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OT: Zimmerman Not Guilty


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I believe you're the one who is confused. You said "started a confrontation." Perhaps you're a little hazy on the meaning of the word.

From Merriam-Webster's definition for confrontation: a : a face-to-face meeting

Zimmerman indisputably "started the confrontation." It's not clear who made it physical.

:lol:Keeping an eye one someone isn't starting a confrontation, genius. Maybe you need to do a little more research. No word in the dictionary is gonna help you prove intent or motivation. No word will define who started this debacle.


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Aug 4, 2011
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That is absurd. But I absolutely love your analogy of how you would kick my ass! Exactly why I'd give you the gun first. It wouldn't be hard to claim self defense when the police got there if you were laying dead but connected to me by your foot up my ass.

How is it absurd? If guns turn men into equals, then that means the guy with a gun is a pussy and needs a gun to be "equal." But if both men have a gun, then they would be equal because each can end the other with the pull of a trigger. You can be short, fat, tall, ugly, girl or boy.

And I used the analogy, because you basically said you would shoot me had I confronted you (confronted doesn't mean there will be a fight) about following me. Well, knowing this from what you say, bluff or no, you would get your ass kicked. So yeah, you better shoot me first.

The funny thing is, you support owning guns, yet you are the exact reason people are trying to have more gun control. You start something, then resort to shooting right away. That is bitchmade. You are not a man. Guns are not made for people like you, who see getting punched in the face as a reason to kill.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Polar opposite cases. There wasn't even enough evidence to arrest GZ, let alone charge him.

He admitted that he followed, shot, and killed another person. How much more evidence do you need to arrest someone? I don't give a shit what the law says about self-defense, until the evidence has been sorted out at least a bit, ANYONE who killed someone under those circumstances should be in custody. And should be charged with at least manslaughter. The murder charges may have been overzealous. The people who say this case didn't deserve a trial to resolve the manslaughter issue are living on another planet.


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Mar 13, 2012
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"That bottle" as you so derisively put it, is the only thing that allowed me to read a lot of these posts.

Ha ha ha! That cracked me up. I now what you mean.


Chief Imagination Officer
Aug 4, 2011
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We don't know Martin was actually looking into windows. Police records show that Zimmerman called police 46 times in the last few years to report suspicious behavior. And he used the terms "suspicious black people" on many occasions, and on the actual call about Martin. That seems a little over the top to me. Like a hypochondriac (with crime instead of sickness) You have that, with the fact that he was growing more and more frustrated with a couple of recent break ins, and when he tells the police that he is tired of these "fucking punks," and "assholes always getting away with it" and ...that is motive. Maybe not for murder, but for confrontation, you bet. Now if we are going off of Zimmermans word that Martin was looking into windows, then we have to believe Martins friend on the phone as well, who said that the last thing she heard was Martin asking "what are you following me for" and his phone went dead. There could be any number of reactions here that we will never know. But that is because we will never know the other side of the story. But what all of the things I have put down tells me, is that this guy had a chip on his shoulder and was ready to take the law into his own hands. Why else would he have a gun?

(sorry, this got quick at the end because my daughter is waking up and I have to go)

A lot of people are painting TM as someone who's just minding his own business and walking through a neighborhood at night and he gets stalked. Look at this through Zimmerman's perspective. He was driving through his neighborhood and sees some shady guy in a hoody scoping out houses and acting erratic like he was on drugs. He wants to keep tabs on this guy because he fits the profile of someone who would rob a house. Look in to the history of Zimmerman - he's not remotely racist. He's profiling someone fitting the description of a robber. That is your punk.

Keeping tabs one someone like that can be labeled as stalking, but it's a loaded word that gets twisted around for what he was doing. He's keeping his eyes on a suspicious person. And he's continuing to trail the guy after calling 911 because he anticipates this guy is about to flee. The cops probably won't be able to track him down once he takes off. That is why he's still following him.

For the motive for confrontation he seemed to have a motive to talk to the guy based on getting out of the car. But it's really hard to claim he had a motive for a physical confrontation at that point with this guy. Remember, he was just on the phone with the cops who are on their way.Why would you call the cops right before getting out of a car to get in a fight? Does that make any sense? What makes sense is he got out of the car to talk to the guy and ask him what he was doing. Why does he not have the right to do that?


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Mar 13, 2012
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:lol:Keeping an eye one someone isn't starting a confrontation, genius. Maybe you need to do a little more research. No word in the dictionary is gonna help you prove intent or motivation. No word will define who started this debacle.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Crimson acts like such a child sometimes when confronted with his flawed logic that I did not feel like responding to him and escalating the situation like Martin did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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You clearly need to read up on the case. There is an eye whiteness and he supported GZ claims. The original chief of police was let go because of political pressure for an arrest and he told them there wasn't evidence to arrest GZ. Again you need to read up on this case

That's some Freudian shit if I've ever seen it.

There was a witness who said he saw Martin on top, seemingly throwing punches down. There were other witnesses who said Zimmerman was on top. There was no witness to how the altercation began.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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No there wasn't. Show me the evidence. I will wait.

Seriously? He followed an unarmed person who was not violating any law, confronted him, shot him, and killed him. You don't think that justifies even an arrest? How anyone can believe that an arrest isn't warranted in that case is beyond me.


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Mar 13, 2012
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How is it absurd? If guns turn men into equals, then that means the guy with a gun is a pussy and needs a gun to be "equal." But if both men have a gun, then they would be equal because each can end the other with the pull of a trigger. You can be short, fat, tall, ugly, girl or boy.

And I used the analogy, because you basically said you would shoot me had I confronted you (confronted doesn't mean there will be a fight) about following me. Well, knowing this from what you say, bluff or no, you would get your ass kicked. So yeah, you better shoot me first.

The funny thing is, you support owning guns, yet you are the exact reason people are trying to have more gun control. You start something, then resort to shooting right away. That is bitchmade. You are not a man. Guns are not made for people like you, who see getting punched in the face as a reason to kill.

Definitely. And I'd have no problem doing it since you were in the wrong wanting to start a physical confrontation with me. Guns are the great equalizer when bullies, which your opinions on this subject lead me to believe you are, get aggressive. I have a feeling you are a big guy; am I wrong?

BTW thanks for letting me know I "am not a man". That explains a lot of my confusion on the subject.


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Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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And you are completely wrong. Eric Holder refused to investigate the New black panthers for voter intimidation at the polls because he said the peoe there did t have it as bad as blacks in the 50,60,70s. Yea real good for relations... Ohh let's not forget Fast and furious either

What did that have to do with race relations?


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Sep 6, 2011
Behind Enemy Lines --Seattle
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He admitted that he followed, shot, and killed another person. How much more evidence do you need to arrest someone? I don't give a shit what the law says about self-defense, until the evidence has been sorted out at least a bit, ANYONE who killed someone under those circumstances should be in custody. And should be charged with at least manslaughter. The murder charges may have been overzealous. The people who say this case didn't deserve a trial to resolve the manslaughter issue are living on another planet.

And it's an all white planet in "fear of a black planet" to quote public enemy.


annnnnnnd its gone
Jul 5, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Completely agree. If he didn't think there would be any altercations, why did he have a gun in the first place?

He had a concealed weapon that he carries all the time. I would agree with you if it was something he had on him that wasn't normal practice for him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think he thought Martin was a criminal. I think he was suspicious because he didn't recognize him and he was peering into other people's windows as he walked aimlessly around. That's what he believed at any rate. Martin may have been upset that he was being followed, and I can understand that. That doesn't make it okay to assault the would be follower, simply because you feel profiled.

Or maybe, you know, he was afraid that he was being followed at night by some sketchy guy. Maybe he tried to lose Zimmerman but couldn't, at which point he turned to confront Zimmerman. Crazy, I realize. Especially given that Zimmerman reported on the 911 call that Martin was running.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Well, if never owning slaves is the standard for not being racist, I'm assuming racism in the US has been abolished, much like slavery.

And how the hell has anything in this thread infringed, or hinted and infringing, on anyone's freedom of speech?

And I'm sorry, but "I didn't cause the problem" is one of the most bullshit things I've ever read. Particularly given the treatment so many Muslims receive in your wonderful country.

iMac I have nothing against Muslims. I am part Native American and I don't expect anything from white Americans for things that happened in the past. Why? Because it didn't happen to me. I don't want an advantage because of race. What I said wasn't bullshit, it's the truth. I didnt own slaves. I have never put a person down because of color, religion, sexuality, or anything else. But just because something in the past happened doesn't mean I can point out somebody yelling racism when none has been found because that person happens to be black. There are racist black people, white people, Latino people, even Canadian people. I am not ignorant enough to think other wise.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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What did that have to do with race relations?

Guns given to drug lords in Mexico illegally to amp up gun crime rates which made the border area even more dangerous, and making people along the border less tolerant of Hispanics coming across the border. After all those drug lords kidnap white Americans and hold them ransom with guns given to them by this administration, who is trying to take guns away from legal law abiding US citizens.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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I think they are both idiots. The only one that protected himself was Zimmerman because he called the police.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Guns given to drug lords in Mexico illegally to amp up gun crime rates which made the border area even more dangerous, and making people along the border less tolerant of Hispanics coming across the border. After all those drug lords kidnap white Americans and hold them ransom with guns given to them by this administration, who is trying to take guns away from legal law abiding US citizens.

I feel embarrassed that I'm having trouble recognizing sarcasm -- given my screen name -- but please tell me this conspiracy post is a joke. And the bill this year he supported would have expanded mandatory background checks to gun shows and online sales. That's hardly "taking away guns."


True story
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Seriously? He followed an unarmed person who was not violating any law, confronted him, shot him, and killed him. You don't think that justifies even an arrest? How anyone can believe that an arrest isn't warranted in that case is beyond me.

Crimson I respect the info on all things football. As I do with most posters on here. That's why I come here. But this statement is bullshit. Trayvon started the contact not Zimmerman. The girl who testified, Rachel I believe is her name, said on CNN last night that she told TM to run from the creepy ass cracker rapist, but TM said no I am going after him. He attacked GZ. GZ was NOT told by the cops to not follow, he was talking to a dispatcher. He has every right to follow somebody he thought was acting suspicious. You do realize there was a bunch of robberies in his neighborhood right? And that anyone has the right to perform a citizen arrest. All injuries on TM and GZ plus the eye witness fit the self defense story. The cops told GZ it was caught on tape and he said thank god. If he hunted him down to kill him because he was black, why would he say thank god? Why would he call 911 if he was hell bent on killing this kid no matter what?