
I haven't read the books or done any research into them... so as far as im concerned this isn't a spoiler, just speculation.
I don't think Tyrion died, His injury did look bad, but the way he "died" looked like he may have just passed out. Plus the Lannestors are sure to have the best medical treatment available for em. Especially with him being a hero of the battle they will do all they can to keep him alive.
I dunno, it looked like the blade pierced through the front of his skull. I hope he's okay! If not, at least he went out in heroic fashion.
I can't imagine Tyrion died from that wound, it was barely more than a scratch.
What happened to Stannis? Captured, or pulled away by his own men?
I love the Lannisters minus Joffrey, although I really enjoy hating him. They're easily the most interesting characters in the show. Maybe it's just me but last night's episode really strengthened my connection to the family. I mean, did anyone want Stannis to win the battle?
I just hate House Lannister that much. Tyrion is the only one I like. Cersei is a ****, even though I wanna bang her. Jamie is a POS. Joffrey is a bitch. Tywin is a cocky Stark-hater. The rest of the Lannisters are golden haired ladyboys.