Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
that transition scene from from Sam digging out the scabs and pus of Jorahs greyscale to the Pot pie scene was immense lol
So who runs Dorne now? Does Cersei hand it over to Euron? Are the people of Dorne totally against the Lannisters?
I waited six seasons for THAT!!?!?!?!?!
There is a lot of internet posturing along the lines of "it is too expensive to CGI scenes with direwolves". I am sticking with my original assertion (no, not the one about Holtby) that Nymeria will come into play again before all is said and done. There was zero point in that scene if Nymeria walks off into woods and we never hear from her again.
If the cost of filming is sooooo darned important, then they just wasted serious cash. Plus, they flew Maisie Williams to Calgary for the sole purpose of filming that one scene? Methinks not.
Season 7 is now 2 for 2 in having a weird Arya scene, with no apparent purpose. Episode 1 was the infamous Ed Sheeran scene, and Episode 2 was Nymeria. Why? What was the point of either? Is it just to show that Arya is not the stone cold, heartless assassin the Faceless Men trained? I have a hunch that both will become relevant soon. But I have no idea how or why.
So the giant, um, "won won" out?Ghost has been cut out for the most part as well. They said it's time consuming and expensive to have them in the show. Example, they said they wanted Ghost for the Battle of the Bastards but it was between him and Wun Wun, they went with the giant.
There is a lot of internet posturing along the lines of "it is too expensive to CGI scenes with direwolves". I am sticking with my original assertion (no, not the one about Holtby) that Nymeria will come into play again before all is said and done. There was zero point in that scene if Nymeria walks off into woods and we never hear from her again.
If the cost of filming is sooooo darned important, then they just wasted serious cash. Plus, they flew Maisie Williams to Calgary for the sole purpose of filming that one scene? Methinks not.
Season 7 is now 2 for 2 in having a weird Arya scene, with no apparent purpose. Episode 1 was the infamous Ed Sheeran scene, and Episode 2 was Nymeria. Why? What was the point of either? Is it just to show that Arya is not the stone cold, heartless assassin the Faceless Men trained? I have a hunch that both will become relevant soon. But I have no idea how or why.
My take was that the scene with Arya and Nymeria was as closure for the fans on the fate of Nymeria. Everyone knew that Nymeria was out there somewhere, and was wondering when she would show up again. I took the scene as cutting the loose ends...Nymeria and Arya met again, and Arya realized that the wolf is wild and no longer hers and has come to terms with that. And closure for the audience in showing the fate of the wolf that folks were waiting to come back into play. Just my 2 cents, and I'm probably wrong, but that's what I thought the scene was for.
I never bought into the Arya is really Jaqen theory, and it seems like this season really disprovies it IMO.
Why would Jaqen feel the need to continue Arya's Revenge Tour(TM)(shirts on sale in the lobby)?
Why would Nymeria leave Jaqen alone if she knew it wasn't Arya?
We saw Arya and Jaqen in the House of White and Black together after she killed the Waif.
Sure, the theory is possible, but I think there have been too many holes poked in that theory.
Speaking of the Septa, you think she's still locked in that room being Frankenstein Mountain's play thing or has she kicked the bucket by now?
Oh and is it just me or does it look Hot Pie has been eating very well at that inn since he was last seen? Even more so than usual.