mexican heritage and claimed that we should ban all muslims from entering the us

When asked by a black reporter if he would meet with the congressional black caucus he responded asking if the reporter would setup the meeting. She clarified that she was a reporter, and he then asked her if they were friends of hers.

As president he pardoned joe arpaio who as sheriff, used "extreme racial profiling and sadistic punishments that involved the torture, humiliation, and degradation of Latino inmates"

After the charlottesville rally he made several questionable comments that appear to defend the white supremacists and earned him praise from the KKKs david duke.

Trump also backed an ad that was later pulled by even fox news during the 2018 midterms that suggested an undocumented immigrant who killed several policeman was representative of the migrants currently immigrating.

I think thats a pretty damning list. Sorry but...you dont constantly do and say all those things if you arent racist. The best argument for him not being racist is that hes simply really freaking stupid and ignorant which...thats not great for the president either...

And I left things out for crying out loud. There are MORE things that could be on here.

Despite this trump claims he is "the least racist person".

This is all you got? lol I was thinking you had something actually concrete? But all you have is a bunch of reaches made by people desperately trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Do some of the things you listed raise suspicions? Sure. I can grant that, but suspicion alone should never be enough to convict someone of anything.

It's pretty obvious what is going on here. Leftists arguments are weak as hell, and so they desperately need to try to use character assassination as a weapon to silence those who disagree with them.

So, according to Leftists, it's totally off limits to quote say, a former Nazi or white supremacist or racist or sexist or homophobe or transphobe or xenophobe, etc., in any way shape or form, whether the individual quote is true or right or not.
If Hitler said, "The sun is bright and the moon orbits the earth", it's not allowed for someone on the right to quote that without the person quoting Hitler being labeled a Nazi by the Left.

But Leftists are allowed to quote anyone they want without being tainted by the person's negative whatever. Why? Because the Left seems to think that they are Good and Righteous and better than everyone else, so their intentions must always be accepted as being good. And they NEED to portray those on the right as being evil, so anything they say or do has to be seen as being evil and of ill intent.

So it's a double standard, it's an unfair playing field, set up as unfair because Leftists arguments are so weak and unsubstantial and lacking in facts, that they need the rules to be unfair and tilted heavily in their favor. Otherwise they would never win the majority of elections here in America, EVER!!!

The desire to flood the country with illegal aliens is another way that they are trying to cheat and tilt the scales in their favor.


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Americans knew of and protested the treatment of Jews under the Nazi as early as 1933. Yes Pearl Harbor was the event that dragged America officially into WW2. BUt to say Americans knew nothing of the treatment of Jews prior to the war is simply not true. As a government, aside from some aid to Great Britain, they chose to not officially be involved in the conflict against the Germans, and I wonder if Pearl Harbor had not been bombed if we would have officially gotten involved at all.

1933: How Did Americans React? — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

In the spring of 1933, next to articles on Roosevelt's first hundred days, the New Deal legislation, and the repeal of prohibition, Americans could read front-page stories about Jews being kicked out of their jobs and beaten on the streets in Germany. Dozens of American newspapers had correspondents based in Germany who sent back vivid descriptions of what they were witnessing under the new Nazi leadership.

Americans read these articles, and despite all of their own problems, many grew concerned. Thousands of Americans attended anti-Nazi marches and rallies throughout the United States, protesting early persecutions, the boycott of Jewish stores, and Nazi book burnings. An American movement to boycott German-made goods and the stores that sold them began and lasted for nearly a decade, mainly in large cities on the east coast. And between March and May 1933, tens of thousands of people—from 29 states and Washington, DC—signed petitions calling on the new Roosevelt administration to protest Nazi persecution of the Jews

But that is not what you said. Is it? Go back and read your comments.

You did not say "mistreatment of Jews", you said the "killing of all Jews". Big difference.

And there was a lot of Anti-Jewish sentiment in America, too. You know who Henry Ford was, right?

He was hated or disrespected by intellectuals(many, if not most up in the Northeast, same as your protesters you mentioned, a lot who were Jews basically) but beloved by many, if not most, of the regular joes and common folk throughout the country(the non-Jews).

A lot of people had problems with Jews back then. My guess is you have no clue why.


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But that is not what you said. Is it? Go back and read your comments.

You did not say "mistreatment of Jews", you said the "killing of all Jews". Big difference.

And there was a lot of Anti-Jewish sentiment in America, too. You know who Henry Ford was, right?

He was hated or disrespected by intellectuals(many, if not most up in the Northeast, same as your protesters you mentioned, a lot who were Jews basically) but beloved by many, if not most, of the regular joes and common folk throughout the country(the non-Jews).

A lot of people had problems with Jews back then. My guess is you have no clue why.

Many people during that time also had issues with Italians, Polish and other eastern europeans coming to America. I wonder what the common denominator was for those against others might have been??


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Why do you care what Q says? Do you believe that to be anything more than an insane conspiracy theorist?

You think it's just "an insane conspiracy theorist"??? lol Figures you would come to that conclusion.

Q may not be real, or right, but there is nothing "insane" about it.

As for it being a "conspiracy"? Of course it's a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy to take out the evil forces trying to betray the United States of America. And I do not know if Q is real, but I sure in the heck hope Q is real!!!


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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They don't take the answer to a family separation question as the answer to a border wall. That's not how that works.

The polls for Hillary were actually reasonably close. I don't think that's a good reason to throw out polling data.
Sigh, I can't cite it as I'm on my iPad and drinking but I saw the questions asked in a border security poll questionarre and the questions were intentionally leading, but it was still used as an example to show "most Americans don't want a wall", when really, that's a broad and inaccurate conclusion based off a skewed poll.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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This is all you got? lol I was thinking you had something actually concrete? But all you have is a bunch of reaches made by people desperately trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Do some of the things you listed raise suspicions? Sure. I can grant that, but suspicion alone should never be enough to convict someone of anything.

It's pretty obvious what is going on here. Leftists arguments are weak as hell, and so they desperately need to try to use character assassination as a weapon to silence those who disagree with them.

So, according to Leftists, it's totally off limits to quote say, a former Nazi or white supremacist or racist or sexist or homophobe or transphobe or xenophobe, etc., in any way shape or form, whether the individual quote is true or right or not.
If Hitler said, "The sun is bright and the moon orbits the earth", it's not allowed for someone on the right to quote that without the person quoting Hitler being labeled a Nazi by the Left.

But Leftists are allowed to quote anyone they want without being tainted by the person's negative whatever. Why? Because the Left seems to think that they are Good and Righteous and better than everyone else, so their intentions must always be accepted as being good. And they NEED to portray those on the right as being evil, so anything they say or do has to be seen as being evil and of ill intent.

So it's a double standard, it's an unfair playing field, set up as unfair because Leftists arguments are so weak and unsubstantial and lacking in facts, that they need the rules to be unfair and tilted heavily in their favor. Otherwise they would never win the majority of elections here in America, EVER!!!

The desire to flood the country with illegal aliens is another way that they are trying to cheat and tilt the scales in their favor.

see this is the deal with ebb and others and we just had a discussion about this

if you put up evidence or say use a breitbart , or fox news , or blaze , or rush limbaugh or hannity you are using the new term " far right site " which is supposed to mean your argument is bogus . that your facts just cant be right

i can tell most of the time they dont even read it because if they did they wouldnt make the comments they do . i only post from those sites only when they go directly to a real source. historical for elections , govt data , transcripts from testimony , or straight up video evidence

i dont post a theory of seam hannity's because he is a mouth piece for the president and you have to take things with a grain of salt . i dont put up rush limbaugh opinions because they are always conservative and hence slated to them

but here is the catch they want to bash your sources claiming far right bias , but when you question their progressive left leaning MSM sources , well you just cant do that .

earlier i had a discussion about a video from twitter i posted . he wanted to know the sources because it showed violence on the Guatemala border with mexico . i said it was from MSNBC ( which they in fact ran but he doesnt believe it ) . he said the twitter source i posted it from was from a far right website .

now lets assume his point is in fact correct and his assumption is i am lying about MSNBC (which i am not ) is true

so he asks me to prove my twitter video . i griped to him about it because of his past , but in the end i played his reindeer game and pulled up 2 videos from google that showed the violence

now instead of saying , hey there was violence there and it just isnt from this far right twitter site , well the debate turns to the the trump post you are responding to. the whole purpose of his reindeer game was to imply that a far right website put up a false video about what happened on the video and hence it wasnt true that they were all peace full singing amazing grace

no conclusion to the previous debate

i put my responses to his Trump racist claim and he comes back with nothing different just some crap about did i read his BS claims . he quotes a book but doesnt give the book ???? yet i have to run down a twitter video ?

so my final comment goes , well we agree to disagree . but lo and behold that isnt enough for him he dismisses my points , some of which are facts , but i a have to accept those accusations as being FACT and is disturbed that i decided to table the conversation


Jul 14, 2013
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You think it's just "an insane conspiracy theorist"??? lol Figures you would come to that conclusion.

Q may not be real, or right, but there is nothing "insane" about it.

As for it being a "conspiracy"? Of course it's a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy to take out the evil forces trying to betray the United States of America. And I do not know if Q is real, but I sure in the heck hope Q is real!!!

Yeah uhhh good luck with that


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Blacks are 12% of the population and by controlling 90% of the black vote the democrats control 10% of the total voting block . for people who question the numbers they come from the census bureau and the past voting data in 2016 (govt numbers )

democrats control 95% of all native american vote . another 1% of the voting public

asian americans are 5% of the population and DeMs get about 60% of that vote

hispanics are 13 % of the population and have 10% of the total vote leaving dems in control of a total of 26% of the combined vote

here is the kicker and the main reason for the democratic switch on border security

hispanics are the largest minority in the US as well as the youngest and fastest growing . some demographers project the population to grow to 25 % of the population . this would add 10% more to the total so getting to 51% just got easier

add to it professors , journalists feminist ( single mothers and unmarried mothers ) and the LGBT community and this is the coalition democrats are putting together to get to the ultimate goal of socialism

some who support illegal immigration and no real border security blame wanting walls and such on racism because of their collective total misunderstanding of our motivations

some want socialism . some are blindly going along with it

some have been challenged by me to sit down and watch the MSM and chart positive and negative stories on our president . none has taken up the challenge

some have been challenged by me to read rules for radicals by saul alynski . none have took up that challenge either

i blame it on willful ignorance because what they would find would shock them . and once they knew which of their leaders they support , supported his writings and that of the weather underground they would have their eyes opened

HRC a few years ago suggested " who would do menial jobs like cleaning hotels , and pick crops as illegals routinely do .
leave the racist condescension aside ( she is a lib and therefor can make racist statements ) that view closely mirrors pro slavery democrats like james henry hammond who defended slavery on the grounds that there was" dirty degrading work to do and we need a degraded dirty class to do it"

ever hear of the phrase " they do work americans wont do" . you know work beneath americans of ANY race

in reality a dirty little secret most of you dont know is america had a guest worker program from 1942 till 1964

want to know who killed it ? LBJ and his democratic congress that is who . . now why do that if you are telling me we need to help people south of the border ? they were legal here . so why force the illegal issue on us ? . this issue was solved before and it worked .

so see i dont buy the humanitarian , racism debate being run by democrats and progressives . i believe its all about voting blocks and power and the goal of forced socialism

the uniformed will cry "conspiracy theory " . the facilitators will encourage it , and the ones who cant open their eyes will look the other way and chase ghosts around


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Sigh, I can't cite it as I'm on my iPad and drinking but I saw the questions asked in a border security poll questionarre and the questions were intentionally leading, but it was still used as an example to show "most Americans don't want a wall", when really, that's a broad and inaccurate conclusion based off a skewed poll.

I mean that would be true when it applies. Which doesn't seem to be in anything anybody here has referred to.

If your argument is I hate poorly done polls and this one is poorly done and here's why (insert evidence here)... I'm down to listen.

If your argument is polls aren't perfect and I once saw a BS poll so I'm gonna ignore all polls... That's foolish.


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That didn’t answer my question. What made it inhumane? These prisoners were fed, given water, and a roof. People all over the world live in worse conditions.
I don’t think ebb served . I don’t think he has lived outside the US much either


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60-foot tunnel found in Texas running under where border wall would go

this is a tunnel that STY was talking about , (a tunnel not the tunnel ) . its at the place Trump proposes the wall

January 31, 2019 at 7:45 PM CST - Updated January 31 at 11:19 PM

HIDALGO, TX (KRGV/CNN) – Border Patrol agents discovered a 60-foot-long tunnel still in progress this week at the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas.

It’s located in Hidalgo, along roughly the same stretch of the border that President Donald Trump personally visited earlier in January.

It would run under where Trump has proposed a wall go.

Border Patrol contacted Othal Brand, the president of the Hidalgo County Water Improvement District 3, for help. The tunnel is located about 1,500 feet downriver from his pump station, on U.S. Fish and Wildlife property.

"You've seen them on the news in Arizona and New Mexico and stuff like that, but I’ve never seen one in the (Rio Grande) Valley,” said Brand. “That's the first one I’ve seen in our backyard.”

He said he’s used his equipment to help federal authorities before.

We have equipment that they don’t have, and we’ve helped them in the past,” he said. “And they thought we might have something that we could just collapse it with.”

But, Brand said, this job isn’t that easy.

“This one’s different. It’s got 4-by-4 and plywood, on both sides and top; 4-by-4s about two, three feet apart all the way in,” he said. “I mean, it’s pretty stout.”

The construction of the tunnel isn’t the only problem. It’s located at the bottom of a 30-foot embankment, making it almost impossible for Brand to get equipment down there.

“It’s hard for me to put a piece of equipment on the edge of a 30-foot sand cliff, and reach down and try to collapse something, without putting my own piece of equipment and my operator at risk,” he said.

Brand said he, Border Patrol and U.S. Fish and Wildlife will work together to try and find a way to get rid of this shortcut to the Rio Grande Valley.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Now ebb sanctimoniously brought up a supposed racist add by Trump suggesting illegals are killers

Haven’t heard too much feedback about this add from pro northam Democrats about this add run against his republican opponent


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When a racist allegation is made against a Republican, or MAGA hat wearing kids, or unknown supposed MAGA Polar Vortex Chicago assailants, CNN's hosts and panelists express anger and outrage. Now that the allegation is against a Democrat Governor, they're in sadness and mourning.


The Scorpio
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I mean that would be true when it applies. Which doesn't seem to be in anything anybody here has referred to.

If your argument is I hate poorly done polls and this one is poorly done and here's why (insert evidence here)... I'm down to listen.

If your argument is polls aren't perfect and I once saw a BS poll so I'm gonna ignore all polls... That's foolish.
Once saw? I'm contending most polls are bullshit. Because polls are less about every predictors, or even outliers, and more about trying to influence and push an agenda.


Jul 14, 2013
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That didn’t answer my question. What made it inhumane? These prisoners were fed, given water, and a roof. People all over the world live in worse conditions.

I think what's listed there is inhumane regardless of whether humans somewhere in the world live in worse conditions. If you wanna defend him go for it but I think it's pretty clear he did what he could to make a specific group of peoples lives hell. And for that Trump pardoned him.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Once saw? I'm contending most polls are bullshit. Because polls are less about every predictors, or even outliers, and more about trying to influence and push an agenda.

Right but... Why?

I'm assuming to claim most polls are bullshit you have some evidence of that.
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