Harbor Center
I had the surgery done because of a series of health problems that I was dealing with on a daily basis. I had a pertty serious overbite nad underbite. The surgeon said it was one of the most severe that he's seen in 35 years. My jaw was never at reast, So i always would have headaches, some days worse than others.
I only had 2 teeth that touched, so chewin food properly was a big challenge. I would swallow food in bigger pieces and take in a lot of air. That caused me to not get the proper nutrition from what I ate, and my stomache had to produce more acid to break down the food. THat would lead to a lot of problems with gas and things like that.
My teeth were also crooked and bending the wrong way to try and compensate. I had to have the braces on for about a year before they could do the surgery. ANd with a few other minor things that I know I am forgetting right now, that is why I had this surgery done.
Well if everything works out well the surgery will have been worth it. You may find you taste the food better when you can properly chew it.